SEN-407 April 23 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1408
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 23 April 2000 issue 407
Table of Contents
in need of help - David
Science Olympics Help
FAI Contest Schedule Announcement - Morris
Team Finals Warning
SCAT Electronic News
in need of help
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am not sure if I have emailed the right people/person but I came
across this site looking for ideas on rubber band planes. I have a
science olympic competition, province wide, on the 28th of April and
have not been successful in building a model capable of competing. I
was wondering if you might be able to give some suggestions as to how a
model can be built. I do not know much about building planes but must
try as best i can.
The plane must have a horizontally projected wing span no more than 50
cm, maximum wing cord of 12 cm, maximum horizontally projected
stabilizer span of 35 cm. One single blade commercially molded (one
piece) plastic propeller with a maximum diameter of 20 cm. Powered by a
single loop rubber motor not to exceed 2 grams. Must be equipped with
at least two (2) wheels (3/4" minimum diameter).
Constructed only from wood, paper, glue and clay used for
trimming/ballast except for propeller bearing, landing gear system,
rubber motor attachment points, rubber bands to attach wing assemblies
to fuselage, malleable wire and/or tape used to attach adjustable
control surfaces.]
Total mass of airplane without rubber motor to be 8 grams or more.
Motors will be massed separately.
The competition marks on length of time in the air. The plane must
take off from the ground. Extra points will be awarded if plane lands
on landing gear.
Thank you for taking time to consider this project. Any advise on
constructing such a plane will be greatly appreciated. I can be
emailed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you again,
[David - you are not the first person who has come here with
that question. I will e-mail you separately some past
issues of SEN that have some information about the Science
Science Olympics Help
We have some information on the SCAT Web Site about the
Science Olympics. This is a contest for High School Students.
It is a little off our main interest of FAI Free Flight. Never the less
it is very important for the future of Free Flight in general. Not
every school is fortunate enough to have Free Flighter like
Larry Norvall [and I' sure some of you others] close by to help.
For example Brian the lumberjack in North Dakota!
We goit a goot response from the readers with helpful information for
Brian but I would like someone [or more] to volenteer to ;
1. Write a getting started piece with sources that could be a reference
for Science Olympians
2. Commit to answer every Science Olymipics question we get
Or maybe someone know or where they can get this help already ?
FAI Contest Schedule Announcement
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will be announcing all known F1A-B-C contests sanctioned by AMA
between June 1 and the Oct 10 Team Selection Finals in the next TSC
Newsletter, expected to be sent out the end of May. I will include those
shown on the 2000 Americas Cup Schedule as it appears on SCAT's web-site.
If it does not appear there or that description is not complete or correct,
please send me a flyer on your contest so that it can be made known to
those in the FAI TS Program. Only AMA sanctioned contests with F1A-B-C
events will be listed. Send to:
Gil Morris
2810 Brackley Rd.
Columbus, OH 43220
Team Finals Warning
When making his reservations at the Lost Hills Day's Inn, Tom Laird
reports that the receptionist said that all the double rooms are already
booked. I guess that in addition to being the prime flying season,
this is also the pistachio picking season !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir,
I just checked the SCAT Homepage and I found, that Thermiksense was
registered neither under "sources" or "publications'" and
with the wrong URL.
Please modify:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you and best regards!
Bernhard Schwendemann
die Thermiksense - die Fachzeitschrift f=FCr den Freiflugsport
the German Free Fligth Magazine
Bernhard Schwendemann - Fuchshofweg 25 - D-73614 Schorndorf
Tel. 07181/45818 - Fax 040/3603 156 213
SCAT Electronic News
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. The primary interest is the FAI classes.
It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
Images are better submitted in GIF or JPEG formats
as they are smaller [than BMP].
Text should be plain text.
Contest results can be in text or excel format.
If you just started getting this it is because some else suggested
it, you asked for it or you logged on to the SCAT Web site
and indicated a preference for FAI FF events.
To subscribe send the person's e-mail address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To be removed from the list notify the above address.
SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team.
A chartered AMA Club and the sponsoring club for the 2001
World Free Flight Champs.
There is no charge for SCAT Electronic News. We consider that promoting
Free Flight to more important than money. SEN is supported by the editor
and friends.
Thanks to Steve Geraghty and George Schroedter for their donations.
Roger Morrell