SEN 807- July 10 2003
- Details
- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1307
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 10 July 2003 issue 807
Table Of Contents
InterCity - Muncie June 2003
Neutral points - Segrave
Jr Team Selection, Last Notice - Parker
SCAT July 19 Lost Hills Motel 6 poolside Meeting - Parker
Palm Zire - McGarvey
Bulletin Number 2 - Hungary - Zsengeller
MMM 14 rounder - Rocket
pink puppy - Wilkinson
super maxes - Ditto
InterCity - Muncie June 2003
FAI Results
54rd Annual Inter-City Meet
Sponsored by the DETROIT BALSA BUGS INC.
June 21,22, 2003 – Muncie, IN
1. Peter Barron(Jr) 1260+300=1560
2. Bob Siflett 1260+119=1379
3. Andrew Barron 1178
4. Tzvetan Ttzvetkov 1147
5. Austin Gunder(Jr) 1080
6. Chuck Markos 974
7. Tom Jones 843
8. Kyle Jones(Jr) 773
Winning Team: P. Barron / A. Barron
1. Greg Simon 1260+179=1439
2. Paul Crowley 1260+173=1433
3. Tom Ioerger 1260+142=1402
4. Bill Shailor 1260+98=1358
5. Paul Shailor(Jr) 1255
6. Bob Biedron 1241
7. Jerry McGlashan 1222
8. Evan Simon(Jr) 1206
9. Ryan Jones(Jr) 1191
10. Saran Rodziunas(Jr) 1150
11. Richard Wood 1080
12. John Clapp 1068
13. Fred Blom 993
14. Joe Friebis 922
15. David Lacey 284
Winning Team: B. Shailor / P. Crowley
1. Bob Johannes 1260
2. Andrei Kirilenko 1232
3. Bob Gutai 1216
4. Norm Poti 1170
5. John Lorbiecki(Jr) 720
Winning Team: B. Gutai / A. Kirilenko
1. John Watters 600
2. Phil Klintworth 592
3. John Shailor(Jr) 589
4. Taylor Burrows(Jr) 582
5. G. Simon 578
6. Richard Wood 571
7. Fred Blom 546
8. Tom Ioerger 504
9. Chuck Markos 494
10.Charlie Jones 430
11. John Clapp 348
12. Hardy Brodersen 305
13. Ryan Jones(Jr) 240
14. Richard Pivitt 199
15. Dale Wilson 78
1. Bob Sifleet 557
2. Lee Campbell 452
3. Bill Reuter 417
4. Jean Pailet 342
5. Tom Jones 179
1. Austin Gunder(Jr) 600+180+278=1056
2. Bucky Servaites 600+180+271=1051
3. Bob Gutai 600+180+256+1036
4. John Lorbiecki(Jr) 600+180+176=956
5. Jim Haught 600+180+158=938
6. Jean Pailet 557
Paul Crowley
Neutral points
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Has anyone used the formula in Martin Simons book "Model aircraft
aerodynamics" to obtain the neutral point of a model? If so, could they tell
me the result, please? and how it compares with the NP found by other
means,Beurmann,Wantzenriether,Crane etc.
For my part, I am looking for a means to calculate the NP for low aspect
ratios as the reachable methods only go down to about 5 for the AR while I
am trying for about 3 to 3.5. I have tried Simons method on Jim Richmond's
indoor 'Catwalker' and get a NP of 44% and no matter how a juggle the
parameters csan't get much further back. Since the quoted CG is at 68%, the
model should not fly with this NP but it does and very well, thank you!! - 7
world championships!!!!
Is there a modifier to apply so as to get a more reasonable NP? anyone??
Mike S
Jr Team Selection, Last Notice
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Last reminder that entry deadline for the 2003-2004 Jr Team selection is July 2
6, 2003. Entry forms are on the NFFS website:
Entry forms are to be sent to AMA (attn: Lisa Johnson) and must be postmarked b
efore or on July 26, 2003.
Art Ellis and I will also accept entries at Muncie, on July 26, 2003 as well fo
r the truly last minute decision makers.
We have great support and have over 20 volunteers to time for the pre-Nats Jr c
ontest on July 27, 2003. Chuck Markos is the CD for this special contest. Thank
you all very much.
The current Jr entrants have received hard copies of the revised Jr Team Select
ion Program and Bulletin Number one. These documents as well as the current Jr
standings are posted on the above-mentioned NFFs web site.
We currently have about 20 Jr entered to fly at the PreNats contest. This will
surely be an exciting day of competition.
Jr Team Selection Committee
Jim Bradley
Art Ellis
Jim Parker
SCAT July 19 Lost Hills Motel 6 poolside Meeting
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCAT invites all fliers and guests to a Motel 6 poolside gathering and meeting
at Lost Hills on Saturday, July 19-- the weekend of the MaxMen Summer contest.
Start time approximately 7:30.
- SCAT will provide beverages and snacks.
- BYOFF (Bring Your Own Fast Food).
- Please bring chairs, as the Motel’s poolside chairs are limited.
- We're planning on about 40-50 people. No RSVP needed, just come, very informa
Currently on the Agenda:
- 2003 America Cup: status of pre-Sierra Cup AmCup contest
- Jr Team and F1P Development status
- SCAT Membership
- Trojan Spirit / Wishbone restoration Project
Please drop Jim Parker a note if you have a suggested subject
for discussion. You can also contact him if you are interested in joining SCAT.
Thermals, JIM
Palm Zire
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger. I would like to use a Palm Zire as a backup programmer for
my Red Magic timers and am about to modify a standard USB hot sync cable
by cutting off the PC end (USB) and adding a stereo plug to fit the
Can you or any of the readers tell me which of the 5 pins on the Zire go
to which part of the stereo plug.
Thank you in anticipation
Bill Mc Garvey
[Bill about the Zire
inspite of some Palm Documentation suggesting it is possible
I have been able to verify that a Zire will support
a serial connection. It only has USB. So you cannot
connect it to a Red/BlackMagic timer.
Bulletin Number 2 - Hungary
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Everybody,
the Bulletin 2 of the FF WorldChamps in Hungary is downloadable now on the
official website of the Champs:
Welcome everybody to Hungary
Gabor Zsengeller
MMM 14 rounder
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rockets reports on the so called toughest contest on earth.
Toughest HA! Heck I couldn't find a thermal in till the forth round and
it was so small and weak I DT'ed just ten feet above the horizon. Tough
ha, shoot the air was so thin and weak I could barely breath it.
OK, so it kicked me preverbal behind.
Understanding how to trim for the thinner air is a must. I felt
during trimming friday evening that the model was mushing or on the
edge of a stall and I just kept screwing down the stab in till the poor
girl just fell from the sky regardless of how big the thermals were.
After the first round Saturday morning I took a good look at the huge
positive angle my stab was at and decided I was going the wrong
direction. Back up with the stab TE and performance increased
regardless of what I thought the model was telling me. Oh yea, I also
removed the stab turbulator as it was the real reason for my trimming
trauma -Anyone care to guess why???
So the first seven rounds where a compromise between the potential
strength of each thermal, whether strong enough to get the model high
enough over the Valley of Sink, and my ability to continue towing while
my lungs were about to explode for lack of oxygen. Just to add some
excitement I had a fifteen circle line tangle while doing the Hokey
Pokey with John Davis (I think) trying to get his line untangled from
the end of my towline, my feet, his feet and what ever else it could
possibly wrap around. I have no idea as I was trying to fly my
glider. In the end my model hit the ground nose down, thankfully
behind some cars so as to spare me that moment of impact trauma-you
know what it's like.
Let me tell you about goals. Before each contest I give myself a
personal goal to help improve my contest performance. I will not tell
you what mine originally was, but after practice flying friday evening
and a bit of a rude awakening I was forced to the old standby -NO
To continue- With a broken tail boom, cracked pod, broken rudder, and
other trauma I quickly went to work-glue glue glue, a few hand glides,
up and off for my last max of the day-no zeros!!!! Sure but wait,
after model is returned stab is reset with timer on, wings removed,
fuselage in car, to B Lovins model shop, out to dinner, back to
shop-what is this???? Model still has not DT'ed!!! hmmm.
Transmitter power lead is broken!!! Something is trying to tell me
something. Feeling lucky Rocket?
So... I just stared it my bastard (according to Lee H. with no polly
in the wing and aft mounted rudder-He thanked Ike for not sending down
a bolt of lightning for my modeling blasphemy ) bunt bone, turned
around and shut off the light, just seven zeros on my mind
What a great bunch of people to fly with and on sunday to BS with. Lots
of non fai MMM club members showed up to help time. I wish I had more
time to share with them all.
Great contest Chuck!
Thanx Bill for picking me up from that huge airport and putting me up
in your home!!
Thank God for the Oz like weather, wildflowers, and SPF 50!!!
pink puppy
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
just in case anybody may be interested in the pink
puppy saga .
i took it out today and this little puppy has some big
teeth and it will bite you.
this is the highest climbing model that i ever had
even out climbs my f1j.
the engine got to running like it should and that made
a believer out of me.
the pink puppy will hold it's own against any of them.
probably the only place that you will be able to fly
theese mosels on ten sec and fly for three minutes
will be lost hills any place else will be to small and
the model will be off the field.
if any body would like any information about the pink
puppy they can contact me at my mailimg adress.
this little pink puppu does not have a fobia of being
afraid of heights.
thx don.
super maxes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What do you and the rest of the free flight world
think of the super maxes?
the rules state in f1j you have five two minute maxes
than start your fly off flights.
well some c d's start the first round with a super max
of three or four minute max.
this is not the way it should be your longer flights
will come in the fly off rounds not the first round.
what does every one think of this.
i don't like it.
thx don.
Roger Morrell