SCAT Electronic News 14 December 2001 issue 655
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 2051
SCAT Electronic News 14 December 2001 issue 655
Table of Contents
CT 90 FOR SALE - Crowley
Valley Fever Study - Batiuk and Emery
ManMen Visas - Batiuk
Good Idea???? - Griggs
unidirectional CF - Brooks
New supply of BR425 batteries - Ruyter
Hi there to all F1C-Flyers - Aringer
No Valley Fever - Abad
FAI calendar 2002 - Kaynes
F1B Fins - Korsgaard
Desert Challenge - Norvall
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1977 Honda CT 90 for sale. Approximately 3500 miles. New battery at World
Champs. Stored at Lost Hills. Asking $450.
I will be out for the Max Men 14 Rounder in Feb. My spot in the shed is NOT
for sale.
Contact Paul Crowley at 586-294-1236 or Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Valley Fever Study
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been contacted by Mr. Kurt Emery, the Assistant Director of =
Disease Control for the Kern County Health Dept.He is interested in =
contacting anyone that attended the Free Flight World Champs at Lost =
Hills in October, for the purpose of collecting data concerning Valley =
Fever. It is important for everyone to understand that if he or she =
contacted Valley Fever at the event, you should not be alarmed. In all =
liklihood, you would be over any symptoms by now, or the symptoms would =
be so severe that you would getting treatment. Mr Emery explained to me =
that in most cases, treatment is not even necessary. What he is =
interested in is collecting data on how many people attended, and out of =
that number, how many contacted Valley Fever. The Kern County Health =
Dept is one of the leading experts on Valley Fever worldwide, and it is =
important to them to collect this data, in an ongoing effort to try to =
better understand the disease. If you are interested in participating in =
their effort, Mr Emery can be contacted at 661-868-0303 or email =
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. gb
MaxMen Visas
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Several people have contacted me about getting invitations for the =
Maxmen International. These invitations must come from our NAC, AMA, =
and they have informed me that, because of heightened security, it is =
now necessary for the request for these invititions to come from the =
individuals NAC. These requests can be emailed to =
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or faxed to Steve Kaluf at 1-765-286-3303. If =
you like, they may send a copy to me, so that I can follow up, if =
necessary. gb
Good Idea????
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In response to all the FAI discussion, it might be a good idea to put some
money on it. I wouldn't mind at all. Actually it would make it even more fun.
(Win the Trophy, and win the money) What a good day that would be.
He.he.he.... Lets have money down to third place. So if there are ten flyers
in F1-G, ten bucks each (that's not much, even for me---23 years old,
married, and buying a house) So now we will have a pot of $100.00. O.K. First
place takes $50.00 Second takes $30.00 and third place takes $20.00. And if I
was flying against wood ships I would put $15.00 to there $10.00 to make the
pot sweeter. This would also help pay for the trips, food, and lodging. See
to me I see no reason to complain about it. This is a fun hobby, that I enjoy
very much. I own the Hi-Tec planes and I can't seem to beat the ones I am
chasing, Bob White, Jack Emery, and a few others. They all fly All-Wood
So what is the big deal? I Don't have good rubber, and time to go
practice all affect me with been abel to beat these people. They are retired,
and I am not.
So can I sit here and complain?? NO.. NO...No... I am going to improve my
game, with Hi-Tec or wood and start taking your money.
So lets all go out there and have fun, This is what this is all about.
Having fun and enjoying everyone that flies like us. I am 23 years old and
don't take on the mind set of POOR ME! Lets get out there fly, experament,try
new designs, new airfoil, and maybe different rubber (or engine).
And if you get my money good for you, and if I get your money better for
(have to pay for this house one way or another)
Seeya on the field
Chad Griggs
unidirectional CF
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've made some F1B props using a molded balsa core and unidirectional CF =
skins. I like the spanwise stiffness but in very thin sections there is =
still too much twist. So I tried bias cut cloth, Now the twist is great, =
but it is too flexible spanwise. To combine the best of both materials =
results in too much weight. I got the unidirectional from Mat Gewain, and =
although I didn't measure it, the stuff looks a bit thick, maybe .007" or =
more cured. Is there an uncured unidirectional material that would be the =
equivalent of .003" or less available? Then I could put two layers =
perpendicular to each other and get the desired stiffness both ways. On =
one prop some DT damage resulted in a crack in the blade. There is no =
strength at all chord wise in the unidirectional material. I tried a =
piece of unidirectional over the cloth, much like a spar on the prop, but =
this resulted in a lumpy section that just doesn't look right, and I can't =
imagine letting in the balsa core to allow for the thickness of the spar, =
especially near the tip, so I'd like to try very thin unidirectional going =
both ways if its available anywhere. Help??
New supply of BR425 batteries
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hereby I would like to inform the Free Flight Community, that a new supply
of the short BR425 batteries is available.
The BR425 Fish Float (25 mm.) battery is the smaller version of the BR435
(35 mm.) which is commonly used in Model Airplane Trackers (Doring/Ruyter).
The battery has not been available for some years. I have a new fresh
supply of BR425/435 batteries.
They come in a package of 2.
Prices: BR425 and BR435 two for $2,50 or 6 for $6,-
Package and postage $2,- per order.
Hi there to all F1C-Flyers
Author: Gerhard Aringer
I read now a lot off discussions about F1C, gearboxes and the need to earn a
lot off money to continue in this class. I think it's time to stop all this
stupid discussions and lets have a look on the following list of results:
WC 2001, Lost Hills
1 Artum Babenko UKR 1320 + 300 + 378 gearbox and model Verbitzky
2 Leonid Fuzevev RUS 1320 + 300 + 371 no gearbox, own design, good ideas
3 Reinhard Truppe AUT 1320 + 300 + 370 no gearbox,
old Verbitzky-model (WC 1997)
4 Vyacheslav Alexandrov UKR 1320 + 300 + 343 no gearbox, not the best
engine, but 4th place
5 Ed Keck USA 1320 + 300 + 295 very good engine and very
good gearbox, but only 5th
6 Randy Archer USA 1320 + 300 + 257 gearbox and model Verbitzky
7 Roman Czerwinski POL 1320 + 259 no gearbox, own design
8 Gauthier Briere FRA 1320 + 255 no gearbox, own design
9 Rolf Staebler GER 1320 + 251 no gearbox, own design
10 Chosei Tono JPN 1320 + 239 no valid information about the
used material
11 Marek Roman POL 1320 + 195 no gearbox, own design
12 Claus-Peter Waechtler GER 1320 + 194 no gearbox, own design
13 Eugene Verbitsky UKR 1320 + 165 own gearbox, own brand new design
14 Frank Schlachta CAN 1320 + 124 no valid information about the
used material
15 Peter Maurer SUI 1320 + 35 no gearbox, own very old
16 Daniel Iele ARG 237 180 180 180 180 180 174 1311 no gearbox,
own design
17 Eric Condon CAN 240 163 180 180 180 180 180 1303 no valid
information about the used material
18 Revaz Targamadze RUS 219 180 180 180 180 180 180 1299 no valid
information about the used material
19 Kiburtas LTU 240 180 157 180 180 174 180 1291 no valid
information about the used material
20 Alexander Mikhalenko RUS 205 180 180 180 180 172 180 1277 no valid
information about the used material
If I see this list and compare only Truppe with Babenko I find out the
following things:
- a 1.55 m short person is able to compete with a 1.9 m tall person
- a 1000 USD modell can compete with a 2500 USD modell
- 8 s difference in the last round compared with the engine run
Babenko-Truppe (4.8 s) is nothing
So I would say we should stop the discussions and should continue using our
head the stuff inside our head (brain) to follow some own ideas, like most
of the people in the top 20 did. It is still possible to get good result
like Peter Maurer without spending much money, by "only" beeing a good
We should also stop the discussions about forbidding the gearboxes. If we
would forbid the gearboxes a lot of the development is stopped and a lot of
our fun is gone. The people who think that bying the stuff is the wright way
should go this way and should have fun with it.
[When we talk about technology, as we did some time back with
electronic timers, we tend to forget that this is a contest
for flying model airplanes. There are many factors that contribute
to sucess. The first one is getting out and flying.
Watching the flyoff at Lost Hills, the winner won because he did
everthing right - the motor was running right, the launch was
straight and he flew at the right time in the round.
Tough for Reinhard about those 50 cm in initial altitude ! ]
No Valley Fever
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi to everyone.
Yesterday the spanish center for epidemics contacted us, following the alert se
by UK authorities. We will get blood tests done, although all of the spanish te
"survived" Lost Hills in good shape, as far as I know now.
Waiting to return once more next February!
Hope all get well soon.
Javier Abad
FAI calendar 2002
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have produced a summary of the FAI Free Flight calendar for 2002,
hopefully in a format suitable for direct viewing with constant pitch fon=
Details are/will be on the FAI web site which is in the process of being
updated (earlier this week it was showing only a draft version of the
Feb 15-17 Lost Hills, CA, USA Maxmen World Cup event. F1A, F1B, F1C
F1G, F1H, F1J
March 2 Pori, Finland Bear Cup World Cup F1A, F1B, F1C
March 10 Crivelle, TO, Italy Trofeo AGO. F1K
March 16-17 Gjovik, Norway Holiday on Ice World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
March 18-20 Omarama,New Zealand Kotuku Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
March 22-24 Omarama,New Zealand Omarama Cup World Cup F1A, F1B, F1C
March 23 =D6sterlo, Sweden Matfors VT International World Cup.
F1A, F1B, F1C
Mar 29-Apr 1 Narranderra, NSW, Australia AFFS Champs World Cup. F1A, F1B,
April 2-4 Narranderra, NSW, Australia Southern Cross Cup World Cup.
F1A, F1B, F1C
April 26 Rana nr Louny,Czech. Open International F1E World Cup event
April 27 Rana nr Louny,Czech. Open International F1E World Cup event
April 27-28 Madziunai, Lithuania Baltic Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
May 11 Vojka, Yugoslavia 19th Srem Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
May 22-25 Embalse, Argentina Nat Championships. World Cup event.
F1A, F1B, F1C
May 24-26 Vsechov, Czech Rep. 17th Jihocesky Pohar World Cup. F1A,
F1B, F1C
May 25-26 Beograd, Yugoslavia Belgrade Cup F1D.
June 7-9 Evora, Portugal Von Hafe Cup World Cup. F1A,F1B,F1C
June 8 Lucenec, Slovakia Novohrad Cup World Cup. F1A,F1B,F1C
June 13-14 Turda, Romania F1E World cup Turda Cup
June 14-15 Turda, Romania F1E World cup Napoca Cup
June 15-16 Prilep, Macedonia Prilep Brand Cup. World Cup.
June 22-23 Orleans, France Concours International d'Orleans F1D,F1L,F1M
June 28-30 Gliwice, Poland 12th Black Cup. F1G, F1H,F1J,F1K
June 29-30 Bordeaux, France 3rd Concours International de Bordeau
F1D, F1L, F1M
July 5-7 Kharkiv, Ukraine Verbitsky Cup World Cup. F1A,F1B,F1C,
F1G, F1H, F1J
July 12-14 Kiev, Ukraine Antonov Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C,
F1G, F1H, F1J
July 13-14 Toronto, Canda Huron Cup. World Cup event. F1A, F1B
July 19-21 Rinkaby, Sweden Scania Cup World Cup. F1A,F1B,F1C
July 22 Rinkaby, Sweden Nordic Cup of Denmark World Cup.
F1A,F1B, F1C
July 27-28 Kunszentmiklos,Hungary Puszta Cup World Cup. F1A,F1B,F1C
Jul 29-Aug 3 Kunszentmiklos,Hungary European Championships F1A, F1B, F1C
August 4-5 Kunszentmiklos,Hungary Voros Jeno Memorial Contest World Cup.
August 11-18 Lucenec, Slovakia Junior World Championships F1A, F1B, F1J
August 13 Karneralm, Austria F1E 5th International Heri-Kargl-Cup
World Cup
August 15 Karneralm, Austria F1E 31st International Heri-Kargl-Cup=
August 17 Karneralm, Austria F1E 6th Weltcup World Cup
August 16-18 Beauvoir, France Azay Le Brule. F1A,F1B,F1C, F1G,
August 23-25 Noize, France Poitou World Cup. F1A, F1B,F1C, F1G,
F1H, F1J, F1K
Aug 29-Sep 1 Zulpich, Germany 33rd International Eifel-Pokal World
Cup. F1A, F1B,F1C
August 30-31 Beer Sheva, Israel 51st Israel FF Champs World Cup. F1A,
F1B, F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J
Sept 9-10 Orel, Russia Aviaprom Cup. World Cup event. F1A,
F1B, F1C
Sept 14-15 Sculthorpe, UK Stonehenge Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
Sept 17 Liptovsky, Slovakia Mikulas Cup World Cup F1E
Sept 17-22 Liptovsky, Slovakia European Championships F1E
Sept 21-22 Ocana-Toledo, Spain 12th Castilla-La Mancha World Cup. F1A,
F1B, F1C
Sept 21 Liptovsky, Slovakia Liptov Cup World Cup F1E
Sept 27 Lubomia, Poland F1E World Cup event
Sept 28 Lubomia, Poland F1E World Cup event
Sept 28-29 Toronto, Canada Canada Cup. World Cup event. F1A, F1B,
Sept 28 Zrenjanin,Yugoslavia Memorial Djordje Zigic World Cup. F1A,
F1B, F1C
Sept 28 Kunszentmiklos,Hungary Arva Janos Memorial contest. F1A, F1B,
Oct 7-12 Slanic, Romania Indoor World Championships F1D, Seniors
and Junior.
Oct 11-12 Sacramento, CA, USA Sierra Cup. World Cup event. F1A, F1B
F1C, F1G, F1H, F1J
Oct 11-13 Novo Mesto,Slovenia Krka Cup World Cup. F1A, F1B, F1C
Oct 11-12 Oberkotzau, Germany F1E World Cup F=F6hrlberg Cup
Oct 12-13 Oberkotzau, Germany F1E World Cup Oberkotzau
F1B Fins
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear friends,
Through many years I have used normal fins with a small rudder and
symmetrical section on my F1B models. Now I would like to try an all-moving
fin/rudder. Some people use symmetrical sections for their fins, but there
are also some using lifting sections (they are easier to build, actually).
And some even use the sections lifting to the "wrong side" as a kind of
trimming/thermal sniffing gadget.
Can anybody out there tell me to what direction the flat side of
the airfoil section of the all moving fin should be, seen from rear, when I
want my models to have the right/right trim?
Thank you very much in advance ...... and merry christmas!
Jorgen Korsgaard
Desert Challenge
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is for Bogart. Bill check the dates for the Challenge. I think you
listed last year. Up date us if you will.. I'm thinking it should be the
5th and 6th of january 2002..
Happy Holidays to all, Larry Norvall
Roger Morrell