SEN-419 May 22 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1490
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 22 May 2000 issue 419
Table of Contents
Woodhouse Wired - Woodhouse
Tan II Rubber Status
Horejsi 811 wing section ? - Pennington
F1A for Sale - Kruse
elictric power - Jahnke
Mica Film and Other Stuff - Terzian
E-Timer Update - Stoev
Vasily's Free Flight Outlet - Beschasny
reply to royamet and Phil Mitchel - Clapp
Gorban F1B web page---NEW - Meyers
Woodhouse Wired
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Michael J Woodhouse
Free Flight Supplies - We now have our own domain! Please change your
bookmarks and address books to : -
The web site is : -
e-mail : -
Tan II Rubber Status
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As many of you know, we have not been shipping 10 lb boxes of Tan II
rubber these past three months.
Starting with the January '00 batch we asked the factory to slightly
modify our formula to yield a product that was a bit tougher (more
resistant to breakage) and thus a bit lower in energy storage.
The Jan. '00 batch was very near target, but since then the bad news is
that the factory has had problems. They have identified a raw materials
problem that can be corrected by modifying the manufacturing process and
"tweaking" the formula. While very small Q/C lab batches have proven
out, the bit larger production test batches have not been satisfactory
for world class fliers. One bit of good news is that the factory knows
good from bad batches before any of us ever test it.
Tan II Rubber is very analogous to making fine wine; if the grapes are
not "vintage", and the fermentation is not carefully controlled, the
wine will be less than premium. This is somewhat true with Tan II. The
incoming raw materials have not been "vintage" and the Q/C and process
people have experienced difficulty in modifying the process to yield the
F1B quality product that we all want.
Today we were informed that our factory feels they have solved the
problem and will be running a small factory test batch and if all goes
as planned will quickly follow up with a larger production batch.
Our Tan II experts are keenly aware that there are many world wide back
orders to fill and are committed to shipping good Tan II !
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
John Clapp, FAI Model Supply
Horejsi 811 wing section
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please would you included this in the next issue of scat
Does anyone have the wing section co-ordinates details of the wing section used
by Ivan Horejsi in his F1A 811 model
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
F1A for Sale
From: Matthew Kruse
Hi Roger,
Please put the following message into the next SCAT Electronic News.
Matthew Kruse
This glider was purchased brand new from Victor Stamov at a contest at
Lost Hills, California.
Victor personally helped me make 4 test flights and helped with some
minor trim adjustments
the day I bought it.
The glider is in perfect condition and has been stored safely in a box
ever since.
The model Flies very well.
I am selling this glider as new for the original purchase price of $600.
The glider is in exactly the same condition as when purchased and
includes the timer winding wrench and the bunt delay-set pointer.
There are no holes, tears, or broken parts.
I will have this model at Lost Hills on Saturday May 27.
Please do not hesitate to call Matthew Kruse at 714-279-9384 or email me
at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in purchasing this model.
Thank you,
elictric power
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SEN Subscribers,
I would like to make contact with a modeler or modelers who are highly
skilled in electric powered free flight, particularly indoor and outdoor
duration events. The goal of this request is an article on electric
powered duration models for the 2001 sympo. My e-mail is
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Mica Film and Other Stuff
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One of the best sources here in the U.S. for Micafilm(r) is from Tower
Hobbies. They have a web page where you can order directly by using a credit
card. I believe they will ship almost anywhere. Check it out at:
In their Tower Talk (quarterly catalog), the transparent Micafilm(r) in red
or yellow goes for $9.99 U.S. funds. It is 29"x65". The 29"x15 foot roll
goes for $26.99. Clear Micafilm(r) goes for $6.99 or $19.99 respectively.
It appears that they no longer have any of the other colors (blue, orange,
I'm not sure about a source for Fibaflim but it is possible that Tower might
have that on their site as well since they carry a lot of things that apply
to R/C as well as free flight (engines, accessories, glues, paint, etc.).
Hope this helps you. Fred T.
E-Timer Update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear friends!
I inform you, that by the total of three-years work the third updating of
our electronic timer has appeared.
Details on it performances and programming you can learn on web-page:
We have tried to remove all possible program errors.
The timer works with anyone servo and does not require their alterations.
Two models with timers will participate in a Championship of Europe 2000.
Best regards,
International Model Group
Stoev Oleg.
Vasily's Free Flight Outlet
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How are you doing?
I'm interested with the guy '' rouamit'' like lots
of your another Ukrainian friends to supply him with
F1B equipment like he did ask. You can imagine that I
'm able tto suggest better deal than anyone else. For
your information : my workteam guys will have soon the
counter (eleectronic,of course) for F1B winding drill
,for rubber motors. The price gonna be just a
symbolic, no higher than $15 ea.
Your friend by professional sport ,Vasi.
reply to royamet and Phil Mitchel
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger
In response to the inquiry of royamit and Phil Mitchell :
Motor Tubes , Tail Booms , D- Boxes , Spar Caps , Front Ends , Mica Film
, and Mica Film in colors ( colored Mica Film is really Fiba Film only
clear ( milky white) is Mica Film today ).
Gorban F1B web page---NEW
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger:
I have been having trouble with the old Web Page server, so have built a
new page with a new server. Please substitute this new url for the old
Thank you and Thermals,
Dick Myers
getting f1b equipment ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Take a look at my site and the goodies therein. Let m know what you want
I will take it from there. I have had an e-mail from Roy Summersby re
Fibrefilm. I will see what can be done. Any thoughs questions please
get in touch.
Roger Morrell