SEN 743 - 27 Sep 2002
- Details
- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1333
SCAT Electronic News 27 Sept 2002 issue 743
Table of Contents
Applying cap strips - response to Jim Brooks - Fantham
Bradley Model Products web site
28th, California F.A.I. Invitational - Livotto <<<<<<<<<<< Next Weekend #1
Finals Timekeeping - The Solution - Biggles
re: Conversation - Andresen
Tubes for wing spars. - Brooks
Hitched ?
Saving Free Flight - Coleman
Cap strip glue - Hinson
rib caps - Ryan
Re: cap strips and CA deloach
Poti's New Address
how to set a question to scat-news - Aringer
RESULTS ECH F1E - Chaussebourg et al
Castilla La Mancha Open - Abad
Looking 4 Rossi Mk III - Dukie
Keep F1J - Lorbiecki
Applying cap strips - response to Jim Brooks
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I lightly sand the rib side of the caps and taper the front on the top. I
then clean the strips with acetone or MEK. Thick cyano is applied from the
bottle all along the length to be capped. I then scrape a plastic strip
along at an angle down both sides to leave a triangular cross section of
glue on the edge of the wood. The cap strip is applied, starting at the
spar, and 'ironed' down along the length with a plastic strip that reaches
across a couple of rib bays. Then I have another scrape down both sides to
remove excess cyano. I aim to make sure the strips are stuck - so you
could say I am' generous' with the glue.
I looked up my records and I get:-
capstrips 0.08x1.0mm 0.144 gm/metre
thick cyano to glue above 0.089 gm/metre
This is based on adding 0.73 gm to an F1A tailplane by adding the cap
You can estimate the weight of your caps from this information and see how
hard it is worth trying to save weight on this item. I build F1A so I
can't comment on other detailed F1B wing weights.
Mike Fantham
Bradley Model Products web site
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Bradley Model Products web site is now up and running. I have carbon
fiber sheet, precut carbon fiber spars and trailing edges, cloth (fiberglass,
Kevlar, carbon) and towline supplies (line and towreel). My site can be
viewed at:
Jim Bradley
28th, California F.A.I. Invitational
OCTOBER 5th. And 6th. 2002
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, F1-J
SATURDAY OCT. 5th. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SUNDAY OCT. 6th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Sunday October 6th. 2002
-5- 45 Minutes rounds commencing at 08:00 AM
Fly offs will start soon after the end of the competition
F1-A, Saturday October 5th. 2002 ** First flight 240 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 5th., 2002 ** First Flight 300 Seconds
-7- One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start at 4:30PM "FIRM" as scheduled
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 **5:15 to 5:25
F1-B = 4:50 to 5:00 **5:35 to 5:45
F1-C = 5:10 to 5:20 **5:55 to 6:05
Due to no timekeepers available, timers will not be provided,
Please find someone to fly and time with you at your location.
Perpetual Trophies to winners in F1-A/B/C
Crystal Glassware 1st. through 3rd. place for all events
ENTRY FEE = U$A 20.00 FOR F1-A, F1-B & F1-C
$10.00 FOR F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
Contest Director: - Juan A. Livotto 13212 Lake St. LA, CA, 90066, USA
Phone: 310-391-5986..E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Finals Timekeeping - The Solution
From: Martyn Cowley
First let me offer a note of thanks to the hard working organizers,
Florida modelers and volunteer timekeepers for their dedication and
generosity at the recent Finals.
So, is timekeeping at the Finals optional ? Apparently it is ! Yet
the Competitor's Manual states on page 3, Timekeeping Procedures,
"All contestants are required to serve as timekeepers on the contest
day when their event is not being flown", and offers the alternative
" The contestant may designate someone to fulfil his obligation"
As a competitor at Palm Bay Shangri-La (an imaginary paradise on
earth, a remote and exotic utopia), my experience was similar to many
others. On day two only 2 out of 7 timekeepers showed up (due in
part to there being fewer competitors available from that day's
non-flying event). On day three only 3 out of 7 timekeepers showed
up (despite the fact that there was a considerable excess of
competitors that should have been available on the last day).
As a consequence for example, all the F1A competitors were
disadvantaged by being denied one complete round, because of the
accumulative delays caused by the lack of timekeepers at the start of
every round. This deficiency had the effect of putting an even
greater workload on the organizers and volunteers in trying to make
up this shortfall, each round at the last minute.
I don't even have to list for public humiliation within the US FAI
community, the names of those individuals who failed to perform their
obligation at my pole positions. Because instead we have a complete
written record from the timekeeping signature cards as evidence of
all those who were too selfish to contribute their timekeeping
services to their fellow F/F colleagues.
Let us therefore jointly solicit the future cooperation of these
errant individuals, so that they will have the uninterrupted
opportunity to volunteer their services at the next Finals, in order
to make up for the flights they did not time at Palm Bay.
I therefore propose to the FAI Team Selection Committee that: all
those delinquent competitors who did not perform the requested
timekeeping service (with the exception of those who elected to
nominate a substitute timekeeper to the organizers beforehand), be
eliminated from the US Team Selection Program for the next cycle in
2004, on the basis of their un-sportsmanlike conduct (as permitted by
the Sporting Code); that their models, chase bike and flying
equipment be confiscated; and that they be sentenced to 2 years of
compulsory timekeeping duties in order to make amends.
Your comments and solutions please?
re: Conversation
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It's Hurricane Season, September !
Who picks these sites ! ( ? )
Perhaps the TSC should have a conversation with Mrs Brokenspar prior to the
next team selection.
Tubes for wing spars.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've probably got too much spare time----anyway---I want to build a bird =
section wing, I'll probably use the Eppler 376. CST has a tapered carbon =
tube 40" long and tapers from .252 to .127, Wall can be .016, 022, or =
Has anyone seen these tubes or used them. Would they do for a wing spar =
on a F1B with a span of 72" (calm weather only).
Hitched ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saving Free Flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In recent times I've heard and read many views that believe Free
Flight(FF) is dying. They beg for the young to embrace their ways,
Builder of the Model(BOM) must be preserved, or auto surfaces and gears
must be abolished, or any thing new and electronic must be met with
disdain.......they decry the fact that our sons and daughters are into
computers and not models. So, I offer the following old tale, if you may
for their perusal:
The man whispered, "God, speak to me."
And a meadowlark sang.
But the man did not hear.
So the man yelled, "God speak to me." and the thunder rolled across the
But the man did not listen.
The man looked around and said, "God let me see you."
And a star shined brightly.
But the man did not see.
And the man shouted, "God show me a miracle."
And a life was born.
But, the man did not notice.
So, the man cried out in dispair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are
Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.
But, the man brushed the butterfly away... and walked on.
I find this to be a great reminder that God is always around us in the
little and simple things that we all take for granted... even in our
electronic age and the coming of new ways... so I would like to add one
The man cried, "God I need your help!"
And an email arrived reaching out with the good news and encouragement
of the new.
But the man deleted it and continued crying...
Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way you
Cap strip glue
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In response to Jim Brooks question about gluing cap strips.
My method is this: Pour a puddle of medium or thin CA in the lid of a =
35mm film can.=20
Make an applicator out of a piece of 1/16 wire about 6 inches long. Roll =
some masking tape around one end to create a handle. (I have one made =
from 1/32 wire for really small drops and weight savings.)
Place the end of the cap strip on the spar. Dip the applicator in the =
CA, and transfer the small drop to the cap/spar joint.
When this is set, lift the cap strip by the trailing edge end. (about 2 =
Dip the applicator in the CA and wipe the underside of the cap with CA. =
It may take a couple of wipes to be sure the underside is covered with =
CA.There is little absorption.
Pull the cap down on the rib and allow CA to set.
Cut off the excess.
When putting on the bottom caps, use the same method except press down =
the cap as you allow it to contact the rib using an exacto #11.=20
My wings come in at about 42-45 gm un-covered.
Rex Hinson
rib caps
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We have always applied Scotch Weld DP-460 on the ribs with a three inch ink bra
yer. Just mix up the epoxy on a Model Avaition (or similar glossy) magazine pa
ge and roll brayer over glue until brayer is evenly coated with epoxy. Apply a
thin layer with the brayer over three or four ribs at a time. Put a small dot
of epoxy on notched d-box and trailing edge of each rib. Lay down cap. Use h
alf inch Scotch tape pulled over chord-wise every cap and rib (do the top cambe
r first, and use an undercambered jig to keep the warps and airfoil right.)
You can get Scotch Weld DP-460 for around $11 per Duo Pac from
item #7467A26. If this is your first time using DP-460 then you will need a 3
M EPX Adhesive Applicator item #7467A43 around $35. We don't use their mixing
tips for they waste too much glue. Just mix up mesured globs directly from tub
Great glue. Can be applied very thin (some use it for the aluminum skin on tai
lbooms ect.) If the glue is too thick, just hit it with a hair dryer until it
aprox. 45 min working time @80 deg F. Heat will shorten this time. Allow to cu
re fully before removing wing from jig. cure time veries with temperature. Sa
ve remainder aside to check cure. Take notes for your environment.
Do a few ribs at a time and then move down the wing. Do the uncdrcamber last.
Good idea to scuff up glue side of cap strip with 240 sand paper to ensure uni
form adhesion.
Eric Ryan
More rib caps
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I forgot one thing you'll need for the DP-460 applicator, that is a 2:1 plunge
r. McMaster's item #7467A47 $4.00.
Re: cap strips and CA
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just finished a 64 inch span, 300 sq inch Mulvihill wing with appx 70 cap
strips. I used medium CA, wiped off the excess with scrap balsa "trowel".
Weight of cap strips before glue was 1.50 grams. After glue and overnight
curing, total weight added was only 2.18 grams. I can live with only .68
grams of glue, especially since CA is so much easier and quicker to work
with for this application. I can't imagine using thinned ambroid and having
to weight or pin down every cap strip until the glue dried. I've always
hypothesized that CA wasn't that much heavier than other glues that are much
harder to work with...after this little test I really believe it.
Don DeLoach
MMM, Colorado
Poti's New Address
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Poti's, Poti's Hangar, and AVIA Cavaliers has relocated. We can now =
be reached at:
1410 Folk Ream Rd
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344-9164
Phone: 937-882-6015
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
how to set a question to scat-news
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I want to know how I can set a question correctly into scat-news.
I try it now from the - page, but I'm not sure how to make it.
Gerhard Aringer
Key Account Germany & Partnermanagement
PATIDOK Clinical Software GmbH
Phone: +49 2595 - 384251
Telefax: +49 2595 - 384252
Mobile: +49 172 - 865 9988
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mail it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[We appologize for the slightly distorted display of the results but
we were too pressed for time to make a truly beautiful display]
Dear Roger,
Here are the full results of F1E Euro/Ch and World cup contest in Slovakia.
This Championship has been very well organised, with an excellent banquet
and closing ceremony at the end of it.
I want also to mention that it is now possible to get excellent F1E supply
from OK timer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Victor Paireli from Moldova is now producing complete F1E models at a
reasonable price (350 $) Marian POPESCU design: Carbon technology, model can
be put a part and stored in a small box (0,7m x 0,20m x 0,15cm). He is
preparing a large fly-off model and a windy weather model for next
year.Informations will be available on his web site:
Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in english)
F1E World Champs will be next year in Romania in Cluj Napoca area, probably
in September.
More informations after the CIAM Bureau meeting (end of November)
----- Original Message -----
From: Ing.Nosko Peter
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 2:12 AM
> I send you results of European championships and World cup F1E
> Kind regards NOSKO
F1E Euro Champ Junior 2002
PlaceNo. NAME LICENCE Nat.1 Flight 2 Flight 3 Flight 4 Flight 5 Flight Total
Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. %
300 300 300 300 300
6 44 DRAGHICI Adrian 153 ROM 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 27792.33### ####
7 43 ŠALISTEAN Victor 495 ROM 300100.0 27591.67 300100.0 300100.0 29999.67### ####
1 46 NOSKOVÁ Michaela 1834 SVK 24280.67 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
2 48 VALAŠTIAKOVÁ Patríc 1836 SVK 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 23478.00 300100.0### ####
8 45 BILDEA Daniel 78 ROM 23177.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
3 47 SEDLÁCEK Tomáš 2224 SVK 300100.0 27491.33 300100.0 29899.33 24381.00### ####
13 38 HÖFS Björn 3900 GER 25284.00 300100.0 28896.00 300100.0 26789.00### ####
14 36 FISCHER Marcus 2840 GER 21872.67 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 24481.33### ####
4 49 BLEUER Michael 32806 SUI 26287.33 300100.0 22173.67 300100.0 27591.67### ####
16 35 HORN Martin 167-7 CZE 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 16555.00 25083.33### ####
9 40 MORGALA Lukasz 4594 POL 29598.33 300100.0 16856.00 25484.67 28595.00### ####
17 33 FILIP Josef 167-6 CZE 300100.0 300100.0 14849.33 300100.0 23177.00### ####
5 50 ANDRIST Dominik 39727 SUI 23678.67 28595.00 300100.0 22173.67 23377.67### ####
10 41 DZIOBON Kajetan 4288 POL 28093.33 6421.33 300100.0 25183.67 300100.0### ####
15 37 SÜSSMANN Holger 3049 GER 22274.00 300100.0 300100.0 19665.33 17458.00### ####
12 39 Barna Peter 2007 HUN 29698.67 300100.0 9632.00 29397.67 19464.67### ####
11 42 BENISZ Damian 5456 POL 23478.00 300100.0 14849.33 23979.67 24080.00### ####
18 34 HOFMAN Peter 343-28 CZE 4414.67 300100.0 20568.33 29498.00 20668.67### ####
F1E Euro Champ Team 2002
1 6 ZIMA Vojtech 343-1 CZE 500.0 1485.7 1 44 DRAGHICI Adrian 153 ROM 492.331460.7
4 CRHA Ivan 331-1 CZE 500.0 43 ŠALISTEAN Victor 495 ROM 491.33
5 OREL Jaromír 308-1 CZE 485.67 45 BILDEA Daniel 78 ROM 477.0
2 1 MANG Fritz 330041/002AUT 500.0 1467.7 2 46 NOSKOVÁ Michaela 1834 SVK 480.671430.3
2 MANG Edith 330041/004AUT 500.0 48 VALAŠTIAKOVÁ Patrícia 1836 SVK 478.0
3 WOLF Reihard 330041/003AUT 467.67 47 SEDLÁCEK Tomáš 2224 SVK 471.67
3 10SCHUBERTH Helmut 204 GER 500.0 1454.0 3 38 HÖFS Björn 3900 GER 469.0 1320.3
11RITTERBUSCH Karl-Heinz 608 GER 485.0 36 FISCHER Marcus 2840 GER 454.0
9 ACKERMANN Werner 201 GER 469.0 37 SÜSSMANN Holger 3049 GER 397.33
4 23DRAGHICI Florian 152 ROM 500.0 1442.7 4 40 MORGALA Lukasz 4594 POL 434.0 1219.3
22POPESCU Marián 116 ROM 475.67 41 DZIOBON Kajetan 4288 POL 398.33
21PETCU Daniel 818 ROM 467.0 42 BENISZ Damian 5456 POL 387.0
5 25TRÉGER Ivan 1804 SVK 473.331401.7 5 35 HORN Martin 167-7 CZE 438.331214.3
24ŠMERINGAI Ján 1803 SVK 467.67 33 FILIP Josef 167-6 CZE 426.33
26VALAŠTIAK Július 1810 SVK 460.67 34 HOFMAN Peter 343-28 CZE 349.67
6 15AGOSTI Mauro 4334 ITA 475.671392.0 6 49 BLEUER Michael 32806 SUI 452.67877.67
16BOGNOLO Claudio 4013 ITA 465.0 50 ANDRIST Dominik 39727 SUI 425.0
17CORAZZA Egizio 794 ITA 451.33 7 39 Barna Peter 2007 HUN 393.0 393
7 18KANCZOK Franciszek 2624 POL 500.0 1369.3
20JARKIEWICZ Piotr 3708 POL 455.33
19KUBIT Stanislav 338 POL 414.0
8 14SARUSI-KISS Balázs 69 HUN 492.331317.0
13DEMETER Zoltán 1040 HUN 442.67
12ASBOTH Jeno 480 HUN 382.0
9 29PFISTER Rene 4056 SUI 498.331271.0 conditions:
28BLEUER Heinz 5205 SUI 396.67 wind : west 1-5 m/s
27BLEUER Kurt 5206 SUI 376.0 temperature: 14-23 degrees of Celsius
107 CHAUSSEBOURG Pierre 300 FRA 500.0 915.67
8 CHABOT Jean-Marie 193 FRA 415.67
F1E Euro Champ Senior 2002
PlNo. NAME LICENCE Nat. Total 1 Fly Off 2 Fly Off
% % % % % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. %
420 600
1 1 MANG Fritz 330041/0029 AUT 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 420100.00 71####
2 23 DRAGHICI Florian 152 ROM 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 420100.00 3954.93
3 6 ZIMA Vojtech 343-1 CZE 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 419 99.76
4 10 SCHUBERTH Helmut 204 GER 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 415 98.81
5 4 CRHA Ivan 331-1 CZE 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 288 68.57
6 7 CHAUSSEBOURG Pierre 300 FRA 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 274 65.24
7 2 MANG Edith 330041/0041 AUT 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 264 62.86
8 18 KANCZOK Franciszek 2624 POL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1500500.00 191 45.48
9 29 PFISTER Rene 4056 SUI 98.33100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 1495498.33
1014 SARUSI-KISS Balázs 69 HUN 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 92.33 1477492.33
11 5 OREL Jaromír 308-1 CZE 87.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 98.67 1457485.67
1211 RITTERBUSCH Karl-Heinz 608 GER 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 85.00 1455485.00
1322 POPESCU Marián 116 ROM 100.0 100.00 75.67100.0 100.00 1427475.67
1315 AGOSTI Mauro 4334 ITA 91.67100.0 100.0 100.00 84.00 1427475.67
1525 TRÉGER Ivan 1804 SVK 74.33100.0 100.0 100.00 99.00 1420473.33
16 9 ACKERMANN Werner 201 GER 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.00 69.00 1407469.00
17 3 WOLF Reihard 330041/0037 AUT 100.00 80.00 87.67100.0 100.00 1403467.67
1724 ŠMERINGAI Ján 1803 SVK 100.00 87.33100.0 100.00 80.33 1403467.67
1921 PETCU Daniel 818 ROM 100.0 100.0 100.00 68.67 98.33 1401467.00
2016 BOGNOLO Claudio 4013 ITA 89.0 100.0 100.00 76.0 100.00 1395465.00
2126 VALAŠTIAK Július 1810 SVK 72.33100.0 100.00 88.33100.00 1382460.67
2220 JARKIEWICZ Piotr 3708 POL 100.0 100.0 100.00 90.00 65.33 1366455.33
2317 CORAZZA Egizio 794 ITA 78.33 88.0 100.0 100.00 85.00 1354451.33
2413 DEMETER Zoltán 1040 HUN 83.0 100.00 95.67100.00 64.00 1328442.67
25 8 CHABOT Jean-Marie 193 FRA 93.33100.00 99.33 50.00 73.00 1247415.67
2619 KUBIT Stanislav 338 POL 100.0 100.00 35.67 78.33100.00 1242414.00
2728 BLEUER Heinz 5205 SUI 69.33 62.67100.0 100.00 64.67 1190396.67
2812 ASBOTH Jeno 480 HUN 84.67 16.67100.0 100.00 80.67 1146382.00
2927 BLEUER Kurt 5206 SUI 100.00 68.0 100.00 8.0 100.00 1128376.00
Subject :F1E World Cup Team
1 83FRIESER Anton GER s BAYERN 28#### ##### 458
11RITTERBUSCH Karl-HeinzGER s 28#### 430.33
2 21PETCU Daniel ROM s University of Ploiest 8#### 997.00 888.33
64IONITA Sebastian ROM s 8####
3 3Wolf Reinhard AUT s Kolibri I. 4#### 983.33
1MANG Fritz AUT s 4####
4 48VALASTIAKOVA Pata SVK j Endy 21#### 980.00
78VALASTIAK Milan SVK s 21#### 858
5 69POP Eugen ROM s Politechnica Kluj-Nap14#### 952.00
66ARGHIR George ROM s 14####
6 16BOGNOLO Claudio ITA s Udine 17#### 949.00
17CORAZZA Egizio ITA s 17####
7 70RAZMAN Stefan ROM s University Politechni10#### 943.33
71PACTANE Iuliana ROM s 10####
8 4CRHA Ivan CZE s Bohemia 19#### 939.33
72BERGER Bohumin CZE s 19####
9 18KANCZOK Franciszek POL s Rybnik 2#### 936.33
56DZIUBA Wieslaw POL s 2####
# 74TOMAZZONI Marco ITA s G.A.R. "B" 15#### 935.67
75TOMAZZONI Maurizio ITA s 15####
# 19KUBIT Stanislav POL s Qubwoj 18#### 933.33
76WOJTAK Jan POL s 18####
# 73BORCHIA Antonio ITA s G.A.R. "A" 16#### 925.33
15AGOSTI Mauro ITA s 16####
# 13DEMETER Zoltan HUN s CAVALONI II 24#### 895.34
12ASBOTH Jeno HUN s 24####
# 55MORGALA Jozef POL s Slezko 1#### 888.33
40MORGALA Lukasz POL j 1####
# 45BILDEA Daniel ROM j Arpechin - Dacia II. 12#### 866.66
44DRAGHICI Adrian ROM j 12####
# 7CHAUSSEBOURG Pierre FRA s France 3#### 858.00
8CHABOT Jean-Marie FRA s 3####
# 2MANG Edith AUT s Kolibri II. 5#### 840.67
61HEISS Norbert AUT s 5####
# 80TELLER Peter HUN s CAVALONI I 23#### 831.33
14SARUSI-KISS Balazs HUN s 23####
# 58VIKTOR Gerhard GER s Brunmschueig 7#### 824.00
59HOFFER Klaus GER s 7####
# 79BOCHENSKY Stanislav POL s CIUPAGI 26#### 790.33
20JARKIEWICS Piotr POL s 26####
# 62BERE Paul ROM s Palatul Copilor 6#### 734.67
63FAUR Cristian ROM j 6####
# 39BARNA Peter HUN j CAVALONI III 25#### 681.33
84BARNA Jozef HUN s 25####
# 67SALISTEANU Viorel ROM s University of Ploiest 9#### 660.00
43ŠALISTEAN Victor ROM j 9####
# 68PAIRELI Victor ROM s Arpechin 13#### 638.00
65CIUCU Andrea ROM j 13####
# 25TREGER Ivan SVK s PDA I. 22#### 617.00
24SMERINGAI Jan SVK s 22####
# 22POPESCU Marián ROM s Arpechin - Dacia I. 11#### 555.33
23DRAGHICI Florian ROM s 11####
F1E World Cup
Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. % Sec. %
No. NAME Nat.J 300 300 300 300 300 Sec. % 420
1 6 ZIMA Vojtech CZE s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 296100.0
249 BLEUER Michael SUI j 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 24281.76
318 KANCZOK Franciszek POL s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 18161.15
419 KUBIT Stanislav POL s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 17759.80
5 2 MANG Edith AUT s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 9431.76
616 BOGNOLO Claudio ITA s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 9130.74
770 RAZMAN Stefan ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 8629.05
883 FRIESER Anton GER s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 5618.92
948 VALASTIAKOVA Pata SVK j 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 5317.91
1021 PETCU Daniel ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 4916.55
1111 RITTERBUSCH Karl-HeinzGER s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 4715.88
1225 TREGER Ivan SVK s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 4515.20
13 3 Wolf Reinhard AUT s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### #### 22 7.43
1464 IONITA Sebastian ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 29197.00 300100.0### ####
15 4 CRHA Ivan CZE s 300100.00 300100.0 28996.33 300100.0 300100.0### ####
1642 BENISZ Damian POL j 300100.00 300100.0 28394.33 300100.0 300100.0### ####
17 1 MANG Fritz AUT s 300100.00 300100.0 25083.33 300100.0 300100.0### ####
1869 POP Eugen ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 26187.00 28494.67### ####
1981 MIERTUŠ Igor SVK S 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 24180.33### ####
2078 VALASTIAK Milan SVK s 300100.00 24080.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
2174 TOMAZZONI Marco ITA s 300100.00 29999.67 27290.67 300100.0 26588.33### ####
2213 DEMETER Zoltan HUN s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 25685.33 27792.33### ####
2373 BORCHIA Antonio ITA s 295 98.33 300100.0 300100.0 23779.00 300100.0### ####
2462 BERE Paul ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 21371.00### ####
2566 ARGHIR George ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 22976.33 300100.0 28294.00### ####
2655 MORGALA Jozef POL s 191 63.67 28394.33 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
2775 TOMAZZONI Maurizio ITA s 300100.00 28795.67 23377.67 300100.0 25183.67### ####
2757 ANDRIST Alfred SUI s 300100.00 300100.0 26387.67 26387.67 24581.67### ####
2922 POPESCU Marián ROM s 166 55.33 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
30 7 CHAUSSEBOURG Pierre FRA s 164 54.67 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
3127 BLEUER Kurt SUI s 300100.00 300100.0 26889.33 28996.33 19565.00### ####
3217 CORAZZA Egizio ITA s 300100.00 300100.0 16053.33 28795.67 300100.0### ####
3315 AGOSTI Mauro ITA s 300100.00 300100.0 14448.00 300100.0 300100.0### ####
3480 TELLER Peter HUN s 300100.00 300100.0 20969.67 29096.67 23678.67### ####
3571 PACTANE Iuliana ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 27290.67 300100.0 15852.67### ####
3672 BERGER Bohumin CZE s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 12943.00 300100.0### ####
3679 BOCHENSKY Stanislav POL s 300100.00 300100.0 29297.33 300100.0 13745.67### ####
3628 BLEUER Heinz SUI s 300100.00 300100.0 13645.33 29598.33 29899.33### ####
3960 SCHOBEL Felix AUT s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 12441.33 300100.0### ####
4045 BILDEA Daniel ROM j 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 11839.33 300100.0### ####
4168 PAIRELI Victor ROM s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 11137.00### ####
4256 DZIUBA Wieslaw POL s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 10936.33### ####
4376 WOJTAK Jan POL s 300100.00 300100.0 29799.00 20769.00 19665.33### ####
4440 MORGALA Lukasz POL j 106 35.33 28595.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
4544 DRAGHICI Adrian ROM j 279 93.00 300100.0 10334.33 300100.0 300100.0### ####
4658 VIKTOR Gerhard GER s 300100.00 300100.0 28093.33 300100.0 9230.67### ####
4734 HOFMAN Peter CZE j 300100.00 300100.0 27892.67 29096.67 9431.33### ####
4812 ASBOTH Jeno HUN s 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 5317.67### ####
4985 FALCH Horst GER s 36 12.00 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0 300100.0### ####
50 8 CHABOT Jean-Marie FRA s 47 15.67 300100.0 27591.67 29096.67 29899.33### ####
5159 HOFFER Klaus GER s 300100.00 300100.0 0 0.00 300100.0 300100.0### ####
5214 SARUSI-KISS Balazs HUN s 250 83.33 300100.0 300100.0 9 3.00 300100.0### ####
5339 BARNA Peter HUN j 80 26.67 300100.0 18762.33 300100.0 29197.00### ####
5467 SALISTEANU Viorel ROM s 183 61.00 29799.00 300100.0 300100.0 0 0.00### ####
5520 JARKIEWICS Piotr POL s 124 41.33 3511.67 28394.33 300100.0 300100.0### ####
5661 HEISS Norbert AUT s 300100.00 4214.00 300100.0 300100.0 8026.67### ####
5729 PFISTER René SUI s 300100.00 300100.0 19364.33 3511.67 16153.67 989####
5841 DZIOBON Kajetan POL j 280 93.33 24 8.00 25785.67 6521.67 300100.0 926####
5943 ŠALISTEAN Victor ROM j 300100.00 300100.0 300100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 900####
6084 BARNA Jozef HUN s 23 7.67 300100.0 19464.67 29799.00 7224.00 886####
6182 KUCHTA Stefan SVK s 300100.00 300100.0 22274.00 3 1.00 0 0.00 825####
6263 FAUR Cristian ROM j 113 37.67 300100.0 300100.0 23 7.67 5518.33 791####
6365 CIUCU Andrea ROM j 300100.00 300100.0 3 1.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 603####
6424 SMERINGAI Jan SVK s 300100.00 5117.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 351####
6523 DRAGHICI Florian ROM s 300100.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 300####
Castilla La Mancha Open
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SPAIN / Castilla La Mancha Open, another win for Aringer,Valo and Kolic:
With good weather and at the new site the XI Castilla La Mancha was held
on 22 sept. Light drift and
mild temperatures meet a strong competition from abroad. Rain showers
delayed the start of the 6th
round for one hour, even so after some minutes it started to rain again
while Jari Valo was towing, he
kept it almost 20 minutes until he launched into a solid patch of lift.
Round 6 and 7th finished again
in sunny conditions. Super max was flown for the first round. A very
tight finish between Kolic and
Waltonnen on the 7 minutes flyoff.
Wait to see you in Spain next year.
Javier Abad
43 VALO JARI FIN 240 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 1260
52 PETER DE BOER NED 240 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 130
1210 1210
61 MIGUEL A. GORDILLO ESP 240 180 180 163
343 180 523 180 703 180 883 165 1048 122
1170 1170
57 KIMMO KULMAKKO FIN 240 180 180 180
360 164 524 180 704 180 884 90 974 123
1097 1097
56 JAVIER ABAD ESP 178 178 180
358 131 489 100 589 180 769 144 913 63
976 976
51 CARLOS FERREIRA ESP 240 180 180 105
285 147 432 67 499 108 607 107 714 166
880 880
44 JUAN C. VILLOLDO ESP 240 180 180 108
288 126 414 74 488 171 659 0 659 180
839 839
47 IVAN KOLIC YUG 300 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 300 257 1817
58 WALTONEN YRJÖ FIN 300 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 300 250 1810
59 RAMON DURENDEZ ESP 298 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 1260
53 HENK HOORN NED 208 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 1260
50 SERGE TEDESCHI FRA 300 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 162 1062 180
1242 1242
48 MEUSBURGER HARALD AUT 228 180 180 152
332 176 508 180 688 180 868 180 1048 180
1228 1228
54 PIM RUYTER NED 300 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 155 1055 172
1227 1227
60 MICHEL GORDILLO ESP 108 108 180
288 180 468 140 608 180 788 180 968 79
1047 1047
249 82 331 150 481 176 657 125 782 123
905 905
45 PEDRO J JIMENEZ ESP 152 152 142
294 180 474 119 593 180 773 0 773 0
773 773
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 145 0
145 145
42 PERA KOLIC YUG 0 0 128
128 0 128 0 128 0 128 0 128 0
128 128
55 GERHARD ARINGER AUT 300 180 180 180
360 180 540 180 720 180 900 180 1080 180
1260 1260
140 180 320 173 493 180 673 0 673 0
673 673
Looking 4 Rossi Mk III
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My friend Vic Garner is looking for a Rossi MkIII. He is interested in one
that I modified about 10 years ago. If anyone out there has one that is for
sale, e-mail Vic This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doug Galbreath
Keep F1J
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I need some help and maybe all of our elite FAI flyers can help.
As many of you know by now, there is the "new" F1P class fro the
juniors. It seems that it has met with much trepidation and is not
overly loved by those that fly the event. What I would like to begin is
a grass roots effort to keep the rules how they are (F1J). Many kids
throughout the world already have these models and to make them design,
buy, construct, and retest all new models seems to be the wrong way to
go. I know that the intent was to get more kids involved, but they
seemed to have missed the boat. (and the pier and the lake...)
So, what I need is a list of names to contact about this possible
change. I know that there is not much time to do this, but maybe it
still can be accomplished. I heard rumors that Poland is considering not
having the Junior European championships next year if F1P is used. Not
that we are going, but it would be bad to cancel a large competition
because of this.
Well, can anyone help???
John Lorbiecki
Thanks to Bogie for his donation in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell