SCAT Electronic News 7 Oct 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 7 Oct 1999
"SCAT - 40 Year's of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Reformatted SEN for the Unwired - Bogart
Y2K Sympo - Jensen
More RCDT - Iele
DTNow! - Some British input regarding a remotely activated DT system - Reid
Lee on the stump - Hines
Nats F1G Correction - Toto
This weekend 9 - 10 October at Lost Hills [where else !]
The 25 th California FAI Invitational [all are invited]
aka "Livotto" [Run by Juan Livotto, helped by various members of his
family and his trusty sidekick Craig Cuisick]
FOR CLASSES: F1-A, F1-B, F1-C, F1-G, F1-H, and F1-J
SATURDAY OCT, 9th F1-A, F1-C and F1-G
SUNDAY OCT. 10th. F1-B, F1-H and F1-J
Will start at 3:15PM (FIRM) both days
Sat. F1-A 3:15 to 3:25; 4:00 to 4:10; 4:45 to 4:55; 5:30 to 5:40
Sat. F1-C 3:30 to 3:40; 4:15 to 4:25; 5:00 to 5:10; 5:45 to 5:55
Sunday, F1-B (Same as Saturday F1-A)
Saturday Mega Potluck Dinner on the field - orchestrated by
displaced French gourmet chef Pierre Brun.
Pierre gives advice but you have to cook you own stuff -
extra barbeque space for out of townwers.
All are invited to that too!!!
Your chance to hobnob with the FAI FF Glitteratti - and
us regular folks will be there too.
Reformatted SEN for the Unwired
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[at a recent SCAT meeting we dicussed on how to get the word
from SEN to the unwired ... Bill has offered to help..]
I would be willing to send weekly renderings to others, charging for postage
Bill Bogart
Y2K Sympo
Those interested in contributing to the 2000 N.F.F.S. Symposium should
contact Symposium Editor Blake Jensen before Christmas with Ideas for
articles, photos or art.
E-mail- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Blake Jensen
1743 W. Powell Blvd.
Gresham, OR 97030
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In my honest opinion, model retrival (the chase), has never been part of our
This game used to be building (no longer needed) and flying but, the rules
never said anything about retrival.
Also, rules apart, if you are allowed to use bikes, motorcycles,cars,
friends, wives or an Etiopean runner if you can pay his services: Why
should a wonderful aid like RCDT be banned?.
Expensive? My unit paid for himself after saving the first couple of models.
I have a new pair of F1C's but don't think to use them until I receive the
new timers. (Hurry up Torleif).
I can't find any reason why this device should not be legal in F1A and F1B.
I am not sure to attend the next March CIAM meeting but if a proposal in
this sense is presented, I promess to endorse it for Argentina.
Daniel Iele
DTNow! - Some British input regarding a remotely activated DT system
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've been doing a bit of canvassing at recent UK competitions, and at local
trimming sessions, to gauge some idea of English fliers' reaction to Ken
Bauer's proposal. While the comments I've read on the SCAT site were
mixed, with many clearly in favour, there were some strong objections on
the part of some fliers (some from people who seem to equate any use of a
radio signal as the equivalent of full-blown RC - and I don't believe for a
moment that this is what Ken visualised). However, the feedback I've
received here was not like that at all. Nobody was opposed! There were
some mild reservations, regarding legality for competition use, but that's
not necessarily the main thrust of the proposal. Everyone agreed that it
would be a boon for trimming and small field use, but that some rule re-
writing might be necessary for competition use, which is fair enough.
Comments ranged from "I hope it has a better range than the fifty feet of
my garage door opener!", to "I hope it's not too heavy." and "I hope it's
not too expensive.", but in the main were "Great! When can we get
My small sample of UK fliers may not be representative of the national
feeling on this subject (let alone the international one), but it did include
people who have flown FAI events in the past, some who do so presently,
fliers of the "Open" classes, vintage fliers, and "Sport" fliers. Whether
they flew in glider, rubber or power classes, they all thought the idea to be
a good one. I know that the (sometimes violently so) negative reactions
have come as a bit of a shock to Ken. Let's hope he's not put off by these.
The proposal is one of the greatest boons to the beleaguered sport of FF
aeromodelling to come along in a long time, in my opinion. I want to give
it a try, to make my life easier, and my model flying safer and more
enjoyable. Lots of others, at least on this side of the pond, feel likewise.
Cheers, Jack Reid, Cornwall, UK.
Lee on the stump
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a note to inform on the website for Palm products
where I
found and bought a used Palm lll for 150$ in their "classified" message
board section.
Secondly, re T. Jensen, Ken B, Jon D and others commentary: We need the
instant DT
capability NOW rather than later BECAUSE of the dangerous situations that
would be
possible to avoid! Remember the power line explosions, FIRES and MONEY
from same? And landing in restricted compounds? Or lakes, rivers,
prisons,crops with farmers carrying shotguns sitting in a pickup, etc, etc,
etc? Pick
your favorite retrieval horror story and then VOTE FOR the instant DT
Climbing down from the stump, Ciao,
[Lee is referring to something that applies to people in the US Team
selection program. - Participants in the US Team Selection program will
have received a voting paper from the AMA asking them if a
number of FAI rule changes proposals should be submitted to the FAI.
As with all forms of vote/elections participation is important.
So if you are part of "the Program" be sure to vote on this."
Nats F1G Correction
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re the Nats results in F1G:
Aaron Arzamendi with 388 sec. was a Senior.
Grandad O'Reilly
Roger Morrell