SEN 971 - 31 Aug 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1359
SCAT Electronic News 31 August 2005 issue 971
Table of Contents
USA FAI FF Team Selection Committee and SEN Open letter - Parker
Lost Hills Stuff for $ale - Ramrod250
USFFC 2006 - Heinrich
Old FF film - The Alien
Altimeter - Emery
USFFC Flyer - Heinrich
Sokolov plans - leaper
USFFC - Leaper, Secor and Terzian
ROW Rez at the NATz - Stalick
USA FAI FF Team Selection Committee and SEN Open letter
Jim Parker,
Victor Stamov, a principle organizer of the 2006 European Championship wrote in the April
24, 2005, SEN Issue 945:
“2. We have an idea to make the European Championship open for non-European Nations.
It is possible by FAI Code, General Section: Continental Championship. Code
(see para 3.5.4) and, in case of vacancies, to participants from other invited non-eligible
NACs. I've got a principal agreement with Sandy PIMENOFF at last CIAM meeting.”
In reply to my recent inquiry to the participation of Non-European nation participation
in the 2006 Euro Champs, Victor answered:
“December, 3-4, 2005 at the Bureau CIAM FAI meeting will be made the final decision
of to be or not Euro Champ Open for non-European Nations.”
I am requesting that the Team Selection Committee (TSC) actively pursue sending a
USA team to the 2006 European Championships.
The USA has one of the largest numbers of world class FAI FF sports men but is
limited to the World Champs every two years. Past attempts to develop an equivalent
Americas Championship have failed. The USA participation in the European Champs would
strengthen the over all USA competitive position by providing additional international
experience to our flyers. Often, as is the case in this cycle, the European Champs
is used as a precursor to the following World Champs. This would provide real feedback
on the flying conditions, field, organization, travel, accommodation etc for
the 2007 USA WC team.
Use the placing of the 2006 Max Men contest to select the USA European Champs team.
No additional entry fee. The team would follow the current WC Team rules (ie the Blue Book).
TSC should pursue AMA financial support equivalent to the WC team. Assuming that AMA
will likely not provide monetary support, the TSC would insure that AMA provides the
NAC documentation support as was done for the recent F1E teams. That is the USA Euro
Champ team would be largely self-supported. The Euro Team could seek donation to defer
some of the cost. I believe the current FAI FF funds could easily pay for the entry
fee as a token of support from the USA FAI FF family ((9 flyers + 1 manager) x est.
$250 = $5000). The bulk of the cost, airline, car rental, and lodging will be the
responsibility of the flyers (est. $2000-$3000).
Potential Conflict:
The Euro Champs is scheduled for mid-July (actual date tbd). This could be a conflict
with the 2006-2007 USA Team Selection Finals that has not yet been set. Knowing
the rough timing of the Euro Champs, the TSC could insure at least one week of
separation. If the Finals is in Muncie, post Nats (last weeks of Aug) or Lost
Hills in Oct, there would be no conflict. If a conflict did occur, then it
would be each individual’s choice. The dates would be known early enough to
contact the alternates in order to fill the team.
The TSC needs to communicate their intention as to support or not to support this proposal.
Sufficient notice to use the 2006 Max Men is needed to afford those who are not currently
planning to attend the 2006 MaxMen but would be interested in competing for a USA Euro Champ
team spot.
Participant’s Support:
I urge all FAI FF participants to contact their TSC member and let them know
if this idea should be pursued. I believe this would be a great opportunity for
many of our great flyers that have not had the privilege to represent the USA on an
International Team. The European sportsmen consider the European Champs to be on par
with the World Champs.
Dist 1 Andrew Barron; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 2. Aram Schlosberg; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 3. Gil Morris; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 4. Bob Shifleet; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 5. Jim Bradley; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 6. Chuck Markos; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 7. Paul Crowley; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 8. Henery Spence; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 9. Jim O’Reilly; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 10. George Batiuk; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dist 11. Dan Tracy; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I pray for Jim Bradley and God’s speed in his healing. I assume that Paul Crowley is stepping
into the TSC Chairman position. I request that Paul appoint a sub-committee to investigate
and then hopefully develop the needed programs and obtain approvals to make a USA 2006 Euro
Champs a reality.
Thermals, Jim Parker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lost Hills Stuff for $ale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, for SEN please.
Lost Hills Stuff for $ale
After F1J is finished at Sierra Cup, my chase bike and storage space are
available. My stuff is in shed #3, space 14 (closest to the door on the
right). In there you'll find:
1) A 1972 vintage Honda Trail 90. A beater for looks, but runs fine.
owned by Wayne Drake and Bob Gutai.
2) An EZ-Up-type (Target-brand knockoff) shelter, only used once.
3) Tire inflator -- new
4) Battery charger -- new
5) Chair
and possibly some other odds and ends I've forgotten about. I'd like to do
this as a lot sale, and I will make you a righteous deal, so if you're
interested, E-mail me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In an ideal world, we could
complete this transaction in time for the buyer to take posession that
weekend --
maybe even in time for F1A-B-C on Saturday.
Jim Haught
USFFC 2006
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Just for everyone's information and something to think about. We are looking
for someone to run the FFC next year. After two years I would like to fly at
it next year and feel that it is time to pass the torch to someone else. If
you have any questions on what it takes to run the contest see me this weekend
at the table or talk to Ron Boots. See you all at the field.
Dan Heinrich
Old FF film
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm looking for an older freeflight film for a friend of mine. Does
anyone have, or know of a source for, "180 is a Max"?
Either a copy of it, or an updated version on tape, or DVD would be
Thanks, Bob Gutai
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Printed on System Name : aeromodel dot com for user scat
on Date : Wed Aug 31 20:38:33 2005
Roger, in response to the elbow. The altimeter I've been using came from an
outfit named Pico. Unfortunately their web sit is temporarily (?) shut down.
The unit only weighs a couple of grams, less packaging, and runs on 4.5
volts. I would think that one of our modeler/electronic designer could
duplicate the design. It only needs to read out in ones, tens and hundreds
to be useful to a modeler.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The flyer can either be downloaded as a PDF or viewed as a web page but both
on the Lost Hills web site at and click on Upcoming events,
then on September. Or just cut click this link or cut and paste it to go to
the event page.
Any questions I can be reached at (909) 593-5789 until Wednesday morning.
There is a typo, Monday should read 1/4 A Nostalgia, not 1/2 A. I did not get a
chance to upload all of the rules but we will be flying current FAI, AMA, and
NFFS (Nostalgia) rules for a Cat I meet. I am going up early to ensure that
there is sufficient downwind area to support the 5 min maxes. If there
appears to be a chase issue I will adjust the maxes to compensate and keep us out of
any plowed fields. Please pass this along to anyone who has questions and I
hope to see everyone there!
Daniel Heinrich
Sokolov plans
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Phil,
I suggest that Bob Sifleet and/or M&K might be useful sources in your
search for details/plans, etc on the '59 Sokolov A/2.
Also, have you tried searching Aeromodeller issues of that era?
I have seen pix of said gliders on those pages.
Sifleet's email is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For M&K, try Mikhail's: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Larry and all,
Go to the Lost Hill website for the US Free FlightChamps flyer.
It was published in the most recent copies of SAM Speaks and the Fresno GMAC
newsletter. I haven't seen it published anywhere else.
Of interest to the FAI crowd:
F1A-B-C scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 3rd starting at 8 a.m. with an extended max first round
F1G-H-J scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 4th starting at 8 a.m. with an extended max first round
F1P scheduled for Monday, Sept. 5th starting at 7 a.m. and ending at 2 p.m.--no rounds
Registration is $10.00 with each event entered also $10.00. Unlimited entries can
be purchased for a "Gold Card" for $60 total.
Other Events:
Saturday: A Gas, C Gas, Hand Launch Glider, P-30, 1/2A Nostalgia, B Nostalgia.
Old Timer: A Pylon, B/C Fuselage, .020 Replica, Small Rubber Stick, Large Rubber Cabin.
Unofficial Events: Twin Pusher (9 a.m.), Night Gas
Sunday: B Gas, D Gas, Catapult Glider, Mulvihill, 1/2A Gas,
A Nostalgia, C Nostalgia, Wakefield Nostalgia. Old Timer: Texaco, A Fuselage, B/C Pylon,
Small Rubber Cabin, Large Rubber Stick.
Unofficial Event: Dawn Mulvihill (7 a.m.)
Monday: Super D, Moffett, Classic Towline, Nostalgia Rubber, Early Nostalgia Gas,
1/2A Nostalgia. Old Timer: 1/4A Texaco, Old Timer Gas Scale, 30 Second Antique.
Unofficial Events: Gollywock Mass Launch (8 a.m.), Old Timer Towline, Slow Gas
Junior Events Cheaper ($5.00 and $2.00/event)
Contest Director: Daniel Heinrich (909) 593-5789
Hope this helps-- Fred T.
ROW Rez at the NATz
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Re: ROW Results from the 2005 Nats.
The AMA published the results from the Nats ROW competition in their August
3, Nats News. It was (and may still be) available online.
In brief, there were 26 official entries. Ten recorded official scores.
If you need individual results, I have a copy of the August 3 Nats News.
Bob Stalick
Roger Morrell