SCAT Electronic News 22 May 2001 issue 582
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1364
SCAT Electronic News 22 May 2001 issue 582
Table of Contents
Binos Power - Kaynes
Memorial day - Shailor
Albert and Isaac - Ioerger
Model Business for Sale - Brush
Raiders flying wing 3-view - Clemens
Re: rubber cross section - Andresen
F1C for Sale - Augustus
Agony Column
Binos Power
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please note publish a correction to Re Steve Helmick's comment on
binoculars - the FAI regulations actually state
"magnification of at least 7"
Ian Kaynes
Memorial day
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As we approach Memorial Day, let's not forget those who sacrificed
all so we could grouse about rubber...
Albert and Isaac
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
I believe that Einstein's remarks that elegance should be sought at a
tailor and not in physics were made in the context of the time. Relativity
and quantum mechanics , with their complexities and comprehension
difficulties , and the rest of the "New Physics" were supplanting the
"elegance" of Newtonian Physics with its simple and easily understood
mathematical formulations. Naturally, the old guard complained about this
lack of elegance in the new theories. I myself confess a certain affection
for the simplicity of Newton's formulas. They still explain the human sized
world pretty well.
Model Business for Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Due to long-term medical reasons, I am thinking about selling the fast
growing model business, Star*Link. For over one year Star*Link has been
importing an average of over 4K net dollars in models and accessories
per month, over 60K in 15 months. This is a profitable business for
either part-time or full-time operation.
This is not a distress sale. I will continue to GROW the business until
the right buyer is found. However, the selling price will escalate
proportionate to the maturing volume of dollars, and the amplifying of
the elite buying customer base.
The sale of this business includes a three-year exclusive import
contract with renewal options for models and supplies in the Americas,
with Andrey Burdov of Russia. Also, included are the plans for
expansion and one year of my consulting to implement the continuing
growth of Star*Link.
This notice to sell Star*Link is for the serious, not the curious.
Please, only inquiries from affluent modelers.
Allen D. Brush
(909) 301-9975
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
online catalog:
Raiders flying wing 3-view
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lee Hines speculated:
"...the flying wing shown in 'Raiders of the Lost
Ark' was purely fictional and just a prop for the flick. Therefore
we(modelers I know and I) doubt there is any drawing available."
Ah, but there is! Sometime back in the 1980's the Flying Aces Club
newsletter ran a very accurate 3-view of the Raiders flying wing. Perhaps
someone with a complete collection of FAC newsletter back issues can dig it
Bob Clemens
Rochester, NY
Re: rubber cross section
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Amazing, the only other time someone claimed to read something I wrote was
in an April Fool issue of FF that had Verbitsky sporting 2 right hands on
the cover.
You are correct, Peter Brocks added strands. My original reply was to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where the Apr 01 was being condemned as being weak.
At the same time it was noted that the motor length was about 20% longer for
the same wt.
Since I couldn't figure out what rubber ingredient (other than
microballoons) could drop the density by 20% when the SG was already less
than 1, I figured maybe it was thin.
Since indoor types don't think of adding strands, the reference to cross
Anyhow, the rubber situation can use facts with this new batch and I applaud
Mr Brocks for his data which shows it probably is OK which is not the
impression one gets from the indoor reports.
IMHO FAI would gain credibility with numerous in house tests to destruction,
getting stretch ratio and breaking stress with scatter. Then using a "safe"
load, determine energy and scatter.
It is difficult for a manufacturer when the customers know more about the
product than the mfg. That's how rumors get started.
Off the soapbox,
F1C For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1C For Sale
F1C Airplane For Sale
Late model 86-inch F1C in excellent condition. Nelson side
exhaust, CF folder, Verbitsky pan, Achterberg CF wings, differential
incidence adjustment, 5-function Seelig, 2-stage glide. No damage.
Trimmed and ready to fly. $800 including spare tail boom.; Will
be at Big Al's Saturday May 26. Bruce Augustus (208) 726-9422.
Agony Column
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Did the early americans use any type of glue in that period of time.
Thank you for any help that you may have.
Roger Morrell