SCAT Electronic News 10 April 2001 issue 567
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1302
SCAT Electronic News 10 April 2001 issue 567
Table of Contents
Eastern Free Flight Championship - Schlosberg and Kerr
AeroVironment / PBS Documentary - Cowley
correction to America's cup info and a question - Mekina
Tailboom Forms - Rozelle
Eastern Free Flight Championship
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
According to Tom Kerr (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 410 778 4939) the
FAI schedule is as follows:
Saturday, April 21 (beginning at 9 AM)
F1C -Power, F1B-Wakefield, F1G-Coup, F1H A-1
Sunday, April 22 (beginning at 8 AM)
F1A -Nordic, F1J-mini power
The entry fee is $20 and $5 for any additional events.
A. Schlosberg
[I note that this is different from the previously published
schedule in that it had F1G on Sunday. It makes it
very hard for the visiting sportsman i.e Dick Wood [who always does]
and myself [who sometimes does] take part in both F1B and F1G]
AeroVironment / PBS Documentary
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
* For SEN
A documentary TV program covering several of AeroVironment's UAV's will
be broadcast on PBS this week, see their website:
announcing Alan Alda's "Scientific American Frontiers" program "Flying
Free", on Paul MacCready and AeroVironment including many unique
projects: FQM-151A Pointer, Black Widow and Micro Bat MAV's, Helios Solar
Aircraft, Mars Glider and the Gossamer Human Powered Aircraft.
"Flying Free" will air on PBS Tuesday April 10th in some areas and
Thursday April 12th on KCET and KCTS on the West coast.
correction to America's cup info and a question
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The contact information for the FFAMS America's Cup event (mini-events only) at
Muncie on May 12-13, 2001 was incorrect. (the dates were correct)
The contact info should have been: Joe Mekina, PO Box 33, Donnelsville, OH 4531
9, phone: 37-882-6775, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Also, could you please point me to where you have the current America's Cup rul
es posted on the SCAT website. I have been unable to find them, only finding th
ose from previous years.
Joe Mekina
Tailboom Forms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
An early issue of the Brooklyn Skyscrapers' Flyoff newsletter (perhaps among
the first five) carried an article, complete with necessary mathematics, on
how to form a tailboom form using butcher paper. The accompanying math
enabled you to make a form with the exact length taper plus fore and aft
diameters. I don't recall the article recommendations for finishing, but I
do recall the whole procedure was all but foolproof. I made one!
Walt Rozelle
Roger Morrell