SEN 751 - 28 Oct 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1359
SCAT Electronic News 28 October issue 751
Table of Contents
More USFFC and Texas - Parker
kevlar towline - Zulic
TAN II RUBBER update - Clapp
Kevs Composites/BOM - Tribe
Reply to USFFC - Biggles
Re:Biggles Mini Round Opinion - Coleman
HLG question - Gowan
More USFFC and Texas
Author : james.a.parker
Dick Wood-- LOVE YA MAN!
Please be reminded that all caps is like screaming on email. From the tone
of "Once again Texas has been stepped on" I believe that was your intent.
The tone this message was not appreciated. It convened a repetitive
disregard by the SCAT club and me for the Autumn Cup contest and the
sportsmen of Texas.
This could not be further from the truth. Although we did take into
consideration that a few flyers might decide not to go to the Autumn Cup
because of the USFFC decision we believe the benefit to the total FAI FF
community would be a positive net gain. I did have a meaningful exchange
with Reid Simpson. From this discussion, I came to remembrance of my days
of flying in Texas in which every flyer that showed up was valuable and
could be counted on the fingers of one hand. To that end I do apologize for
any reduced entry to this years Autumn Cup this year. This was not the
intent and is opposite to AmCup purpose.
>From an object view, note that the 2002 AmCup schedule had one, triple
contest weekend and three double contest weekends. When the Nevada contest
cancelled, the double contest weekends was reduced to two. The addition of
the USFFC returned the number of double contest weekends to three. The SCAT
as very little control of the scheduling of the AmCup contest. It's amazing
it works out as well as it does.
This is the time of year that the SCAT club requests comments and
suggestions for the 2003 Am Cup season. Every year Jim Bradley faithfully
replies and we do consider his suggestion of reducing the number of Am Cup
Contest from 28-30 to 6-8. This would likely eliminate the multi-contest
weekends. However, this is not consistent with the AmCup Charter:
The purpose of the America's Cup Competition is to foster the development
of fliers and models across North America in the FAI classes F1A, F1B, and
F1C as well as the mini-events, F1G, F1H, and F1J. This coast-to-coast
competition encourages fliers to attend multiple contests each year in the
United States and Canada in order to win. To this end the Southern
California Aero Team has formulated the following rules:
Please note the focus of the AmCup is to foster FAI FF. It's primary
purpose is not to determine the "THE" best flyers in each classification
each year although it has done a good job at this as well. We understand
that if the competitive portion is not meaningful, the primary focus will
suffer. From this perspective, the SCAT is very careful to balance these
two portions of the AmCup.
I got a note from Mike McKeever asking the SCAT what the ramification
would be if the NorCal and Sierra Cup contest had to be relocated to Lost
Hills due the impending lose of Waegal field. This will be discussed at
the next SCAT meetings. Looking into my crystal ball, I see a Lost Hills
Cup in addition to the Am Cup and National Cups. As Fast Richard (also a
Texan) said, If some is good, more is better and too much is just right!
So Dick, as the leading traveler of the AmCup, I hope we are on the same
page and strive to do what is best for FAI FF.
Thermals, JIM
kevlar towline
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I bought a kevlar towline for F1A on the World Championships in Lost
Hills. I would like to buy two lines more (2 x 51 m), but I don't have
a dealer's address.
I would like to get an information about a dealer.
Damjan Zulic
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The rumors are true, no more TAN II rubber will be produced!
A critical ingredient is no longer being produced due to the change in
golf ball technology. A special
version of this additive was crucial to produce TAN II.
We are all out of factory cut 1/8" Tan II when the current orders are
filled. A few 1 pound boxes are available. We are re-cutting 1/4" into
1/8" with our power stripper for those who would like it. We obviously
do have 1/4" available as well as a few 10 pound (or 1 pound) boxes of
3/16". We expect all of this remaining Tan II rubber will be gone in the
next few days.
We will keep enough 1/4", 3/16", and 3/32 in small boxes to support
Science Olympiad for this school year. Many of you may know that this
event is a fertile breading ground for Junior F1D fliers and other young
aspiring modelers. If some of you don't already know, the USA Junior
Team blew away the competition in the Jr. World Champs! Please do not
try to take advantage of this small S/O stock pile.
There will be no shortage of TAN SPORT! We have asked the factory to
see what could be done
to make what we would call TAN SUPER SPORT, and they have held meetings
this week to see what possibilities exist. This new rubber, if feasible,
would have greater energy storage than Sport, but some what less than
the average value for TAN II.
We know that this situation, while not totally unexpected, presents a
world wide problem.
Please be reassured that it is not being taken lightly!
We thank you all for your past and future support!
Kevs Composites/BOM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In answer to Kevs query on what can or cannot be utilised in the
construction of a HLG in the UK, the answer is relatively simple-buy a
copy of the BMFA Contest Rules, Section 3 , Freeflight, and refer to
rule 3.1.1(b). This rule refers to all freeflight classes with the
exception of F1A/B/C.
This rule says in essence, that you must construct all of the model, but
that you can utilise certain components such as engines, timers,
fuselage tubes and booms,etc, and intriguingly '.items made of metal or
in one piece of plastic (plastic to include fibre/resin mixtures and
So, a carbon fibre fin, providing that it is all one piece of molding,
would appear to be OK, or made of two shells providing that you glue the
two halves together.
Peter Tribe
Reply to USFFC
Reply to AmCup of 2002 USFFC
* Appreciate your swift response, which should eliminate any
questions as to whether or not the results will stand. See you at
Lost Hills !
PS: I also enjoyed your perceptive comprehension with the
transposition of gist and jest !
- Biggles
Re:Biggles Mini Round Opinion
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I must agree with Biggles. I hour per round should be the pace of the
Mini FAI events. This should also prompt more to fly two or more of
these events. My reason for loosing interest in flying AMA Gas is the
fact that one must put up a max every 15 minutes to be competitive,
start early, fly late, and spend most of the day on your dirt bike
chasing models. I like to build, trim, and fly model airplanes and that
is the issue in the Biggles coments. If I were interested in motocross
marathons, then that is what I'd be doing and wouldn't need to waste
time or money on model airplanes.There are many places closer to home
for those who want to ride their dirt bikes and by doing so we modellers
would have to deal with less dust at Lost Hills and other model flying
Roger C
HLG question
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is nothing in AMA or FAI HLG rules that puts any limitations on
materials used. I fly built-up gliders in both HLG and CLG events in the US.
My glider wings and sometimes stabs are built up with carbon rods as the
primary materials.
Bill Gowen
Roger Morrell