SCAT Electronic News 2 October 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1378
SCAT Electronic News 2 October 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of contents
SEN Admin stuff
RDT Comments - Bauer Feedback - Davis
More RCDT - Jensen
The curret FAI rules.doc - Ewing
Livotto invitational Teamup - Wegener
Speaking of Livotto - Galloping Gourmet
SEN Admin stuff
This is in reply to a few comments, questions etc
1. Back numbers are kept online on the SCAT web page at
Look under latest News and Editorial
2. I cannot send bits out to people personally or by SNAIL Mail
it just takes a lot of time which I do not have.
Bill Bogart does help some of the local Luddites by printing
and reformatting to suit his taste SEN and giving
it to them on paper ... if you think you have influence
with Bill, contact him directly.
3. I did send out something which had an attachment - and was not supposed
to so was not readable by some people. I re-sent that item.
If you have Juno mail you may not be able to read mail with attachments.
You have my sympathy but you get what you pay for.
We want to increase the technical content of SEN this, means sending
attachments with plans, sketeches, photos and excell spread sheets.
Sometimes when I can do it I will try and do it as I intended
this last time and send the attachment [the America's Cup
results in Excell format] as a separate item. I was rushing to
get this out before leaving for the office in the morning
so ended up by sending extra stuff.
4. Someone reported to me that they could read these attachments
with AOL. It 'should' work . Is there anyone who was able to read
the attachments with AOL ?
Is there anyone who was not able to ready the attachments with AOL,
or anything else and would like to help mew resolve this - just
send me e-mail and we will look into it.
5. For time to time I clean up people's text - if you look at the following
piece, wriiten by thee estimable MAC bigot from Albequeque you will
see the consequences of preparing a message on an undoubtably
high class machine to be mashed thru the lowest common
demoninatior and sent to us/you peons.
What I am saying here is that the SEN audience uses many different mail
systems - to ensure that your words of wisdon look OK when most
people get them you need to have about 72 characters max on a line.
This is often done by selecting a fixed pitch font when perparing your
message and a not too wide margin.
RDT Comments - Bauer Feedback
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bravo for Ken Bauers clear, concise, and very well thought case for the DTNOW
system. It makes all the sense in the world. His point that those of us
who have
to travel long distances to contests and not have the advantage of
dirt bikes for
chasing is right on. The locals have a huge competitive advantage and Kens
suggested system helps even that out a little bit. I'm all for in
just the way Ken
presented it. Keep this guy in the loop of helping formulate
the system, he knows
what he's talking about and he is smart and wise, a rare combination!
Jon Davis
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger.
Since you ask for my opinion on the other matters....
Well, RCDT does not make any winners, it is more likely to keep more of us
able to fly FF.
What I hear from my customer, who are using RCDT is that they would never
fly without it, at least not when trimming. That's where the real advantage
is and that's where it can never be forbidden. Not all of us have unlimited
time to build models, so we are willing to do what can be done to preserve
our models.
Since it seems to be envy that drives the resistance, I'll simply reviel how
to implement it in a cheap and reliable manner and I expect to see it with
every electronic timer next year, then let's see how long the resistance
Becker in Germany is willing to sell the RF parts for his RC gear, so simply
as for the receiver without demodulator and the transmitter RF board I use.
It can accept 1200baud serial data directly into the transmitter. The
receiver delivers demodulated data at 1V signal level, that simply needs
The Becker stuff is working at 35MHz FM, and is chosen mainly because of the
low power consumption of the receiver.
You can reach Becker at +49 6071 35565, ask for Becker himself.
I suggest that you others stay off channel S72, to avoid collisions due to
different transmission schemes.
Becker prices can be found at my homepage, I sell at the exact same prices
as I get from Becker. As the other heroes, I'm also here to support rather
than to make money. I can assure anyone that every $ my timers costs more
that the those of the competitors is spend on hardware with one and only one
purpose: To prevent timer failure and to inplement features that save
Have fun and let's discuss how to do more flying rather than who to envy.
Best regards,
[ .. the most interesting thing about Torlief's message is at
the end .. "have fun ..." This is the same attitude as Ken Bauer
The reason that both these guys do this for is make their and our! flying
more enjoyable. Sounds like the right kind of motive to me]
The curret FAI rules.doc
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
attached are some of my opinions on the current FAI sporting code descussion
The current discussion on Radio activated dethermalizing,
points out the inconsistency in the current rule that
allows it in F1C, as well at the rule that prohibits
autonomous closed loop control on free flight models. Both
of these rules seem to be in contrast to the basic
definition of free flight, prohibiting contact with a model
after launch. Both seem somewhat arbitrary in there
scope: the advantage of RC DT is obvious for all classes
not just F1C, our active open loop control systems are
legal to execute an infinite number of functions but a
rule out laws even as simple 1 function closed loop system.
A consistent set of rules could maintain the old
prohibition against any contact what so ever with the
model, with no exceptions or additions. This would not
allow RC DT for any class, and would allow any autonomous
control system. Other "definitions" of free flight that
take exception to, or add constraints to, the no contact
rule, are the personal preferences of individuals. These
personal preferences can never be unanimous and will
always be a source of argument. My personal preference
says that an F1C landed after RC DT is infact a model that
is remotely piloted. In the case of both of these
rules it appears that the FAI has started down the slippery
slope of departing from the no contact rule of defining
free flight. What other RC convienceies will we allow
next? 3-axis control to return a model to the launch site?
What other control concepts will be prohibited next? Will
all fixed surfaces be required? The no contact rule is
very straight forward to understand and apply. We should
return to it with no exceptions or additions.
Rick Ewing
Livotto invitational
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am going to the Livotto Invitational next weekend. I understand that
there are no time keepers and all flyers should team up with someone.
Does anyone need a teamate?
Rich Wegener
Ft. Worth, TX
Speaking of Livotto
Following the time honored tradition established, promoted, enhanced
by the SCAT gourmet Pierre Brun, we will again circle our wagons
in true Western style and have a pot luck dinner on the field
Saturday of the Livotto contest. All are invited. There is always
plenty of excess barbeque capacity for those whose mode
of transport did not permit the transportation of the kitchen.
While there is not a branch of Faunchon or even Gelsen's in Lost
Hills .. yet, it is possible to buy food there.
Roger Morrell