SCAT Electronic News 14 November 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1226
SCAT Electronic News 14 November 1999
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Skyscrapers Fall America's Cup Event
Radio DT in Austria- Salzer
Looking for M&K Tailbooms - Protheroe
Competitions at the WC site for 2000 - Montes
New info - for Hobby Club - Dona
FF Champs F1C ?
Danish Proposals for CIAM Meeting
Appology to Chuck - Wood[s]
M&K 3 Position wing wiggler Questions and Answers - Parker and Markos
FFChamps I, II and III - Perkins, Thorkildsen and Cowley
OZ Animals - 8 legs, 2 legs, no legs
Skyscrapers fall America's Cup Event
Tom Higgs farm Ingleside, MD
1. Schlosberg 1203
2. Barron, Andrew 1167
3. Tzvetkov 1084
4. Barron, John 1021
5. Barron, Peter 774
[7 *180]
1. Blom 1107
2. Morrell 1091
3. Lacey 996
4. Gunder, Taylor 893
5. Ioeger 863
[5*180 2*120]
1. Gutai 900
2. Anderson 823
3. Sifleet 764
4. Wagner 521
5. Kirilenko 503
[ 5 * 180]
Perfect weather on Saturday for the first 5 rounds. Somewhat tricky
thermal conditions. Sunday windy and foggy, in particlar at F1B
height. On first round on Sunday all F1B's went out of sight
in under 2 minutes... but still went about a mile, acoss two water filled
ditches. While the F1As at lower altitude could be seen for 3 minutes,
provided you flew to the end of the round !?
Good performance in F1B by young Taylor Gunder, especially as he missed
the first round on Sunday [ 7am too early ?].
Radio DT in Austria
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Latest news from Austria: on a national basis radio DT has been officially
allowed from the beginning of 2000.
We will have to wait how to work this when participating at international
events (remove it?).
So - whoever makes RCDT devices: here is your market!
Send offers to me, and I will distribute them to any interested party.
Klaus W. Salzer
Looking for M&K Tailbooms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can anyone help me find M&K tailbooms. Our faithfull M&K supplier Jim
Parker is out and doesn't expect any in untill Max Men in Feb. by which
time I hope to have a couple of new gliders in the air.
Thanks, Daniel Protheroe
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daniel Protheroe
Sage Recording
Competitions at the WC site for 2000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding your e-mail on competitions at the Wagga site:
The Australian Free-Flight Society Champs will take place at the Wagga
WC site, from the 22 to 24 April 2000. These Champs include the
Trans-Tasman competition and are of international standard, giving
points to the World Cup. They are followed by the National Champs , also
of World Cup standard at Nowra in NSW, between April 27 to May 4, 2000.
Notice that in these Champs many categories other than FAI categories
are flown, including F1G,H,J, plus Vintage and Open Rubber and Power,
Nowra is not too far from Wagga (by Australian standards) and it should
be relatively easy for an overseas flyer to make both Championships, and
get acquainted with the flying conditions here. If there are any flyers
intending to come to Australia for these Champs, I will do what I can to
provide help and suggestions for internal travel arrangements, as well
as passing the relevant information to the organizers of the National
New info - for Hobby Club
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: The posted information on Hobby Club is old.
New info:
P.O.Box 6004
San Clemente, CA. 92674
phone (949)240-4626
fax (949)240-5931
best regards,
Hobby Club
FF CHamps is it true ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We want to know about the FF Champs results held at lost hills on Nov
6,7,8 . I heard Fred (The Prop Man) Ginder took 2nd in F1C. Is that
true, or is he pulling my leg? Jim
Danish Proposals for CIAM Meeting
Proposals for the agenda ? CIAM-meeting ? marts 2000 ? Lausanne.
To be submitted to the FAI before November 15(superscript: th). 1999.
The 20 seconds rule attempt.
3.1.5 to be deleted
3.2.5 to be deleted
to be deleted.
Reason : The rule is based on historical reasons, which no longer exists.
Maintaining the 20 seconds rule attempt will give the user of RC-controlled
dethermalisation an unreasonable advantage
Class F1B - Models with extensible motors
3.2.2 Maximum weight of motor(s) lubricated ?? 25 g
Reason : To reduce the flight potential.
Radio Controlled dethermalisation for F1A and F1B.
Add after last sentence:
F1A models may use radio control only for irreversible actions to restrict
the flight, that is dethermalisation. Any malfunction or unintended
operation of these functions is entirely at the risk of the competitor.
Add after last sentence:
F1B models may use radio control only for irreversible actions to restrict
the flight, that is dethermalisation. Any malfunction or unintended
operation of these functions is entirely at the risk of the competitor.
Reason : Safety reason.
RCDT is already widely in use all around the world. It helps saving the
models from crashes, landing in lakes, trees etc.
RCDT doesn?t give any performance advantages.
Number of models .
Line 4 to read as follows:
Class F1A, F1B, F1C??? Unlimited.
Reason : Unreasonable to limit the number of allowed models to any number.
After removal of the mandatory processing day at World Championships and
Continental Championships it has in practice proved to be impossible to
control the actual number of models being used by the competitors.
Duration of flights.
The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
3.2.7 The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
Reason : The main purpose of this proposal is to reduce the number of
flyoff participants to 10-20% of the competitors.
Therefore, the maximum time for each round should be decided in such a way
that 30-40% of the competitors are able to max during the prevailing
The intention of this proposal is to reduce the flight potential of the
models by other means than make new restrictions to the model
specifications: Line length, rubber weight and engine run.
By this rule proposal we hope to achieve the following:
A: To have a more fair competition - (The best man on the field shoul=
also have the best chance of winning.)
B: To have a more exciting and thrilling competition, where the score
changes during the day, and where only 10-20% off the competitors will make
it to the flyoff (not like now, where massive flyoffs gives organisers a
headache and problems in finding enough skilled timekeepers - again leading
to unfair results.
[Hey - we haven't even tried 30 grams yet !]
Appology to Chuck
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to take a moment to appologize to Chuck for mispeeling his
name. This is an important thing to get correct. I guess I know that
it is spelled Markos and not Marcos. I have an excuse however which
comes from my profession. As you know I am an engineer, in particular a
controls engineer and as such spelling is not within our collection of
natural skill set. It's funny that even the female controls engineers
tend not to be able to spell very well! So I am sorry for not getting
the spelling correct. It has been such a delay in responce since I have
been accross the pond appliing my profession in Itlay.
M&K 3 Position wing wiggler Questions and Answers
Here is my answers to Chuck Markos'
questions about setting up a M&K 3
position wing wiggler.
Other's by find it usefully. JIM
<< Hi Jim,
I'm finally getting around to using the M&K wing wiggler. I have a few
questions about it's installation and use.
1. The only drawing that I have shows attachment of the cable from the
moveable roller cam to the hook at a position just under the latch pivot.
Is it attached to the spring wire on the latch or is something else
fabricated to hook it up? It seems to work when attached to the spring
M&K attach a .015 brass bent sheet ftg (.10 x .25 leg lengths) to the rt
side of the hook. They attach the cable so it is positioned .85 inch down
from the hook pivot point along the front edge of the hook's exterior
"cylinder" edge. The key here is to get the attach point as close to being
directly under the pivot point as possible to get the maximum geometric
displacement. I'd bet you will not get enough displacement if you attach it
to the keeper pivot screw.
2. What is the purpose of the two adjustment screws on the slide that the
roller rides on? Is it to take up slack when adjusting the straight-tow
position of the wiggler?
Yes, You can play with the relative angle of this piece to minimize the pull
back force on the hook when the hook is in the fwd position, i.e., when you
wish to kite the model.
3. Do you use braided cable to link the towhook to the moveable roller cam?
I like to use braided cable in conjunction with a coiled spring (0,020 MW,
1/16 mandrel) to take up slack/tension caused by adjustment changes.
Yes, use braided cable. DO NOT use spring here. The spring force required
to keep the aerodynamic forces from moving the wing (making for very exciting
bunts) would prevent the hook from being pulled fwd. Rather, place a
turnbuckle in the line for adjustment. I use smallest brass turnbuckle sold
for model boats. With the hook fwd, you should not be able to move the wing.
4. Tell me if this sequence is correct for a mechanical set up:
[Hook Latched and pulled forward, rt wing at zero or very little wash in]
Timer starts when hook swings back, moveable wing is fully "down" at maximum
incidence (see note below) and rudder moves from straight tow position to
glide position....zoom rudder adjustment is neutralized.
(b) First timer-actuated change is release of stab-kicker (roller) to
allow spring line to pull stab down to bunt position (0.5-1.0 seconds),
(c) Second timer-acuated change is simultaneous release of the moveable stop
on the wing-wiggler (wing to glide position) and release of the spring line
so stab moves to glide position. (up to 1.0 second after bunt).
What bothers me is that the wing will be at full down incidence for about 2
seconds during the launch sequence with no adjustment changes to counteract
its affect on the trajectory of the launch.
Gee, never thought about it! But it works. Perhaps the aerodynamic forces
are keeping the wing in the "up position" during high speed.
I have found it best to set up the right wing first to get all the
adjustment of the wing wiggler optimized for deflection and minimized hook
pull back force. I then pull the hook forward (wing to the tow position) and
then locate the left wing relative to it. That is to say, don't expect the
wing wiggler to make large right wing position changes, The geometric
relationships work only over a very narrow band.
For windy conditions, I have dropped the rt wing TE to .125 inchs and
increased the circle tow rudder position significantly.
This was very helpful while flying in wind when my mobility was limited by
knee and ankle injuries. I do not think I would have been able to put in the
last 2 or 3 windy flights at the last Finals with a "normal" 2 position wing
wiggler. With my mobility back, I'm fly with more confidence in the wind,
allowing me to think much more about the elements about me rather than
keeping my model from hitting the ground. Perhaps if I'd been raised in
Let me know how it works. JIM
FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
The Rounds were postponed one hour at a time until around 10:30 and then it
was decided to start fresh on Sunday. The wind calmed enough to fly around
10:31, but the word had already spread that we would fly the next day and a
lot of the flyers started leaving.
The AMA Flyers started flying about that same time. The wind was steady 5-6
meters/sec. most of the day and started blowing harder near the end of the
day and continued all night.
Sunday Morning 3-5 M/S cold breeze from the South, The models were landing
in the plowed field North of the flight line. The first three rounds were
fairly easy rounds with not much but cold wind to fly in. As the morning
heated up the air became very tricky. If a thermal came through it was on
the move. I do not think there were fly off's in any of the F1 classes.
I am sorry about the names but....if you could add the last names where they
belong (edit this document) that would be great. Some flyers did not stay
for the trophy presentation so I missed there names.
F1A 1. Ernesto F1B 1. Larry Norvell F1C 1. Daryl Perkins
2. Norm Smith? 2. ? 2. Fred Ginder
3. Brian Van Nest 3. ? 3. Guy Mennano
I hope this installment will help, maybe someone else took better notes.
FF Champs - II
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On the FF champs they flew F1C on Sunday. In AMA gas we flew Cat 3 on
Sat and cat 2 on Sunday. The winners in F1C were Daryl Perkins, Fred
Grinder, and Guy Mennano in that order. Guy Mennano ran the FAI events.
It was windy but certainly flyable. Monday was a perfect day (too bad I
had to work) and it rained about a 1/4 of an inch which knocked down the
dust Sunday night. I thought the champs was well attended and most
everyone that showed up came there to fly and fly they did so we had
good participation.
Terry Thorkildsen
FF Champs - the main event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Actually, the main event was Monday!
[ Martyn
is that F1H or Cat Glider ? .. :-)]
Sharks ...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Richard Blackam wrote......
"Yes Jan, but you forgot to mention the sharks..."
Richard, are these the "swimming pool" baby sharks (4 to 5 feet long), used
to train kids to swim fast, or the "real" sharks that are involved in the
Surf Rodeo events?
Bill Pudney
Adelaide, Australia
[Bill I was going to make some comment about the Sharks but decided
I did not want to be accused of being not-PC or something]
Inland Taipans and other creepy crawlies - Blackam
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sharks!!!!???? Let's not get political here or I'll send my Huntsman
spider to eat you up.
Jan Pudney
Adelaide, South Australia
Roger morrell
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Skyscrapers Fall America's Cup Event
Radio DT in Austria- Salzer
Looking for M&K Tailbooms - Protheroe
Competitions at the WC site for 2000 - Montes
New info - for Hobby Club - Dona
FF Champs F1C ?
Danish Proposals for CIAM Meeting
Appology to Chuck - Wood[s]
M&K 3 Position wing wiggler Questions and Answers - Parker and Markos
FFChamps I, II and III - Perkins, Thorkildsen and Cowley
OZ Animals - 8 legs, 2 legs, no legs
Skyscrapers fall America's Cup Event
Tom Higgs farm Ingleside, MD
1. Schlosberg 1203
2. Barron, Andrew 1167
3. Tzvetkov 1084
4. Barron, John 1021
5. Barron, Peter 774
[7 *180]
1. Blom 1107
2. Morrell 1091
3. Lacey 996
4. Gunder, Taylor 893
5. Ioeger 863
[5*180 2*120]
1. Gutai 900
2. Anderson 823
3. Sifleet 764
4. Wagner 521
5. Kirilenko 503
[ 5 * 180]
Perfect weather on Saturday for the first 5 rounds. Somewhat tricky
thermal conditions. Sunday windy and foggy, in particlar at F1B
height. On first round on Sunday all F1B's went out of sight
in under 2 minutes... but still went about a mile, acoss two water filled
ditches. While the F1As at lower altitude could be seen for 3 minutes,
provided you flew to the end of the round !?
Good performance in F1B by young Taylor Gunder, especially as he missed
the first round on Sunday [ 7am too early ?].
Radio DT in Austria
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Latest news from Austria: on a national basis radio DT has been officially
allowed from the beginning of 2000.
We will have to wait how to work this when participating at international
events (remove it?).
So - whoever makes RCDT devices: here is your market!
Send offers to me, and I will distribute them to any interested party.
Klaus W. Salzer
Looking for M&K Tailbooms
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Can anyone help me find M&K tailbooms. Our faithfull M&K supplier Jim
Parker is out and doesn't expect any in untill Max Men in Feb. by which
time I hope to have a couple of new gliders in the air.
Thanks, Daniel Protheroe
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Daniel Protheroe
Sage Recording
Competitions at the WC site for 2000
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding your e-mail on competitions at the Wagga site:
The Australian Free-Flight Society Champs will take place at the Wagga
WC site, from the 22 to 24 April 2000. These Champs include the
Trans-Tasman competition and are of international standard, giving
points to the World Cup. They are followed by the National Champs , also
of World Cup standard at Nowra in NSW, between April 27 to May 4, 2000.
Notice that in these Champs many categories other than FAI categories
are flown, including F1G,H,J, plus Vintage and Open Rubber and Power,
Nowra is not too far from Wagga (by Australian standards) and it should
be relatively easy for an overseas flyer to make both Championships, and
get acquainted with the flying conditions here. If there are any flyers
intending to come to Australia for these Champs, I will do what I can to
provide help and suggestions for internal travel arrangements, as well
as passing the relevant information to the organizers of the National
New info - for Hobby Club
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger: The posted information on Hobby Club is old.
New info:
P.O.Box 6004
San Clemente, CA. 92674
phone (949)240-4626
fax (949)240-5931
best regards,
Hobby Club
FF CHamps is it true ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We want to know about the FF Champs results held at lost hills on Nov
6,7,8 . I heard Fred (The Prop Man) Ginder took 2nd in F1C. Is that
true, or is he pulling my leg? Jim
Danish Proposals for CIAM Meeting
Proposals for the agenda ? CIAM-meeting ? marts 2000 ? Lausanne.
To be submitted to the FAI before November 15(superscript: th). 1999.
The 20 seconds rule attempt.
3.1.5 to be deleted
3.2.5 to be deleted
to be deleted.
Reason : The rule is based on historical reasons, which no longer exists.
Maintaining the 20 seconds rule attempt will give the user of RC-controlled
dethermalisation an unreasonable advantage
Class F1B - Models with extensible motors
3.2.2 Maximum weight of motor(s) lubricated ?? 25 g
Reason : To reduce the flight potential.
Radio Controlled dethermalisation for F1A and F1B.
Add after last sentence:
F1A models may use radio control only for irreversible actions to restrict
the flight, that is dethermalisation. Any malfunction or unintended
operation of these functions is entirely at the risk of the competitor.
Add after last sentence:
F1B models may use radio control only for irreversible actions to restrict
the flight, that is dethermalisation. Any malfunction or unintended
operation of these functions is entirely at the risk of the competitor.
Reason : Safety reason.
RCDT is already widely in use all around the world. It helps saving the
models from crashes, landing in lakes, trees etc.
RCDT doesn?t give any performance advantages.
Number of models .
Line 4 to read as follows:
Class F1A, F1B, F1C??? Unlimited.
Reason : Unreasonable to limit the number of allowed models to any number.
After removal of the mandatory processing day at World Championships and
Continental Championships it has in practice proved to be impossible to
control the actual number of models being used by the competitors.
Duration of flights.
The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
3.2.7 The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
The standard maximum time for each round is three minutes.
The Jury may permit changes to the maximum time for each round
The maximum time for each round must be announced before the beginning of
each round
Reason : The main purpose of this proposal is to reduce the number of
flyoff participants to 10-20% of the competitors.
Therefore, the maximum time for each round should be decided in such a way
that 30-40% of the competitors are able to max during the prevailing
The intention of this proposal is to reduce the flight potential of the
models by other means than make new restrictions to the model
specifications: Line length, rubber weight and engine run.
By this rule proposal we hope to achieve the following:
A: To have a more fair competition - (The best man on the field shoul=
also have the best chance of winning.)
B: To have a more exciting and thrilling competition, where the score
changes during the day, and where only 10-20% off the competitors will make
it to the flyoff (not like now, where massive flyoffs gives organisers a
headache and problems in finding enough skilled timekeepers - again leading
to unfair results.
[Hey - we haven't even tried 30 grams yet !]
Appology to Chuck
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like to take a moment to appologize to Chuck for mispeeling his
name. This is an important thing to get correct. I guess I know that
it is spelled Markos and not Marcos. I have an excuse however which
comes from my profession. As you know I am an engineer, in particular a
controls engineer and as such spelling is not within our collection of
natural skill set. It's funny that even the female controls engineers
tend not to be able to spell very well! So I am sorry for not getting
the spelling correct. It has been such a delay in responce since I have
been accross the pond appliing my profession in Itlay.
M&K 3 Position wing wiggler Questions and Answers
Here is my answers to Chuck Markos' questions about setting up a M&K 3
position wing wiggler.
Other's by find it usefully. JIM
<< Hi Jim,
I'm finally getting around to using the M&K wing wiggler. I have a few
questions about it's installation and use.
1. The only drawing that I have shows attachment of the cable from the
moveable roller cam to the hook at a position just under the latch pivot.
Is it attached to the spring wire on the latch or is something else
fabricated to hook it up? It seems to work when attached to the spring
M&K attach a .015 brass bent sheet ftg (.10 x .25 leg lengths) to the rt
side of the hook. They attach the cable so it is positioned .85 inch down
from the hook pivot point along the front edge of the hook's exterior
"cylinder" edge. The key here is to get the attach point as close to being
directly under the pivot point as possible to get the maximum geometric
displacement. I'd bet you will not get enough displacement if you attach it
to the keeper pivot screw.
2. What is the purpose of the two adjustment screws on the slide that the
roller rides on? Is it to take up slack when adjusting the straight-tow
position of the wiggler?
Yes, You can play with the relative angle of this piece to minimize the pull
back force on the hook when the hook is in the fwd position, i.e., when you
wish to kite the model.
3. Do you use braided cable to link the towhook to the moveable roller cam?
I like to use braided cable in conjunction with a coiled spring (0,020 MW,
1/16 mandrel) to take up slack/tension caused by adjustment changes.
Yes, use braided cable. DO NOT use spring here. The spring force required
to keep the aerodynamic forces from moving the wing (making for very exciting
bunts) would prevent the hook from being pulled fwd. Rather, place a
turnbuckle in the line for adjustment. I use smallest brass turnbuckle sold
for model boats. With the hook fwd, you should not be able to move the wing.
4. Tell me if this sequence is correct for a mechanical set up:
[Hook Latched and pulled forward, rt wing at zero or very little wash in]
Timer starts when hook swings back, moveable wing is fully "down" at maximum
incidence (see note below) and rudder moves from straight tow position to
glide position....zoom rudder adjustment is neutralized.
(b) First timer-actuated change is release of stab-kicker (roller) to
allow spring line to pull stab down to bunt position (0.5-1.0 seconds),
(c) Second timer-acuated change is simultaneous release of the moveable stop
on the wing-wiggler (wing to glide position) and release of the spring line
so stab moves to glide position. (up to 1.0 second after bunt).
What bothers me is that the wing will be at full down incidence for about 2
seconds during the launch sequence with no adjustment changes to counteract
its affect on the trajectory of the launch.
Gee, never thought about it! But it works. Perhaps the aerodynamic forces
are keeping the wing in the "up position" during high speed.
I have found it best to set up the right wing first to get all the
adjustment of the wing wiggler optimized for deflection and minimized hook
pull back force. I then pull the hook forward (wing to the tow position) and
then locate the left wing relative to it. That is to say, don't expect the
wing wiggler to make large right wing position changes, The geometric
relationships work only over a very narrow band.
For windy conditions, I have dropped the rt wing TE to .125 inchs and
increased the circle tow rudder position significantly.
This was very helpful while flying in wind when my mobility was limited by
knee and ankle injuries. I do not think I would have been able to put in the
last 2 or 3 windy flights at the last Finals with a "normal" 2 position wing
wiggler. With my mobility back, I'm fly with more confidence in the wind,
allowing me to think much more about the elements about me rather than
keeping my model from hitting the ground. Perhaps if I'd been raised in
Let me know how it works. JIM
FF Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
The Rounds were postponed one hour at a time until around 10:30 and then it
was decided to start fresh on Sunday. The wind calmed enough to fly around
10:31, but the word had already spread that we would fly the next day and a
lot of the flyers started leaving.
The AMA Flyers started flying about that same time. The wind was steady 5-6
meters/sec. most of the day and started blowing harder near the end of the
day and continued all night.
Sunday Morning 3-5 M/S cold breeze from the South, The models were landing
in the plowed field North of the flight line. The first three rounds were
fairly easy rounds with not much but cold wind to fly in. As the morning
heated up the air became very tricky. If a thermal came through it was on
the move. I do not think there were fly off's in any of the F1 classes.
I am sorry about the names but....if you could add the last names where they
belong (edit this document) that would be great. Some flyers did not stay
for the trophy presentation so I missed there names.
F1A 1. Ernesto F1B 1. Larry Norvell F1C 1. Daryl Perkins
2. Norm Smith? 2. ? 2. Fred Ginder
3. Brian Van Nest 3. ? 3. Guy Mennano
I hope this installment will help, maybe someone else took better notes.
FF Champs - II
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On the FF champs they flew F1C on Sunday. In AMA gas we flew Cat 3 on
Sat and cat 2 on Sunday. The winners in F1C were Daryl Perkins, Fred
Grinder, and Guy Mennano in that order. Guy Mennano ran the FAI events.
It was windy but certainly flyable. Monday was a perfect day (too bad I
had to work) and it rained about a 1/4 of an inch which knocked down the
dust Sunday night. I thought the champs was well attended and most
everyone that showed up came there to fly and fly they did so we had
good participation.
Terry Thorkildsen
FF Champs - the main event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Actually, the main event was Monday!
[ Martyn
is that F1H or Cat Glider ? .. :-)]
Sharks ...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Richard Blackam wrote......
"Yes Jan, but you forgot to mention the sharks..."
Richard, are these the "swimming pool" baby sharks (4 to 5 feet long), used
to train kids to swim fast, or the "real" sharks that are involved in the
Surf Rodeo events?
Bill Pudney
Adelaide, Australia
[Bill I was going to make some comment about the Sharks but decided
I did not want to be accused of being not-PC or something]
Inland Taipans and other creepy crawlies - Blackam
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Sharks!!!!???? Let's not get political here or I'll send my Huntsman
spider to eat you up.
Jan Pudney
Adelaide, South Australia
Roger morrell