SEN 745 - 2 Oct 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1371
SCAT Electronic News 2 October 2002 issue 745
Table of Contents
Sierra Cup Hotels Cheap! - Coussens
Finals Report - Brokenspar
2003 FAI FF World Championship - Zsengeller
Volunteers for the NATS - Lorbiecki
sloans food service - Thorkildsen
Re: sloans food service - Keller
Timing at finals - Chaussebourg
AZ in Dec - Nystedt
Robert's Timer - Piserchio
lucky or unlucky? - Magill
Peter King (Russian Jazz Tour) - King
saving the free flight!!!!!!
Sierra Cup Hotels Cheap!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just used for a hotel in Rancho Cordova for the Sierra Cup week
end and Amerisuites accepted my bid of $40.00/night plus tax (plus a one-time h
andling fee of $5.95). The cheapest room is $89/night plus tax through the Ame
risuites website.
Finals Report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brokenspar can report
with some authority,
that at this just completed finals,
there was only -
extreem elation,
grousing. muttered expletives,
silent anger
No humor.
well, none reported.....
2003 FAI FF World Championship
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The date of the 2003 FAI FF World Championship is 26th or 27th of July - 1st
of August.
(the final start date depends on the time schedule of the championships)
Voros Jeno Memorial World Cup 2nd and 3rd of August.
Best regards
Gabor Zsengeller
Volunteers for the NATS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is never to early to plan for next years Nats. I have been given the
prestigous position of assistant CD for the 2003 NATS and will be
contacting many of you to help out. We will need event directors and
helpers for all the events. I can tell you from past experience that it
is something that every modeler can help with. If you happen to have a
day when you won't be competing, why not help out the sport that has
done so much for you. It can be allota fun, as you get to meet all the
flyers and feel like you have done something to help your fellow modeller.
If you wish to help, please email me with information on the event that
you would like to help with. I know that it is in the far future, but if
you have a possible interest, please write. This doesn't mean you MUST
do it, it just puts your name on the list of possible volunteers. Bob
Perkins is overal master of the NATS and I know you will want to help
him make it the best run event ever. Chuck Markos and Bob did a great
job this year, so we have a good base to work from.
Thanks and hope to hear from many of you!!
John Lorbiecki
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sloans food serviceS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do any of you folks have the phone number for sloans?
We want to use them for the nostalgia annual but I
need a phone number to contact them.
Terry thorkildsen
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Re: sloans food service
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Hi Terry,
The number for Jay Sloan is 559-834-1838
Timing at finals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
As a Frenchman, I should not interfere on timing rules at Finals in
But you might be interested in the way we procede in France...
I think that even if the flyers might be good (or even the best)
timekeepers, they are not the right persons to do that for several
reasons: they may have some work to do on their models after retreiving,
they may have a long chasing and are not back on the flight line in time
for timing their fellows from other classes, they may be injured by
mosquitoes, spiders, snakes, even alligators...!!!
So we don't use the flyers as timekeepers, but we ask each flyer to
bring an official timekeeper with him. So we have as many timekeepers as
we have flyers.
This rule is very strict: No timekeeper =3D no flying for that one
Congratulation to the winners and good luck for 2003 W/Ch.
AZ in Dec
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Quoting today's Arizona Republic "Now that our temperatures have plunged to
about 100 degrees for daily highs, it's time to think about winter." Well
maybe not about winter, but rather about the Arizona Free Flight
Championships to be held November 30th and December 1st in Eloy, Arizona.
This is a new America's Cup contests for 2002, and a chance to improve your
standing going into the final event(s) of the year. If you have competed in
the South West Regionals in the past few years, you will be receiving a
flyer and entry blank in the mail within the next week or two. If not,
please send a note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will get one off to you. F1A,
F1B and F1C will be flown on Saturday (an extended first round max will be
flown, weather permitting - No Supermax), and F1G, F1H and F1J will be flown
on Sunday. In addition to the FAI events, a full compliment of AMA events
will be flown. Hermann Andresen and I will be the CD's for the FAI events,
backed-up by the legendary team of Randy Archer, Peter Brocks, and Elmer
Robert's Timer
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Dear Roger,
I want it known that while Bob was taking his 11 + mile walk that
took him 5 hours to accomplish, that I was timing in his place.
I also want to add that only once did his plane land on the field.
It was usually 2-3 canals out and the one he was retrieving was
almost to the 5th!!!!!
According to the Park Ranger if the organizers had gotten in touch
with him he could have helped the contestants retrieve their models
Robert's timer Connie M. Piserchio
lucky or unlucky?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Whilst repairing an open rubber model(Unlimited rubber) for an upcoming
contest, it got me thinking about certain planes that I've had that were
either "lucky" or "unlucky". The open rubber model I have has had only
three contest outings, and each time it has been badly damaged by either
landing in a tree, hitting a fence, or being eaten by cows, and each time
after maxing. This model flies great when in one's just the
landing part it has a problem with!
By contrast, I have an F.1.H which seems to defy the odds, and has several
times come to rest between rows of trees, landed less than a foot from a
huge field of head-high maze, landed in the middle of a main road, only to
be returned to safety by a kind citizen, D.Ted and landed smack in the
middle of two parked cars, and once even landed in a small, electrified
enclosure inside a large field of cows. I'm pretty certain the only way
this one will come to grief is after D.T and going straight up!
My question is, are there any readers out there who have had either models
doomed to failure from the start, or ones that just always seem to come out
Thermals to all,
Jason Magill
New Zealand
Peter King (Russian Jazz Tour)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject : Re: SCAT Electronic News 29 September 2002 issue 744
I am doing a short whistle stop concert tour of Russia in October and
wondered if I might meet up with any aeromodelers while I am there. I will
be on the road (Overnight train) mostly but will have a little time in St
Petersberg and Moscow. Unfortunately I will not visit the Ukrain, at least
this time. I don't have details of venues yet but have a contact in the
Nizhni Novgorod Radio who are handling the tour. They will no doubt have all
the info. It would be great to hook up with someone if possible. I
leave on the 6th Oct for St Petersberg via Moscow then my schedule is as
Oct 7/8/9 St Petersberg
10 Kazan
12 Nizhni Novgorod
13 Moscow
14 Ufa
15 Evening off in Moscow
16 Return to London
saving the free flight!!!!!!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
This is a top issue.
Hi how are you?
My name is Ofer Ben- Noon, and I am from Israel.
I am an instructor and a flier in the aeroclub of Reshon Le Zion (a city
near Tel Aviv).
I am 17 years old and flying F1 A,B,G,H, I am flying since I was in the
second grade!
I wanted to give my opinion about saving the Free Flight and to try help my
favorite hobby, the Free Flight sport.
In Israel the Free flight is an afternoon activity like soccer or basket-
The young kids are paying for it.
Me and another 7 young juniors that are under 18 years old are the main
instructors in the club.
We teach young kids after the fifth grade how to build and fly models.
It is an after-noon activity once a week, for 3 hours.
When I was a little child I was a student in my club and now I instruct and
build in my club.
We charge money for the activity, money that is used for the materials,
instructors and for the building maintenance.
In this way we help our instructors to receive little money ( that is being
spent on models of course :) ) and to stay in the system and we teach the
next generation, that should instruct in a few years!
The kids are exposed to the sport when we are coming to their schools,
revealing our models to them and inviting them to our club.
We are marketing the aeroclub and the free flight in the district!
Yes it requires some effort but it is for a highly cause.
In every year we recruit in Reshon about 30 kids to our club but sadly only
10 are staying to the second year and 8 to the year after and so on.
Another thing I did was asking the TV main sport channel in Israel to make a
show about an event that was made in Israel.
They were so thrilled that it was broadcasted for ten times!!!!!!!!!
Many people came to me and for the first time in their life they understood
what I do.
But still there is a long way to go to achieve our goal, we are still
working on public relationship to increase our students amount.
I really hope that what I wrote will have some help to you all and will help
to save our main and most loved hobby!
Please take it very seriously, even more then your own achievements because
this is our future!!!!
Please reply and give advises as you can, give it even more attention then
you gave Adam's research.
BTW- Last contest in Israel participated 80 f1h competitors!
Sincerely yours,
Ofer Ben- Noon
Roger Morrell