SCAT Electronic News 20 December 2001 issue 568
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 2183
SCAT Electronic News 20 December 2001 issue 568
Table of Contents
slobat has flown -Batiuk
Rubber - Griggs
Letters on sen - Coleman
Pierre & Sylvia Brun sent you a Yahoo! Greeting
Re: F1E - Salzer
F1E Link - Campbell
Chosei Tohno
slobat has flown
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger. I have a new address, starting today. It's
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Would appreciate it if you would post it on SEN.
Thanks. gb
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I thought that I might ask if you or any one else knew if the new rubber
from John Clapp was comparable to the 2001, June or August rubber?
Letters on sen
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The great differences in opinion shown in this forum are really
appreciated by this long time builder/flyer. Life in general would just
suck if we all walked, talked, and looked alike....Viva la
difference!............................... Happy Holiday's to All !!!
Roger Coleman
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some random thoughts on this much discussed subject.
Canvassing Opinions
It has been said before but is still true. If you want an event to stay
the same you ask the opinions of the people who fly it. If you want the
event to attract newcomers you canvass the people who don't fly it.
I had a working life in engineering design and am now retired. (Typical
for a FF flyer!) My state Old Age Pension is 7166 pounds per year. I
contributed to a company pension scheme which gives a further 2280
pounds per year. At the exchange rate I saw a day or two ago that gives
10 217 US dollars per year to live on. You could compare that with the
8000 USD suggested to campaign an F1C but that is not the real problem
to me. I buy my materials and make my aeroplanes (usually quite badly!).
If I bought things like pylons or 'D' boxes or propellers I would get no
pleasure in the flying. That is not to criticise those who do buy ready
made but just to say that, for me, the cost is not in the airframe. For
me the major cost would be the travelling. The performance of the
International Classes is such that it would seem that most countries
have only a very few sites which are useable. I suspect that many top
competitors spend as much time flying abroad as in their own country.
Is it FAI we need to look at?
F1A, B and C are often compare to Formula 1 motor racing and to a large
extent this is true but the difference is this. Motor racing enthusiasts
WATCH about eight very wealthy teams put on a show at venues around the
world each year - then they go home and COMPETE in much less costly and
demanding classes. In aeromodelling we are close to the stage where we
are left with a dwindling band of 'Formula 1' flyers with specialized
bought equipment putting on a show and a large group at the other end of
the scale flying Vintage. What is needed is some challenging classes in
the middle with a performance to suit more local flying fields. I will
not take more space on this aspect now but it is not a matter of scaling
P30 down to P20. At least start from the premise that we are too good at
thermal picking and that is the root of a lot of problems.
The Indoor international class rules have been changed recently to
produce an aeroplane which is stronger, simpler to build and with a
lower performance. Since these changes the participation in F1D in
European events has increased greatly. I do not know if there has been
an increase in interest in the US. Some of the American flyers were
unhappy about the way the rules were introduced which may have affected
take up but, if there has been an increase in F1D flying, there may be
something to learn for other classes.
John Barker - England
Pierre & Sylvia Brun sent you a Yahoo! Greeting
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Re: F1E
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I can oly support Jon Davis in his plea to do some (more) F1E-flying in the
And please take his words seriously: use _old_ F1A wings, those built from
Balsa (maybe) with a nice thick 8% airfoil! The modern F1A-wings will not
work. An F1E glider will need a shallow glide angle, not so a low sinking
speed - in normal conditions, that is!
To fit the wind speed you will have to adjust the model by adding ballast
or/and changing incidence. With a highly cambered airfoil you will just get
a more steep descent, but not so much more forward speed, which is what you
might need.
By the way: the high tech people may find a playground there as well. I have
just published my experiments re a GPS controlled F1E glider (last issue of
the Thermiksense).
So go out to those wonderful slopes at Taft, or the foothills of the coastal
range, or towards Yosemite if the wind is too strong to fly at Lost hills,
and put some F1E models to the air!
Klaus (who at the moment has no time for box fueslage F1E's due to boxy
F1E Link
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is an F1E link on the NFFS web site:
This looks like interesting stuff !
Lee Campbell
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Chosei Tohno
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Mr. Chosei Tohno passed away. (Japanese F1C Flyer)
He passed away on December 17 because of liver cancer
at age 64. He participated in Israel and the Lost Hills
World Championships on the Japanese F1C team.
He returned to model airplane flying after a 30 year
lay off. He has been flying F1C for only seven to eight
years. However, he became one of the Japanese top F1C
flyers. His physical condition deteriorated after the
Lost Hills world championship, and he passed away after
a three week hospitalization
SCAT Electronic News 15
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I never got SCAT 15 Digest. Would you please forward?
Eric Ryan
you can get back numbers from the web site]
Roger Morrell