SEN 805- June 24 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1255
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 24 June 2003 issue 805
Table of contents
F1P- Still together and not a beginner's model - Lorbiecki **FEATURED article
Re: A proposal from the Sierra Eagles - Parker et al
SCAT Summer Madness - SweepetteLee
Dutch Championships 2003
Memorijal Djordja Zigica World cup - Raletic
Scattered in the press ..
zit d t timer ?
F1P- Still together and not a beginner's model
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As stated last week, I said we would pass on whatever we found out on
the F1P model. Well, it flys. It will climb so high in 10 seconds that
it is somewhat obscene. We do have a good Cyclon on it, and still are
only running 35%, but stll it is running 28K on the Verbitsky folder.
This is what we found out. The model has a 50% CG, with the VIT settings
between power and glide next to nothing. We are probably moving the stab
1/16" up for glide. We needed some left rudder for power, with the
thrust line basically 0-0. We have 2 degrees of positive in the wing,
with our flat bottomed 6.5% section. The leading edge is pretty blunt
and nothing fancy (in fact, pretty ugly). We have about 1/16 wash in on
the right main and about 3/32" washout in the tips- Just like what we
did in the olden days.
The model has a very fast, vertical climb with about two rolling turns
to the right as it climbs. With a 9.5 second engine run, the model is an
orange dot in the sky. It took almost 5 minutes to come down, after
DTing at 20 seconds. It covered most of the field, even tho there was
little wind. The 8.5 second run took well over 4 minutes to come down.
So, we may fly it at the junior team trials before the NATS, just to see
what it will do in competition. Plus, John may fly it with a 7 second
run in A gas at the next contest, just to see how it does. It is not a
beginner's model, no matter what people say. It needs much less engine
to make it acceptable for a junior to fly. If I get my act together, you
may see an article on it in the Digest. We did have the wing flutter
once (as I was afraid it would) when we had too much right turn in it.
So, version number two will have all the same planform and sizes, but
will have more tip dihedral, a undercambered section, and carbon D
boxes. It then will be even more awesome. We are of the opinion that it
will keep up with F1J, just because of the 10 second run. It is hard to
give up 3 more seconds of run with the same engine/prop combination. So,
they do fly! Also, I heard from Tom Kerr and they have a P model flying
successfully. Hopefully we can get more info on what they find out. I do
know that they hit the ground hard with their's two times.
I guess it is time to "P".........(sorry.....)
[Kudos the John and John for sharing their real life
P experience with everyone ]
Re: A proposal from the Sierra Eagles
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Roger, for SEN
Craig Cusick and Mike McKeever,
The SCAT approved the following at our June meeting:
- Approved the move of the cancelled Tangent OR AmCup sanction for a
pre-Sierra Cup contest. The Sierra Eagles to determine final format
(ie weds/thrus or thurs only). Recommend "reasonable" entry fees.
The only hard requirement is 30 days notice (SEN OK), 60 days preferred.
- We decided to hold off on the 2004 decision. We will handle this during
the normal re-view cycle Oct-Nov 2003.
Jim Parker
SCAT president
SCAT Summer Madness
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Hi Arno,
Thanks for the note on the Dutch Ch. Well done by you! Good flying.
I was at the SCAT Summer FAI comp, as you know[I think], which had much the
same format[ref SEN] and wind troubles as you experienced. Our start on Sat
at 1730 was fairly breezy to east[and the pits!]and yes, I hit a boomer which
dted in the first old pit. I found it with my tracker and as I returned
the wind came up more.
Several flew round 2, went farther, I had no motorbike, nor did Rene, and
chases were long and slow to return, so we did not take a flight in rd 2.
Rd 3 was cancelled, so we hoped Sun would dawn calm...false hope, as it
was still windy. We had no long flight as people said it was not worth the
Landed planes would have been tumbled and broken in the wind surely and
still the bad direction to the pits. Many left...then it calmed down! So
the remaining ones continued to fly rounds after 9am. I flew to gain time
for our Team Selection mainly, and to get some training time as well. The
drift and lift turned variable and spotty, with the doldrums trouble time
of 930-1130 giving no mercy to us.
Mike McKeever won F1A, beating Jim and Dallas Parker . I did all Maxes...but
took 4th since I had zero score for rd 2, of course. But a small victory
was gleaned, since in rd 6 I was the only one that maxed! You should have
seen that round! On second thought it may have made you sick, as the air
was so puky! I imagine your bad round was much the same.
Rene was also impressed with my 'Red 5' Li'l AL[it has top fin now, like
his]. Likewise I thought his new Li'l AL was impressive, but he kept
saying he thought it was not quite right. No one else could see it tho, as
he was normally highest of the birds in the same thermal. BTW, Rene used
Orange Ikarex on bottom, and Salzer/Polyspan on top...a very nice wing.
Keep it up!
Dutch Championships 2003
Hi guys,
Over the weekend the Dutch Champs 2003 were flown. The contest format was
not the usual one, so to say. 5 rounds were flown on the saturday, late noon
and evening with the last round being flown to a 4 minute max. Sunday morning
started a 6 a.m. (!!) with a unlimited fly-off flight for those with full
houses the day before. After this f.o. the contest continued with another
5 rounds of which the first round (6.30 a.m. till 8 a.m.) was flown with
a four minute max again.
Well this is what happened: The wind was blowing as usual and postponed the
start till very late afternoon on saturday (5.30 p.m.). The first three
rounds were flown to a 2 min. max. Round 4 with the wind dropping to
apprx. 3-4 m/sec. was flown to a 180 and round 5 could be flown to a 240.
Only three people survived this battle: Allard van Wallene, Jurgen Maassen
and yours faithfully..................... I flew my small bird in the two
minute rounds and L'il Al had no probs with the 180 and 240.
So the sunday morning unlimited f.o. was contended by Allard, Jurgen and
myself. But at 5.30 a.m. when present on the field a breeze of approx 4 m/sec
greeted us unpleasantly. I did fly my L'il AL, did put the timer on 420
(very optimistic) and scored a 251. Good enough to beat Allard again who
only scored 225 and Jurgen who only managed 195. Good show that was !!!!!
The contest continued and because of the wind the 240 round was changed to
a 180. Because of the wind lessening in strength somewhat we flew all
remaininmg rounds to a 180. But these rounds became a real battle as the
east wind made it very difficult to find any reliable thermal. As it turned
out I missed the third round on sunday quite badly. But I was not the only
one to do so. Van Eldik, Kreetz Brinks and the whole lot made mistakes.
Allard, who was under pressure now towed for 40 minutes in the last round
to score a 158 only but this was good enough to make him the 2003 Champ. I
did end in second place which is a pretty good result and the third person
of the early morning f.o. Jurgen who had two missers in the regular rounds
finally ended third.
This comp was a real battle but very satisfying and L'il Al once again
impressed both me as the onlookers !! (n.b. ofcourse the unlimted f.o.
was not taken into the final score as nobody made a perfect score)
Arno Hacken
" Memorijal Djordja Zigica " World cup
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Results from World cup F1A,B,C " Memorijal Djordja Zigica " - Zrenjanin,
Serbia and Montenegro ( YUG )
Best regards Milos Raletic
Scattered in the Press
Seen in the latest Model Aviation ... a U-Control Aerobatic plan
by SCAT founding member Don Hutchinson aka Hutch ... before my time but
the Luddites remember him !
zit d t timer ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
do you know anything about the zit dt timer that was
advertised in the july 2003 issue of modelavation on
pagd 142.
i lookes at there web site and there was not much
information there thx don.
the only thing I determined was that the space models
guys have a D/T requirement very similar to ours
but do it differently in detail ... and the web
site did not explain all the details ]
Roger Morrell