SEN-418 May 16 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1409
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 16 May 2000 issue 418
Table of Contents
getting f1b equipment - rouamit
Mica film & Fibre film Supply Contacts - Mitchell
Turn opening by F1B - Wantzenriether.
World cup " SREM CUP "
Science Olympiad Assistance - Baughman
NorCal FAI Results - Terzian
power panel ? - Augustus
getting f1b equipment
Author : royamit
I would like to know where can i get motor-tubes, tail-booms,
kevlar or carbon d-boxes, wing spars,front-ends and etc.
Mica film & Fibre film Supply Contacts
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
As these products are not available Down Under could you
please supply the following info (via SEN if necessary ) in relation to both
Mica film and Fibre film.
1) Fax/Email address of suppliers (preferably with credit card facilities).
2) Colour availability.
3) Minimum order quantities/size of roll.
Phil Mitchell
Turn opening by F1B
Author : j.w.bourdonnay
Our best F1B man in France, Albert Koppitz, has the same problem P.
King noticed in SEN 404. At the end of the cruise the model tends to
the left, and sometimes stalls in turbulence. - If we assume that the
wing works very close to its glide attack, then the memory of an old
misfortune can be helpful. In 1981 Jean-Claude Neglais tests a new
wing, solid balsa, rectangle + tappered tip, aspect ratio 15 or so,
wing airfoil like 5406. A safe glide turn is impossible ! Always the
model ends in a straight glide path. All usual means are failing :
turbulators, CG shift, various incidence of one half wing, as well as
the TE flapped up in the tappered area. At last a paper sheet is glued
on the underside of both tips, so the undercamber fully disappears.
Now the turn is OK... in spite of the theoretical drag of a 9% thick
airfoil and reduced RN. - The cause of the problem was obvious :
a too great an angle at the beginning of the underside, in the
tappered region where progressively the local lift (and the angle
of attack) is reduced to zero. In fact exactly the same airfoil was
used from root to tip of the wing : a mistake. - Before WW2
the wings often ended in a symmetrical NACA 0006 or so. -
Perhaps our F1Bs sometimes have a too great a tip camber ?
- Jean Wantzenriether.
World cup " SREM CUP "
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
13-14.MAY.2000. Nova Pazova - YUGOSLAVIA
Science Olympiad Assistance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been assisting Science Olympiad students for two years with good
results nationwide. To keep from having to repeat my instructions to
everyone who e-mails me, I have written a 30 page handbook which details
how to build a very competitive Science Olympiad model. The book
includes a 50% plan and a complete supplier listing for all materials.
The book is $10 post-paid and may be ordered from me direct. Gary
Baughman, 470 Hardage Farm Drive, Marietta, GA 30064
NorCal FAI Results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This is a preliminary outlook of the FAI events flown at Waegell Field last
weekend. Please pass on to others who may need to know the results for
America's Cup, FAI qualification, or club contest points standings (CUFFMAC,
Full results will be available by the 15th of May.
F1A Two in the flyoff
1 Mike McKeever 1461
2 Ernesto Busnelli 1379
3 Risto Puhakka 1110
4 Brian Van Nest 1067
5 Martyn Cowley 1056
6 Norm Smith 1027
7 Fred Terzian 987
8 Pierre Brun 913
9 Jim Parker 786
10 Lee Hines 674
F1B Nine in the Sunday morning flyoff. Overcast w/light occasional drizzle.
Drift to the south.
1 Bob Tymchek 1740 (The only person to Max the 10 minute Sunday morning
2 Walt Ghio 1547
3 Bruce Hannah 1537
4 Bob Critchlow 1505
5 Larry Norvall 1454
6 John Pratt 1438
7 Mike Davis 1428
8 Bill Booth 1397
9 Richard Wood 1360
10 Dick Myers 1114
11 Roger Morrell 1103
12 Al Brush 1062
13 Jerry Fitch 1020
14 Chris Borland 1004
15 Rich Rohrke 1001
16 Chuck Dorsett 758
17 Jim Leuken 638
F1C Only one entrant
1 Roger Simpson 694
F1G Five in the flyoff. Overcast with drift to the east
1 Mike Davis 1080 Only person to max out in the flyoff
2 Bob Tymchek 984 Launched slightly behind Mike and drifted in a different
3 Hank Cole 903 Missed the air and stalled considerably before smoothing
4 Bob Critchlow 759
5 John Kamla 723
6 Phillip Scheiman (Jr.) 587
7 Bob Van Nest 579
8 Chuck Dorsett 534
9 John Emery 520
10 John Pratt 360
11 Stuart Bennett 348
12 Dick Myers 310
13 Richard Wood 301
14 Ding Zarate 148
15 Bill Davis 111
16 Jim Leuken 47
F1H Three in the flyoff
1 Martyn Cowley 780
2 Brian Van Nest 766 On the line too long. Took an attempt and re-launched
with less than a minute
3 Lee Hines 663 Missed the air and stalled severely
4 Norm Smith 556
5 Walt Ghio 547
6 Herb Robbins 531
7 Ben Tarcher 510
8 Bob Norton 479
9 Fred Terzian 464
10 Kim Scheiman 308
11 Ernesto Busnelli 120
F1J Five in the flyoff
1 Bruce Hannah 1157 2nd flyoff round and squeaked out a 12 second win over
2 Bill Lynch 1145
3 Doug Galbreath 835
4 Dave Parsons 811
5 Bill Vanderbeek 772
6 Jim Haught 546
7 Roger Simpson 525
8 Bob Stalick 445
9 Bruce Augustus 414
power panel ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone have for sale, a power panel cut in half to fit in an F1C-style
starter box, or a panel suitable for such mutilation?
Bruce Augustus
Roger Morrell