SEN- January 27 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1220
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 27 January 2000
Table Of Contents
Musicians - Hinson
The death of Alexander Mukhin - Verbitsky
Beyond the Black Stump - Anon
Thanks - Thorkildsen
More on Musicians - Rounsaville
Commerical Disputes - Editorial Policy
Cuffmac Calendar [e&oe]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Maybe we should put together an FAI orchestra. Looks like there is =
enough talent.
The theme song could be "The High and the Mighty".
Serously, it is good to recognize those amoung us with talent.
The death of Alexander Mukhin
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger !
I would like to inform by SCAT electronic news the mournful
news for everybody who know Alexander Mukhin. Alexander died
suddenly today January 26 on 49 th year of his life.
Alexander was very strong F1C flier. Many times he was member of
Soviet Union team. Two times in 1987 and in 1989 Alexander
was team World Champion.
In the individual score Alexander was fourth on World
Championships in 1987 and third on European Championships in 1988.
He won many big contests in Europe, Soviet Union and Ukraine.
At last time Alexander's health was not so good. He had
problems with heart and not can to take part in airmodelling
contests. But many modelfliers of the
World used and still using tail booms, fin & rudders, carbon
folding propellers ect. producing by Mukhin.
Alexander Mukhin was very known sportsman all over the World.
Everybody remember his very strong dynamic launch of the model.
He was GREAT friend.
Beyond the Black Stump
.. or straight from the kangaroo's mounth. My correspondents in Oz
report that World Champs organizers have found a replacment [and better] site
for the one that sprouted radio antenna. They have a few details
to finalsize and there will be an offical announcment "real soon now".
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks Roger for publishing the flyer for our San Valeer's Annual. I
appreciate it.
Terry Thorkildsen
[It's no trouble. We are always pleased to publish contest annoucements
and reports.
Terry sent us his contest annoucement in Microsoft Word Format. We
saved that a MS-Dos Dos format text with line breaks, and that
is what was in the SEN. We did do a little clean up.
We also saved it as HTML and put that on the Web Site in the
contest annoucments section. This looks a little more
like Terry's original word document.
In general when some sends us item for publication they can do
what we just did to check how it will appear when published
and correct it if needed. Then send us the corrected copy.
It is not a problem to send two versions - one plain text
for SEN and one HTML for the Web Page.]
More on Musicians
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for the plug, Roger,
Others who come to mind... don't forget Ken Bauer who provided sound
equipment and played a mean blues piano with me on "Crossroads" a couple
years ago at the MaxMen 14 rounder Banquet dinner. Also Jos Melis who did
a mean Bob Dylan impression on "Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
And...Jon Davis has been known to pick up the fiddle from time to time tho
he 'plays' this fact down!
And another neat thing...I just returned from a national Medical trade show
in Anaheim 1-15/21.. Sort of a dual business/pleasure trip. DuPont paid
all expenses for one of my customers and I to perform at their hospitality
suite as a "Dynamic Acoustic Duo". It went over real well. We got rave
reviews...and they even paid us more$$!
Also Big Thanks to Randy Secor who helped as my "Roadie" and supporter!
Dave Rounsaville
Commerical Disputes
We received a note fom a reader quoting a commerical modelling web
site. This site published a list of people that owed them money.
The reader included that list [or part of it].
We do not publish that information. This is because in any situation
like this there is always two sides and we are not acting as arbitor
or judge and jury.
Similarly on our web site we have a list of free flight suppliers. I
once got a message from someone [who did not properly identify them
selves] saying " .. why does a respectable organization like SCAT
have a listing from modeller X who is a sleeze ball and did this
that and the other in some business dealing. We cannot judge
a supplier on the basis of one incident from an anonomous writer
and we cannot qualify the suppliers. So we published the listings
with the warning "buyer beware" as it would be in any commerical situation.
Cuffmac Calendar [e&oe]
8 9 SCAT Desert Challenge FAI and Mini Taft
15 16 Southwest Regionals Eloy, AZ 29
29 SCAT 40th Anniversary Banquet Van Nuys
30 30 FMC Madera
30 30 Superbowl
6 6 SCAMPS Haggard-Bowden & Nostalgia Lucerne valley
11 11 Black Sheep Indoor LBHS
12 13 Isaacson Winter Classic - FAI + others Lost Hills
18 21 Max Men 14 Rounder FAI, World Cup Americas Cup Lost Hills
20 20 Thermal T Fun Fly Site ?
20 20 SDO Otay Mesa
27 28 PMAC Nostalgia Eloy;
27 27 FMC Madera
4 5 SCIF Kick Off Annual Taft
4 5 Blacksheep 30" Taft
10 10 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
18 19 SCAT SCAT Annual FAI, Mini America's Cup Lost Hills
19 19 SDO Otay Mesa
26 26 CUFFMAC Annual Banquet
26 26 PMAC Eloy, AZ
26 26 FMC Madera
1 2 SCAT BANCO FAI Challenge Lost Hills
8 9 San Valeers San Valeers Annual FAI &AMA Taft
8 9 SCAMPS Texaco Taft
8 8 Sierra Eagles Sacramento
14 14 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
16 16 Thermal T Fun Fly
16 16 SDO Otay Mesa
22 23 EASTER
6 7 NorCal Champs America's Cup Sacramento
13 14 Mothers Day
13 14 SDO San Diego Orbiteers Semi-Annual Otay Mesa
19 19 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
21 21 FMA Madera
27 30 Blacksheep Champs Taft
27 27 Hatrak Flying Wing Taft
27 28 Big Al's Shootout America's Cup Lost Hills
27 ? 28 ? BFT Annual; Lost Hills
28 28 PMAC Eloy, AZ
9 9 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
11 11 SCIF and Thermal Thumbers Fun Fly Mile Square
10 11 NFFC Western States Champs Sacramento
18 18 Father's day
20 20 Thermal T Fun Fly Mile Square
20 20 SDO Otay Mesa
27 27 CUFFMAC Planning meeting
27 27 FMC Madera
4 4 SDO Mooney's Bostonian Otay Mesa
14 14 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
9 9 SCAMPS Lotto & Fun Fly Perris
11 11 Stockton Summer Bash Sacramento
11 11 Flightmasters FAC Annual Mile Square
17 18 SCIF OT Summer Madness Lucerne valley
18 18 SDO Otay Mesa
30 30 SCAMPS Twin Pusher
13 13 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
13 13 SCIF Fun Fly Taft
20 20 SDO Otay Mesa
20 20 Thermal T Fun Fly Costa Mesa
2 3 SDO San Diego Orbiteers Annual Lost Hills
2 3 SCAMPS Lost Hills
2 3 Fresno Fresno Annual Lost Hills
8 8 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
16 17 Stockton NCFFC #4 Sacramento
17 17 SDO Otay Mesa
24 24 FMC Madera
7 8 California FAI Inviatational America's Cup Lost Hills
10 10 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
11 14 AMA FAI FF Team Selection Lost Hills
20 22 Sierra Eagles Sierra Cup - World Cup, America's Cup FAI Sacramento
21 22 BFT Fall Free Flight Festival Lost Hills
21 22 Thermal T Silent Annual Lost Hills
15 15 SDO Otay Mesa
23 24 Thermal T Fun Fly Mile Square
29 FMC Madera
4 5 LV Dust Devils SW FAI Challenge America's Cup &Gamblers Classic Eldorado Dry Lake
4 5 Stockton Old Timers Sacramento
10 10 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
11 12 CUFFMAC USFFC America's Cup Lost Hills
19 19 SDO Otay Mesa
18 19 SCAT Patterson FAI America's Cup Lost Hills
19 19 SDO Otay Mesa
26 26 SDO WWI Scale Otay Mesa
26 26 PMAC Eloy
8 8 Blacksheep Indoor LBHS
9 10 LYNN & Steve's Xmas Fun Fly Taft
9 10 SCIF Fun Fly Taft
17 17 Thermal T Fun Fly Costa Mesa
17 17 SDO Otay Mesa
16 17 PMAC I-10 Challenge Eloy, AZ
Send corrections to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell