SEN 816- August 2 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1555
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 2 August 2003 issue 816
Table of Contents
Thanks to All the NATS Vo;unteers!! - Lorbiecki
F1C Finale Flapping Folder - Slobat
Nats perspective... - SweepetteLee
WC Results on FAI Web Site - Kaynes
WC Results
Joe Mekina's Website Name ? - Lorbiecki
Thanks to All the NATS Vo;unteers!!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The 2003 NATS are now in the books and it proved to be a pretty good
one, from what I have been told. I say this, because I was behind the
scenes at this one, working with Bob Perkins as the Assistant contest
Director. We had very windy conditions on Sunday for the Junior team
selection contest and some rain on Monday, but after that it was really
pretty nice. Thermals were plentiful on most days, winds bearible, and
we even had conditions on Thursday that caused an early move because
the very light winds were not as predicted. But with the help of
everyone it went fairly painlessly.
For those of you that don't know what causes the NATS to happen, it is
the volunteer corp of modellers that make it happen. Everyone from the
CD and assisant CD to the table workers are all volunteers. They give
their time to make the meet run and allow the flyer to compete. Most
give up a minimum of one day of their own flying to either process
models, post times, or do other necessary things needed to run the
meet. Many show up at 6:30 AM to unload the trailer and do the setup
for both the tables and the flight line. Golf carts, radios, tents,
water, and other essentials are needed. I felt that AMA also helped with
whatever we needed promptly and with a smile. We did have some problems
with kids and motorcycles and also a few minor incidents with the
neighbors. However, all in all, it was pretty painless.
Bob Perkins is first on the list of tiredless heroes, as he organized
almost all the NATS. He checked and double checked all the paperwork, he
got materials together and boxed for both the AMA and FAI events. He
arranged for all the volunteers for all the events and worked thru AMA
to make sure all was ready to go. Without Bob, we would not have had as
smooth a NATS as we did. Bob stated that he had over 1000 hours of work
in the program!
Next on the list is Charlie Sotich and Bill Jackson. Both gave a full
five days of help, with Charlie doing almost all the organizing of the
trophies as well as much of the tabulating both during and after the
events. Without these guys, the work would have been allot harder. With
Charlie's help as well as others, we were able to easily have all the
results ready for trophy presentations by 5:15 every day (closing time
was 4:30). On Friday, we were able to begin handing out trophies at
4:35!! we almost beat the light rain, but not quite.
So, thanks to all the volunteers and maybe you should think about
helping out the next few years. Phil Sullivan will be the CD in 2004 (as
I will be at the World Champs with my son John, as he again made the F1J
junior team!!) and I will be the CD in 2005. I will need allota help!
Thanks to all and see ya at the field.....
John Lorbiecki
Assistant CD 2003 NATS
F1C Finale Flapping Folder
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger. Well, I am afraid I have a few things to
straighten out from yesterday's report. First, let me say
that the final results of the F1C competition were that
Fuzeyev won with a time of 9:ö8 today. It was unfortunate,
but Aringer had an overrun and was unable to put up
another flight. It was unfortunate because it was in fact
not an overrun. At least 1ö people timed the run at 4.65
to 4.7, but the Hungarian timers were all over the place.
This is typical of our week here, but more on that later.
The correction that I have to make is that it seems nobody
on our team, including yours truely, knows how to calulate
the team scores. The bottom line is that super max times
are not included in the final tally, and the US won the
team FiC. Hooray. We are all very happy!!! More later.
Nats perspective...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm Home!
Good trip, too.
Sorry for the terrible wind the Jrs had to contend with on Sun. It was out
of their experience range, which is obviously limited as we know.
Not fun for anyone, but they are learning fast in the crucible of hot
Mon was wet, but not too bad, cause the rain was spotty til about 1300hrs.
I was maxed out in F1A thru 6th rd, and led OTCLG til the sun appeared
about 1540hrs.
Then Bob Hanford[the elder]caught some big air to put me 2nd.
I missed the rd 7 max in F1A to drop to the sewer[16th],while Jim P won the
Next day I got 3rd in F1H, but am pissed since I did not have the inc right
in Rd 1,
and it came in 8 sec short with a fast nose down glide, for my only miss.
Wed was my day, I cleaned the CLG group, with the only maxout[+ 79s, I
BUT Tim Batiuk was 2nd, so I only gained 5 Nat Cup points on him! RATS!
Very nice day, idylic in fact, with calm to light drift, soft lift all day.
Thurs was OHLG and another day much like Wed: 85ish deg and humid[nothing
new there, eh?]. This time Tim got 3 maxes while I just missed for
2nd...reversing our
CLG placings, so the points scored ended in a push!
We are having a lot of fun with it all, though.
Stan B was hard after the AMA Co2 record and 1st place, but a chap got a
flight up
early and stayed 1 max ahead to take it. Eleven plus maxes, I recall.
Had a OHLG DT in the west cornfield a ways, which we located it with the
of a posse of great folks after the awards presentation[Thanks again to
them, they know who they are!].
Take care, and call if you like.
WC Results on FAI Web Site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have posted the World Champs results (as completed this morning) on my
usual area of the FAI web site. The link to the index is as follows, from
which you can get down to the full results of the each class. I concur with
George's comment that everyone is very tired!
Ian Kaynes
We have xtracted Ian results as mentioned above
for your convenience - go to the
Web Site for full set.
World Championship 2003 in class F1A
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
1 Robert Hellgren SWE 1260 + 60e + 300 + 280
2 Sergey Pankov RUS 1260 + 60e + 300 + 266
3 Per Findahl W/C 1260 + 60e + 300 + 222
Champion Team: Ukraine
World Championship 2003 in class F1B
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
1 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 333
2 Yang Feng CHN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 270
3 Mitsuyasu Nakata JPN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 259
Champion Team: Ukraine
World Championship 2003 in class F1C
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
1 Leonid Fuzeyev RUS 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 540 + 538
2 Gerhard Aringer AUT 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 540 + 0
3 Jing Yunfeng CHN 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 458
Champion Team: USA
World Championship 2003 Challenge Cup for classes F1A+F1B+F1C
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
1 Russia 11251
2 Ukraine 11156
3 Italy 11128
FAI World Championship 2003 in class F1A
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds, including the full
duration on extended max rounds. The next column shows the basic total
time, followed by the extra time from extended maxes. Competitors in the
flyoff are shown with basic total time followed by extra extended time then
flyoff scores.
Individual results
1 Robert Hellgren SWE 1260 + 60e + 300 + 280
2 Sergey Pankov RUS 1260 + 60e + 300 + 266
3 Per Findahl W/C 1260 + 60e + 300 + 222
4 Phil Mitchell AUS 1260 + 60e + 300 + 198
5 Igor Yablonovsky UKR 1260 + 60e + 287
6 Steven Spence USA 1260 + 60e + 240
7 Laura Leino FIN 1260 + 60e + 157
8 Dmytro Grygoryev UKR 1260 + 60e + 147
9 Dirk Halbmeier GER 1260 + 60e + 141
10 Bo Nyhegn DEN 1260 + 60e + 124
11 Robert Wallace NZL 1260 + 60e + 54
12 Sergey Makarov RUS 1260 + 60e + 38
13 Vittorio Brussolo ITA 178 180 180 180 180 180 180 1258
14 Michal Dvorak CZE 240 180 180 173 180 180 180 1253
15 Rimantas Indrisionis LTU 240 180 166 180 180 180 180 1246
16 Marian Popescu ROM 240 180 180 180 180 154 180 1234
17 Jan Vosejpka CZE 240 153 180 180 180 180 180 1233
18 Sigitas Jakutis LTU 160 180 172 180 180 175 180 1227
19 Irhad Hadzimehmedagic BIH 240 180 180 141 180 180 180 1221
20 Edin Sahinovic BIH 192 143 180 180 180 177 180 1220 + 12e
21 Mikael Holmbom SWE 188 180 180 180 180 180 140 1220 + 8e
22 Jes Nyhegn DEN 240 180 180 180 180 136 180 1216
23 Frank Adametz GER 131 180 180 180 180 180 180 1211
24 Victor Stamov UKR 145 180 180 162 180 180 180 1207
25 Laszlo Farkas CAN 172 180 180 180 180 134 180 1206
26 Maarten van Dyk NED 202 180 180 123 180 180 180 1203
27 Francois Moreau FRA 240 180 180 122 180 180 180 1202
28 Ferenc Kerner HUN 240 180 180 180 180 180 121 1201
29 Waltter Palmieri ARG 240 180 180 180 180 180 118 1198
30 Marco Stranieri ITA 200 180 180 180 180 149 144 1193 + 20e
31 Yury Titov RUS 193 180 180 122 180 180 171 1193 + 13e
32 Igor Bombek CRO 240 180 180 180 119 180 173 1192
33 Bohuslav Ryz CZE 240 180 118 170 180 180 180 1188
34 Alain Delassus FRA 240 125 162 180 180 180 180 1187
35 Anthony Ball GBR 240 180 180 180 180 135 151 1186 + 60e
35 Pieter de Boer NED 240 180 180 180 148 138 180 1186 + 60e
37 Mario Omrcen CRO 240 180 158 168 180 180 136 1182
38 Jari Valo FIN 240 155 180 180 180 180 124 1179
39 Vidas Dimavicius LTU 206 180 163 180 180 111 180 1174
40 Martin Gregorie GBR 183 180 180 180 77 180 180 1157
41 Lior Bachar ISR 240 180 168 88 180 180 180 1156
42 Jerzy Juraszek POL 209 180 127 128 180 180 180 1155
43 Jeno Voros HUN 240 180 180 161 180 180 91 1152
44 Helmut Fuss AUT 227 180 165 119 180 146 180 1150
45 Walter Buergi SUI 240 180 117 128 180 180 180 1145
46 Brian van Nest USA 240 180 180 112 180 132 180 1144 + 60e
47 Ants Selgoja EST 199 180 180 104 180 176 144 1144 + 19e
48 Massimiliano Gobbo ITA 218 144 180 162 180 180 117 1143
49 Bill Mcgarvey NZL 240 180 180 147 95 180 180 1142
50 Ivan Bezak SVK 220 180 180 133 180 180 100 1133
51 Cenny Breeman BEL 224 180 180 180 180 48 180 1128
52 John Carter GBR 205 180 148 180 180 78 180 1126
53 Dai Chijun CHN 240 180 180 180 120 99 180 1119
54 Christoph Bachmann SUI 240 180 156 143 180 99 180 1118
55 Stefan Rumpp GER 240 160 164 180 180 73 180 1117 + 60e
56 Ivan Treger SVK 58 180 180 159 180 180 180 1117
57 Damjan Zulic SLO 149 180 116 131 180 180 180 1116
58 Rudolf Holzleitner AUT 234 180 44 169 180 180 180 1113
59 Antoon van Eldik NED 159 180 180 180 180 51 180 1110
59 Shoji Shirai JPN 137 180 180 116 180 180 137 1110
61 Frederic Dujardin FRA 145 147 163 137 180 146 180 1098
62 Attila Szekelyhidi HUN 240 180 180 80 180 180 115 1095
63 Anti Kordements EST 240 180 180 180 180 104 85 1089
64 Danijel Terlep SLO 236 180 180 104 180 180 66 1070
65 Stanislaw Kubit POL 141 137 180 95 164 170 180 1067
66 Mariusz Urban POL 240 108 162 153 180 100 180 1063
67 Zoran Zivkovic YUG 169 180 178 124 180 180 46 1057
68 Steffen Jensen DEN 240 180 180 180 45 180 110 1055
69 Jon Davis USA 140 180 180 180 180 14 180 1054
69 Gerhard Aringer AUT 179 180 160 130 180 111 114 1054
71 Yalcin Olgun TUR 238 180 78 180 180 180 74 1052
72 Daniel Crintescu ROM 232 156 149 180 86 180 118 1049
73 Nikolay Nikolov AUS 240 159 180 127 125 93 180 1044
74 Tica Mica YUG 125 180 91 156 131 180 180 1043
75 Vegar Nereng NOR 130 180 180 89 125 180 157 1041
76 Gundars Abolins LAT 87 180 180 147 180 179 85 1038
77 Sun Dalong CHN 240 180 180 165 26 121 180 1032 + 60e
78 Anders Persson SWE 233 180 180 180 180 0 132 1032 + 53e
79 Shigeki Miyamoto JPN 205 180 180 117 14 180 180 1031 + 25e
80 Zbigniew Lenartowitz CAN 64 155 180 180 180 92 180 1031
81 Roman Ceresnik SVK 240 180 154 165 180 50 116 1025
82 Haris Hadzihajdarevic BIH 240 180 138 112 180 92 126 1008
83 Gilad Mark ISR 240 180 166 123 89 85 180 1003
84 Petri Kuikka FIN 180 180 146 180 53 82 180 1001
85 Yaron Kraus ISR 240 180 37 180 180 180 60 997
86 Christian Gugger SUI 190 122 180 167 50 180 106 985
87 Dario Jermol CRO 240 180 180 131 180 61 71 983 + 60e
87 Ardo Parna EST 240 180 180 38 45 180 180 983 + 60e
89 Javier Abad ESP 240 56 180 96 180 101 180 973
90 Bostjan Bagari SLO 240 45 180 172 125 180 69 951
91 Sun Fan CHN 240 180 151 27 180 90 123 931
92 Carlos Ferreira ESP 240 180 180 180 180 0 0 900 + 60e
93 Alejandro Bongioanni ARG 137 159 180 128 78 38 180 900
94 Namio Takahashi JPN 221 180 140 45 180 76 87 888
95 Vin Morgan AUS 240 154 180 0 180 177 0 871
96 Peter Allnutt CAN 172 144 180 99 65 98 106 864
97 Svetozar Vujkov YUG 240 180 180 61 94 73 91 859
98 Viorel Ciucu ROM 240 180 180 67 79 67 73 826
99 Osman Sevgi TUR 240 180 116 180 49 48 62 815
100 Semsettin Cifci TUR 9 149 163 172 180 79 54 806
101 Anders Klementsen NOR 240 103 133 108 180 35 47 786
102 Montanes Miguel Angel Gordillo ESP 173 115 180 45 51 0 169 733
103 Rene Limberger LUX 211 180 180 171 0 0 0 711 + 31e
104 Atle Klungrehaug NOR 54 120 146 97 114 93 87 711
105 Alejandro Neyra ARG 157 108 180 74 53 56 66 694
106 Janis Zarins LAT 145 180 173 180 14 0 0 692
107 Siegfried Limberger LUX 214 180 150 87 46 0 0 643
108 Oskars Grigals LAT 111 92 180 0 0 0 0 383
Number of basic maxes 82 84 73 49 78 55 60
Number of maximums 57 84 73 49 78 55 60
Number of full scores 57 47 35 23 19 14 12
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Ukraine UKR 3727 5 8 24
2 Russia RUS 3713 2 12 31
3 Czech Republic CZE 3674 14 17 33
4 Lithuania LTU 3647 15 18 39
5 Italy ITA 3594 13 30 48
6 Germany GER 3588 9 23 55
7 Denmark DEN 3531 10 22 68
8 Sweden SWE 3512 1 21 78
9 Netherlands NED 3499 26 35 59
10 France FRA 3487 27 34 61
11 Great Britain GBR 3469 35 40 52
12 USA USA 3458 6 46 69
13 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3449 19 20 82
14 Hungary HUN 3448 28 43 62
15 Finland FIN 3440 7 38 84
16 Croatia CRO 3357 32 37 87
17 Austria AUT 3317 44 58 69
18 Poland POL 3285 42 65 66
19 Slovakia SVK 3275 50 56 81
20 Switzerland SUI 3248 45 54 86
21 Estonia EST 3216 47 63 87
22 Australia AUS 3175 4 73 95
23 Israel ISR 3156 41 83 85
24 Slovenia SLO 3137 57 64 90
25 Romania ROM 3109 16 72 98
26 Canada CAN 3101 25 80 96
27 China CHN 3082 53 77 91
28 Japan JPN 3029 59 79 94
29 Yugoslavia YUG 2959 67 74 97
30 Argentina ARG 2792 29 93 105
31 Turkey TUR 2673 71 99 100
32 Spain ESP 2606 89 92 102
33 Norway NOR 2538 75 101 104
34 New Zealand NZL 2402 11 49
35 Latvia LAT 2113 76 106 108
36 Luxembourg LUX 1354 103 107
37 Belgium BEL 1128 51
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
FAI World Championship 2003 in class F1B
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds, including the full
duration on extended max rounds. The next column shows the basic total
time, followed by the extra time from extended maxes. Competitors in the
flyoff are shown with basic total time followed by extra extended time then
flyoff scores.
Individual results
1 Stepan Stefanchuk UKR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 333
2 Yang Feng CHN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 270
3 Mitsuyasu Nakata JPN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 259
4 Janne Isotalo FIN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 203
5 Ladislav Horak CAN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 420 + 142
6 Laurynas Gircys LTU 1260 + 120e + 300 + 397
7 Oleg Kulakovsky W/C 1260 + 120e + 300 + 394
8 Jozsef Krasznai HUN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 390
9 Itzhak Itzhak Ben ISR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 364
10 Kenan Jusufbasic BIH 1260 + 120e + 300 + 363
11 Yang Xinguang CHN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 353
12 Rolandas Mackus LTU 1260 + 120e + 300 + 321
13 Anatoly Zastavenko UKR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 305
14 Anders Broberg SWE 1260 + 120e + 300 + 291
15 Don Blackam AUS 1260 + 120e + 300 + 290
16 Mario Kusterle ITA 1260 + 120e + 300 + 269
17 Malik Cabaravdic BIH 1260 + 120e + 300 + 265
18 Yuriy Blazhevych UKR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 264
19 Mark Woolner GBR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 256
20 Ivan Kolic YUG 1260 + 120e + 300 + 252
21 Vladislav Urban CZE 1260 + 120e + 300 + 249
22 Hakan Broberg SWE 1260 + 120e + 300 + 237
23 Istvan Kocsis HUN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 221
24 Walter Eggimann SUI 1260 + 120e + 300 + 220
25 Giora Herzberg ISR 1260 + 120e + 300 + 216
26 Blake Jensen USA 1260 + 120e + 300 + 205
27 Mitsuo Iwata JPN 1260 + 120e + 300 + 200
28 Mario Lovato ITA 1260 + 120e + 300 + 191
29 Hans Schoder SUI 1260 + 120e + 300 + 190
30 Robert Piserchio USA 1260 + 120e + 300 + 169
31 Zeljko Grepl CRO 1260 + 120e + 300 + 125
32 Anselmo Zeri NED 1260 + 120e + 300 + 21
33 Radik Khuzeyev RUS 1260 + 120e + 286
34 Marquez Rudesindo ARG 1260 + 120e + 285
35 Ray Jones GBR 1260 + 116e
36 Milan Novy CZE 1260 + 112e
37 David Ackery NZL 1260 + 110e
37 Andrey Khrebtov RUS 1260 + 110e
39 Nils-Erik Hollander SWE 1260 + 109e
40 Viktors Rosonoks LAT 1260 + 106e
41 Jim Brooks CAN 1260 + 98e
42 Pim Ruyter NED 1260 + 96e
43 Stanislaw Skibicki POL 1260 + 95e
44 Richard Blackam AUS 1260 + 93e
45 Marian Popescu ROM 1260 + 89e
46 Naci Bitik TUR 1260 + 81e
47 Damjan Zulic SLO 1260 + 77e
48 Ivan Treger SVK 1260 + 70e
49 Karoly Teth HUN 1260 + 62e
50 Uli Schmelter GER 1260 + 31e
51 Virginijus Ivancikas LTU 180 240 240 180 180 180 177 1257
52 John Billam GBR 180 240 240 174 180 180 180 1254 + 120e
53 Anatoly Rybghenkov RUS 180 240 174 180 180 180 180 1254 + 60e
54 Serge Tedeschi FRA 180 240 211 173 180 180 180 1253
55 Radoje Blagojevic YUG 180 240 240 180 180 169 180 1249
56 Ramon Durendez ESP 180 194 240 168 180 180 180 1248
57 Klaus Leissner GER 180 181 240 164 180 180 180 1244
58 Lea Marquois FRA 180 240 240 180 180 180 156 1236 + 120e
58 Dieter Siebenmann SUI 163 240 240 180 180 173 180 1236 + 120e
60 Jiao Lifu CHN 180 240 240 180 180 155 180 1235
61 Antonio Sanavio ITA 158 240 240 180 180 180 176 1234
62 Shay Faybish ISR 151 206 240 180 180 180 180 1231
63 Frank Dahlin DEN 180 240 240 148 180 180 180 1228
64 Klaus Salzer AUT 180 215 240 143 180 180 180 1223
65 Igor Miertus SVK 180 240 240 164 180 156 180 1220 + 120e
66 Guy Buisson FRA 180 240 202 180 140 180 180 1220 + 82e
67 Mirsad Kapetanovic BIH 180 240 240 180 137 180 180 1217
68 Peter Magdolen SVK 180 191 232 180 163 152 180 1215
69 Juhani Isotalo FIN 180 240 240 180 180 131 180 1211
70 Ari Kutvonen FIN 180 240 240 180 180 180 126 1206
71 Jens Kristensen DEN 180 240 240 180 180 180 113 1193
72 Constantin Popa ROM 180 197 240 180 180 180 110 1190
73 Ismet Yurtseven TUR 180 240 240 115 180 180 168 1183
74 Bernd Silz GER 180 240 240 180 180 180 101 1181 + 120e
75 Indrek Harjo EST 146 240 138 177 180 180 180 1181 + 60e
76 Horst Wagner AUT 180 240 240 180 180 180 99 1179 + 120e
76 Henk van Hoorn NED 180 240 240 180 180 180 99 1179 + 120e
78 Tomaz Hribar SLO 180 240 240 108 180 162 180 1170
79 Jerry Mcglashan CAN 180 240 149 155 145 180 174 1163
80 Svetozar Gostojic YUG 180 230 157 102 180 180 180 1159
81 Paul Crowley USA 180 164 119 153 180 180 180 1156
82 Lincoln Vincent NZL 180 170 122 180 180 133 180 1145
83 Henryk Kucharski POL 139 240 240 166 180 116 180 1141 + 120e
83 Eugeniusz Cofalik POL 180 240 240 107 134 180 180 1141 + 120e
85 Urquia Michel Gordillo ESP 131 105 240 180 180 161 180 1117
86 Koei Tsuda JPN 21 240 240 180 180 180 180 1101
87 Hugo Benedini ARG 175 240 240 19 180 180 180 1094
88 Martin Mezihorak CZE 180 240 240 180 53 137 180 1090
89 Helfried Herbsthofer AUT 180 240 225 41 180 127 180 1068
90 Terry Bond AUS 180 240 145 19 180 180 180 1064
91 Danko Sokolic CRO 148 192 213 82 180 180 109 1059
92 Boris Markusic CRO 167 53 199 154 170 140 180 1044
93 Dragan Stankovic SLO 180 240 240 19 72 180 180 991
94 Oscar Viggiano ARG 180 112 179 180 180 91 0 922
95 Nicolae Popa ROM 180 32 240 0 7 180 77 656
96 Alexander Mirov BUL 98 13 0 0 0 0 0 111
Number of basic maxes 85 89 87 73 86 81 81
Number of maximums 85 70 75 73 86 81 81
Number of full scores 85 64 53 46 44 41 34
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Ukraine UKR 3780 1 13 18
2 Sweden SWE 3780 14 22 39
3 Hungary HUN 3780 8 23 49
4 Lithuania LTU 3777 6 12 51
5 Great Britain GBR 3774 19 35 52
6 Russia RUS 3774 33 37 53
7 Switzerland SUI 3756 24 29 58
8 China CHN 3755 2 11 60
9 Italy ITA 3754 16 28 61
10 Israel ISR 3751 9 25 62
11 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3737 10 17 67
12 France FRA 3709 54 58 66
13 Netherlands NED 3699 32 42 76
14 Slovakia SVK 3695 48 65 68
15 Germany GER 3685 50 57 74
16 Canada CAN 3683 5 41 79
17 Finland FIN 3677 4 69 70
18 USA USA 3676 26 30 81
19 Yugoslavia YUG 3668 20 55 80
20 Japan JPN 3621 3 27 86
21 Czech Republic CZE 3610 21 36 88
22 Australia AUS 3584 15 44 90
23 Poland POL 3542 43 83 83
24 Austria AUT 3470 64 76 89
25 Slovenia SLO 3421 47 78 93
26 Croatia CRO 3363 31 91 92
27 Argentina ARG 3276 34 87 94
28 Romania ROM 3106 45 72 95
29 Turkey TUR 2443 46 73
30 Denmark DEN 2421 63 71
31 New Zealand NZL 2405 37 82
32 Spain ESP 2365 56 85
33 Latvia LAT 1260 40
34 Estonia EST 1181 75
35 Bulgaria BUL 111 96
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
FAI World Championship 2003 in class F1C
Held at Kunszentmiklos, Hungary from July 27 to August 2
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds, including the full
duration on extended max rounds. The next column shows the basic total
time, followed by the extra time from extended maxes. Competitors in the
flyoff are shown with basic total time followed by extra extended time then
flyoff scores.
Individual results
1 Leonid Fuzeyev RUS 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 540 + 538
2 Gerhard Aringer AUT 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 540 + 0
3 Jing Yunfeng CHN 1260 + 240e + 420 + 540 + 458
4 Franco Gradi ITA 1260 + 240e + 420 + 334
5 Artem Babenko W/C 1260 + 240e + 420 + 262
6 Edward Keck USA 1260 + 240e + 420 + 252
7 Randy Archer USA 1260 + 240e + 420 + 250
8 Asim Jusufbasic BIH 1260 + 240e + 420 + 216
9 Pavel Krawczyk POL 1260 + 240e + 420 + 136
10 Gabor Zsengeller HUN 1260 + 240e + 368
11 Shigeru Kanegawa JPN 1260 + 240e + 354
12 Giorgio Venuti ITA 1260 + 240e + 309
13 Claus-Peter Wachtler GER 1260 + 240e + 302
14 Kenan Jusufbasic BIH 1260 + 240e + 290
15 Eric Condon CAN 1260 + 240e + 288
16 Nikolay Rekhin RUS 1260 + 240e + 285
17 Yevgen Verbytsky UKR 1260 + 240e + 220
18 Bruno Fiegl ITA 1260 + 240e + 194
19 Gilbert Morris USA 1260 + 217e
20 Manfred Nogga GER 1260 + 211e
21 Wang Zhixi CHN 1260 + 195e
22 Zou Jiongyu CHN 1260 + 185e
23 Ken Faux GBR 1260 + 183e
24 Marek Roman POL 1260 + 178e
25 Raimond Naaber EST 1260 + 174e
26 Peter Maurer SUI 1260 + 168e
27 Claus Gretter GER 1260 + 157e
28 Tom Oxager DEN 1260 + 133e
29 Janos Szecsenyi HUN 1260 + 131e
30 Stafford Screen GBR 300 180 180 180 180 171 300 1251
31 Timo Niiranen FIN 202 180 168 180 180 180 300 1248
32 Michel Reverault FRA 166 180 180 180 180 180 270 1246
33 Anatoly Kislovsky RUS 300 180 180 180 180 164 300 1244
34 Juri Roots EST 226 156 180 180 180 180 300 1236
35 Edin Sahinovic BIH 138 180 180 180 180 180 212 1218
36 Olesandr Molchanov UKR 296 137 180 180 180 180 300 1217
37 Mirko Karanovic YUG 240 152 180 180 164 180 245 1216 + 125e
38 Roberts Brivnieks LAT 137 180 180 180 180 179 193 1216 + 13e
39 John Cuthbert GBR 300 180 180 180 180 180 103 1183
40 Danas Babenskas LTU 204 180 180 146 134 180 184 1180
41 Srdjan Arambasic CAN 300 180 99 180 180 180 260 1179
42 Sergiy Katyba UKR 300 180 180 180 180 162 110 1172
43 Kazumasa Sekizawa JPN 300 180 180 107 158 180 300 1165
44 Robertas Kiburtas LTU 180 180 180 167 133 143 170 1153
44 Milan Pavlov YUG 163 180 180 180 180 180 90 1153
46 Henning Nyhegn DEN 170 77 154 180 180 180 195 1121
47 Lucien Braire FRA 287 180 180 180 180 180 38 1118
48 Frank Schlachta CAN 240 180 180 180 180 33 254 1113
49 Uri Zilberstein ISR 300 31 180 180 180 180 190 1111
50 Reinhard Truppe AUT 300 180 180 26 180 176 300 1102
51 Roy Summersby AUS 300 180 180 180 180 180 19 1099
52 Arunas Grasys LTU 31 180 180 175 170 180 189 1096
53 Keiichi Kibiki JPN 300 28 180 161 180 180 300 1089
54 Piotr Plachetka POL 230 64 180 168 180 127 300 1079
55 Kaarle Kuukka FIN 268 180 180 168 180 180 0 1068
56 Alain Roux FRA 283 180 180 125 180 0 202 1025
57 Oszkar Maczko HUN 94 180 180 180 180 180 0 994
58 Sava Lujanski YUG 110 180 126 95 93 161 240 945
59 Konrad Janzekovic SLO 162 98 105 180 127 140 0 812
60 Janez Groselj SLO 150 122 136 120 151 124 0 803
61 Maris Voits LAT 248 96 0 0 0 0 0 276
62 Breidaks Ilmars LAT 21 4 63 0 0 0 0 88
Number of basic maxes 51 51 54 49 52 48 50
Number of maximums 30 51 54 49 52 48 32
Number of full scores 30 28 27 25 25 22 18
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 USA USA 3780 6 7 19
2 Italy ITA 3780 4 12 18
3 China CHN 3780 3 21 22
4 Germany GER 3780 13 20 27
5 Russia RUS 3764 1 16 33
6 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3738 8 14 35
7 Great Britain GBR 3694 23 30 39
8 Ukraine UKR 3649 17 36 42
9 Poland POL 3599 9 24 54
10 Canada CAN 3552 15 41 48
11 Hungary HUN 3514 10 29 57
12 Japan JPN 3514 11 43 53
13 Lithuania LTU 3429 40 44 52
14 France FRA 3389 32 47 56
15 Yugoslavia YUG 3314 37 44 58
16 Estonia EST 2496 25 34
17 Denmark DEN 2381 28 46
18 Austria AUT 2362 2 50
19 Finland FIN 2316 31 55
20 Slovenia SLO 1615 59 60
21 Latvia LAT 1580 38 61 62
22 Switzerland SUI 1260 26
23 Israel ISR 1111 49
24 Australia AUS 1099 51
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
Joe Mekina's Website Name
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Help....I am looking for Joe Mekina's website name for his photo
John Lorbiecki
Roger Morrell