SCAT Electronic News 4 October 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 4 October 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
MIME ? - King
That Mongolian - Gregorie
Ukraine Cup - Yablonovsky
Mongolian - Brokenspar
RCDT - Wegener
More Mongolians - Woodhouse
Mike Woodhouse (East Anglian!)
RCDT reprise - Markos
Viewing attachments - Hinson
Remote DT - Hinson
Attachec MAC - Watters
Nats F1G - Barron
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
<< Recently I have sent xls, jpg and gif files - did you have this
problem with all of these ? >>
Yes they all work fine, it is just the MIME files I have problems with. I
will try to get it sorted but would appreciate any help, out there, in Cyber
Space !!
Peter King
[ Peter if you are getting the JGG, XLS and GIF files are you getting the
text ? .. If you are you are getting everything]
That Mongolian
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mike Cook is a well-known British flier. He evidently decided that it would
be funnier to put Mongolian than British on his entry form and I was
likewise amused, so I let it stand when handling pre-entries and have
subsequently propagated the joke.
[Martin, I was also suprised to see it a 5 round contest. In a country
where you [or may be they ] are stalwarts for the purity of the event
how can you let it degenerate in to only a 5 round afternoon tea party ?
Ukraine Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yesterday (3.10) in Kiev on a flight field "Buzovaya" (on it the field
is carried conducted Antonov Cup) was the competitions "Ukraine Cup" were held.
These competitions are included in a screening cycle per national team of
There was a very good weather. Was sunny and warmly (about 22 degrees
of celcius). The wind in the morning was weak, later has amplified
(7-10 meters per one second) slightly.
Class F-1-A 33 participants, 4 in the fly off.
1. Igor Yablonovsky
2. Vladislav Lazarevich
3. Igor Zavgorodniy
4. Valeriy Lazarevich
Class F-1-B 20 participants, 6 in the fly off.
1. Igor Vivchar
2. Evgeniy Gorban
3. Oleg Krisko
Class F-1-C 12 participants, 2 in the fly off.
1. Artem Babenko
2. Valeriy Tchapskiy
3. Vyacheslav Aleksandrov
Best regards. Igor.
Igor Yablonovsky
Nauki Ave. 4, apt.83,
Kiev-039, 252039,
tel/fax: +38-044-2652470
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell,
The subject does not appear in SPORTING CODE, page 25, Annex 2,
National Identification Marks.
( Monaco seems closest ).
We know that Mongolians came down the steps, riding small horses,
invented steak Tartar ( which they seasoned under their saddles while
riding at greatneck speed ), and gave us the concept , Hordes.
They were probably Pre Ludites, and in later years rode Stationery
I'll bet they will be allowed to fly in the Euro Champs !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I thought that I would throw in my own (decidedly and admittedly naive)
two cents on the RCDT subject.
I am flying F1B and am playing massive catch-up, having flown stick and
tissue and for the last 12 years flying pretty much in a vacuum. The
following comments are strictly personal opinion.
First, I will prioritize the reasons why I am "into" this hobby/sport.
1) Designing
2) Building
3) Test Flying
4) Competition
5) Comraderie
I have said in the past and say it now, that if it ever gets to the
point where the only way to compete succesfully is to buy a pre-built
airplane, then I will stop flying that event.
The one thing that no one has said is that the more technical the
aircraft become, with more and more gadgets on board, the further the
designs get from the average (below average in my case)
designer/builder/experimenter. I have had two Black Magic timers for a
year now, and still have not been able to get them to fit and work. This
is not a fault of the equipment, but rather I can only spend so much
time designing the airplane, then testing the new systems.
After this next World Champs cycle, I will probably quit flying F1B. It
is becoming very obvious (at least to me) that the best and easiest way
to win is to buy a "tricked" out, professionally built airplane. This
goes against my top three priorities.
I have nothing against technology, but adding R/C (In ANY form) goes
against every fiber of my FreeFlight being, and I will have nothing to
do with it.
Rich Wegener
More Mongolians
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Mike cook is afflicted with what in this lttle Island passes for a sense of
humour. Still he had the last laugh being the only one to find anything that
was anyway decent as regards air.
Mike Woodhouse (East Anglian!)
RCDT reprise
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ken Bauer and Torleif have presented a number of points in favor of RDT
(formerly called RCDT) that seem to be one-sided.
Ken tells us that several F1A flyers are currently using such a system and
have been for 2 years already...even in contests. This is presented as a
justification for using the technology since it is the direction that FAI is
heading. However, just because some people have been using it is not a
justification for either a rules change or for unquestioning acceptance.
Such practice is a flouting of the rules and should be stopped immediately.
I assume that the practitioners of this techology were unfamiliar with the
FAI rules and will not continue to use RDT in contest flying. This
practice, if continued, leads me to question the sportsmanship of those in
question, because then it is gamesmanship that is replacing the honored
traditions of sportsmanship. As an example of sportsmanship, I would like
to relate an FAC Nats that I participated in some years ago. In the
mass-launch events, contestants have to go through several eliminations with
the same model and rubber motor. No repairs to the model or motor can be
made. A winner of one of the events discovered the rules after the heats
were over and disqualified himself even though nobody saw him making a minor
repair to the tissue of the model. I am sure the FAI sportsmen are just as
Not everyone that Ken has heard from thinks that RDT is such a great idea.
At least four correspondants to this site have differed with his idea. The
use of "everyone is in favor of it" is a childish approach to logic. Ken is
a very intelligent person and I'm surprised that he would use such a tactic.
It doesn't matter what you call it RDT or RCDT. The FAI rules state that
"no physical connection whatsover" shall exist between the modeler and the
model. Trying to hide behind semantics just doesn't matter in this case.
RADT (Radio Assisted DT) as Aram would have it doesn't make it any more
Indeed there is a competitive advantage in having friends, motorcycles and
state-of-the-art purchased models. However, these advantages are currently
allowed by the rules. The purchase of models was allowed mostly because the
BOM rule was unenforceable, not because it was necessarily good for the
sport. There continues to be controversy about the BOM as it affects the
purity of the sport as there will be much controversy about how RCDT should
be employed. One thing that we should consider if RDT is adopted is that
without prohibiting abuses, the competitive advantage would make all models
without electronic DT obsolete. To my knowledge, such mass obsoletions are
usually grounds for not accepting rules changes. Is it because of purchased
models at $2K and more that their loss is such a tragedy? If so, the
motivating factor behind one controversial proposal (RDT) is the change
from BOM to purchased models...another not-universally popular rule change.
As far as it being "plain stupid" to have a fly-away due to thermals, I have
had a couple in my life (a 1/2-A and an F1G) and don't consider myself
stupid! As a result of one fly-away I invented a new way to DT a coupe. I
also have F1As trimmed for rapid descent after DT.
The "fun" quotient is not only determined by getting your toy back safely
and quickly. The risk involved in our sport adds to the fun in much the
same way as racing at LeMans would be more fun than bumper cars at a
carnival or rock-climbing is more fun than taking an elevator. I actually
enjoy ALL the challanges of flying FF and that includes tracking down a
model after a long chase. I work at staying in shape to keep doing what I
like best. I admire people like Roger Morrell and Brian Van Nest who I've
seen win big FAI contests while shagging their models back on foot and
smiling all day long. What's next after RCDT? Perhaps we should all DT at
60 seconds and be awarded a score based on the timer's judgement of
whether or not we would have maxed - just kidding.
[Actually Chuck that was a grimace!]
Viewing Attachments.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Regards to opening attachments, I have not been able to view anything
sent in XLS, no problem with gif and jpg.
I am using Microsoft Outlook Express. It is probably something That I
don't understand, as is with most computer problems.
When I attempt to open it, I get a messege "this file does not have a
program associated with it for performing this action."
The recent wakefield plan, and the babybee 40 photos came in just great.
Remote DT
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have been following the Remote DT discussion with great interest. Ken
Bauer should be complimented on his well thought out discussion of the
I would personally like to see some technical info about how some of the
people have implimented the idea.(what kind of transmitter, Frequencies,
codeing, what receiver, and what kind of actuator, and can it only be
used with an electronic time at this point.) Also, along those lines,
how about some technical info on simple circuit design for electronic
timers. Maybe a block digram, and some readily available chip sets for
those of us that "do our own thing". The sooner we make technical
information available to everyone, the sooner we see development and
improvement on any advancement.
Rex Hinson
Attached MAC
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I use a Mac for all my CAD computer work and with aol I'm having no trouble
yet reading your attachments--particularily if they are text or mim or jpg
They may not come through the translators with proper line wrap but very
readable. The jpg pictures are great!1 Thanks for the effort.
Just an old Luddite, John Watters
Nats F1G results
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Nats results mailed by Phil Sullivan report
for F1G for senior/open with 41 contestants:
1. Bob White 836 seconds
2. John Kamla 815
3. Peter Brocks 808
4. Paul Crowley 795
5. Chuck Markos 767
6. Ed Vargo 600
7. Dick Wood 598
8. John Clapp 592
9. Carl Perkins 584
10.Tom Ioerger 557
11.Larry Norvall 554
12.Joe Williams 546
13.Stephen Sova 542
14.Paul Masterman 540
15.Fred Blom 539
16.Warren Ringlien539
17.Ed Konefes 520
18.George Perryman518
19.George Clowes 512
20.Dan Weeks 486
21.John Watters 466
22.Ed Wiley 463
24.Joe Huettl 449
25.James Keppler 448
26.Chris Matsuno 428
27.Jak Farson 420
28.Michael Basta 416
29.Aaron Arzamendi388
30.Paul Simon 360
31.Robert Hanford 354
32.Bill Gibbons 348
33.Phil Klintworth330
34.W.H. Phillips 240
35.Jeffrey Annis 225
36.Walter Mumper 213
37.Orval Stewart 200
38.Len Sherman 198
39.Bob Bienenstein177
40.Loyd Greer 70
41.John O'Dwyer 66
For Junior F1G there were three contestants.
The scores were John Barron 512, Ryan Jones 377,
and Jon Reuter 169 seconds.
Roger Morrell