SEN- January 12 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1147
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 12 Jan 2000
SCAT Electronic News
Table of Contents
5 percent airfoils - O'Dwyer
2000 events? - Hines
FF Champs - Thorkildsen
Time is of Essence! - Brocks
Great to hear from you - Help wanted in Lancaster CA - Markos
Desert Challenge 2000 - Bogart
error--- incomplete Patterson - parker
Flapping Flight - Chronister
5 percent airfoils
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Peter King's recent discussion of airfoils for Coupes was excellent. My
only disagreement was 10 to 1 aspect ratios as the upper limit for a
coupe. The trend in recent winners designs is approaching 13 to 14.
Finding (and designing structure for) 5% thick wings is a problem.
Attached are two that meet the round lower leading edge criteria. The
MOCH545 uses mathematics developed by Cheesman, put into Excel format by
Montes and plotted by yours truly. The NACA 5405 is a theoretical 4
digit series based on their two parabola mean camber line math. To my
knowledge, NACA never actually tested any airfoil like this,
5% thick airfoils
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger I'm sorry. I didn't realize how long it would take to download
those two airfoil files. I guess I should send them directly to Dick
John O'Dwyer
[John - we will mail those out separately - it's no problem for me
as I have a DSL line - buth others...]
2000 events?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have you got any late info re the latest 2000 year contest calendar?
Could you please post the dates of known, i.e., "concrete" events thru
the Spring months?
Have you heard if CUFFMAC finalized their list yet?
See you @ Eloy,
[Lee, CUFFMAC have not finalized their events yet. I have published the
events I know of .. but will try and do a summary real soon now]
FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I am sort of curious why the FF champs is not on the America's cup and the
Las Vegas contest is. From what I heard the participation at Las Vegas as
compared to the FF champs does not match the classification or did I miss
Terry Thorkildsen
[Terry - the story is rather complicated ...
The FF Champs lost it's America's Cup status a couple of years ago
because of the way the FAI Events were run. SCAT members voted on this.
I, personally thought that the event has significant status to work
with the organizers but it is a democratic process.
This year I was called by Ron Boots who is the new CD - Ron wanted
SCAT to move the Patterson to the FF Champs so the FF Champs
would have a serious [= America's Cup] contest. I think that
Ron realized that to get a serious FAI turn out it has to be an
Americaa's Cup event and he was
sympathetic to running the FAI event correctly. The SCAT memenbers decided
not to move the Patterson as it is an event with some history in the club
etc .. Howver they did decide to grant the FF champs America's Cup status.
So it is back on the America's Cup Schedule this year.
With respect to the Las Vegas contest, this event is generally well attended
by the FAI flyers [except for F1C]. Part of the spirit of the America's Cup
is to encourage people to go to different parts of the country to
fly and we acheived this at their first America's Cup event a few years
ago when Victor Pissany of the Ukraine came. Many of the locals
had never seen an East European sportsman with his box of
goodies to sell etc.. Jon Zeisloft makes a effort and runs a good contest
and the El Dorado dry lake is big enough.]
Time is of Essence!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Jim,
Please include the results of the Patterson in the America's Cup results and
list at least the fliers that will be on the podium in 5 weeks. Of course
exclude the Patterson F1B results - the irregular ending of the F1B contest
and that it will take 3 MONTHS to be settled still bother me. - For 2000
let's stick to the rules.
Nevertheless, I am very grateful for the hard work of the America's Cup
Thanks and hope to see you in Eloy, Peter
[Peter - see the note below from Jim]
Great to hear from you
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is there a contact person for Indoor help in the area for Tony Bonser? He
is working with a Jr High group on the Science Olympiad project.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony and Mary Bonser [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 11:57 PM
To: Chuck Markos
Subject: Great to hear from you
Thanks for all the info. I live in the Lancaster/Palmdale area of
California which is 70 miles north of LA on I-14. My address is
Tony Bonser
6038 Lilac Circle
Lancaster, CA 93536
I work For GE at Mojave airport and Edwards Airforce Base. We do engine
flight testing on our 747 Flying Test Bed.
Ca. contact: I would appreciated getting connected with an indoor model
person in the area. Thanks for suggesting it.
Prop: I did manage to cut down a 9 in prop and was able to scrape it down
to a reasonable weight. The model even with the bigger prop stays level
with a small number of winds. I didn't have access to the gym but I was
able to static motor runs up to 1 minute 40 seconds. The best I could do
before was less than a minute.
Rubber Motor: We are only allowed 2 grams for the rubber motor. I don't
have access to a scale yet so I don't were I am starting from. Also I can't
put the pin any further back on the fuse with out going onto the tapered
boom. Is it ok to move the pin to the tapered boom to accommodate a longer
rubber motor? I don't think I'm ready for a $100 rubber resizer but maybe I
can find some one who will resize some motors for me. Based on the
performance I think I could easily trade power for endurance
Thanks for the explanation on the warp. I should have realized at these
velocities that the yaw generated by drag on the wing would more than offset
the roll. This is much like the difference between a fast RC model and a
very slow one (ie you can turn with ailerons only on a fast aircraft whereas
the slow plane requires rudder).
I wonder if altitude has a big impact on performance? We are at 2500' MSL.
I wonder what the service ceiling is of one of the models.
I'm on my way to Cincinnati for some meetings at our main jet engine plant
(won't have access to email). I plan to be back on 1/14 to start the first
class with the kids. I'll keep you posted on our progress.
Desert Challenge 2000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Taft, California January 8-9, 2000
Kate Joyce 1254
Brian Van Nest 1255 = 2509
Bill Hartill 1115
Hector Diez 1260 = 2375
Pierre Brun 1165
A Nother 1196 = 2361
Alex Andryukov 540 dnf
Roger Morrell 1232 = 1772
Vladi Andryukov 483 dnf
Al Hotard 1234 = 1717
Doug Joyce 354 dnf
Bernard Boutillier (p) 585
Roger Morrell 600 = 1185
Jim Quin (p) 574
Bill Burt 574 = 1148
Bob White 600
Wes Funk 540 = 1040
Bob Norton 378
Bob Van Nest 513 = 891
Norm Furutani 548
Tom Laird 505 = 1053
Terry Ellington 455
A Nother 548 = 1003
(p) proxy flown
(dnf) did not finish
The first Dolby Desert Challenge was held in early January, 2000. It is a t-
eam challenge, initially among model airplane clubs in Phoenix, Arizona, San
Diego, California and Los Angeles, California. The winds were light and the
sun shone beautifully to temperatures between 30 and 55 degrees F.
As is customary on Saturday night, a great fire is started just after sundown
(4:53pm), the charcoal lighted, tables and chairs arranged about a fire.
Peter Allnutt winters in Taft, but had to visit Toronto, Canada and London,
England and was doubtful for attending the contest. However, he had gathered
piles of lumber and wood for the fire and had secreted the stash so that it
would be available for this contest. He is the official fire marshal and
in fact was able to arrive Sunday. The banquet beside the fire was successf-
ul again with all in good spirits. One of the desert animals showed up, obv-
iously having smelled the cooking meet. This is the kit fox and burrows in
the ground in 4 inch holes and passageways. The fox is not more than 18 inc-
hes long and has been known to steal meat off the grill.
We were pleasantly surprised to see Bill Hartill flying a 30-year+ F1A and to
see Brian's father, Bob in attendance. Bob was very active for many years.
The winners of each of the six events were determined. They will receive a
perpetual glass mug with their team names engraved.
A good time was had by all.
Bill Bogart, contest director
error--- incomplete Patterson
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, you're too fast and stay up too late at nite. I just discovered the
attachement I sent 1 hour ago did not have the Patterson. The Patterson is
inputted but I made estimates as to the number of entrants and so the bonus
points my change slightly. I'll see if I can get them from Don tomorrow and
send you the latest version.
Thanks, JIM
Flapping Flight
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Morrell,
I'd like to suggest a link for the web site.
Please add the following web site to your links page. The Ornithopter
Society has been advocating flapping flight since 1984 and holds
international postal contests for indoor ornithopter enthusiasts.
Thank you.
Nathan Chronister
Roger Morrell