SCAT Electronic News November 28 1999
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SCAT Electronic News November 28 1999
Table of contents
F1B Problems - Uden
Version 35 - King
F1C speed record - Brokenspar
F1B Problems
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Having been involved with F1B for many years I have read with interest
flyers views on evolution of F1B into the 21st century. I see that there are
2 distinct problems. The first is the performance of the models and secondly
the dropping numbers due to the models complexity. By reducing the rubber or
by increasing the weight, we maybe addressing the performance but will start
to lose flyers because the models will continue to get more and more
complicated. Lets be really controversial and suggest that we completely
scrap FIB as we know it today and start again. Have a look at what has
happened in the UK with Coupe d'hiver. The numbers are high due to the fact
that people can use many different approaches to achieve the same goal. The
model can be high or low tech, big or small. Why not consider similar easy
rules for F1B of maybe 20 grams rubber on a 200 gram airframe with no wing
area limit. I would be interested if Peter King/ Ian Kaynes could run this
through their software and get some results as to the expected performance.
Once this is known then the weights and measures could be amended
Many thanks
Phil Uden
Version 35
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
The Ian Kaynes / Peter King flight simulation program is available as a
floppy dis,c for use with Exel 95, from Free Flight News at a nominal price
to cover costs. There is a main simulation program in which my Glide
simulation can be used directly, but to run Ian's Climb Simulation you also
get a Macros program that you load in at the same time. The Macros enable
the climb sim. to run. The version on floppy is a simpler version than my
current one but is also a little more straight forward to use.
The new version (No. 35) is much bigger and uses 'SOLVER' to trim the model
and to set the correct CL as I explained before.
Subject to Ian's approval, I can, and have sent copies down line.
The full program now takes about 7mins to download plus another 3/5mins for
the Macros. I have now reached the stage where I can only just get in on a
floppy disc !!!!
If anyone is interested in acquiring the Program, please contact FFNews
or myself. It does have an instruction page with it, but neither Ian or
myself can guarantee to give the help and back up we would like, due to time
constraints !! On the other hand we welcome anyone who can make use of
the program and could help in it's development and offer advice as to how to
improve it's format etc.. We are continually trying to improve and update
the simulation. It is not, of course a proffessional piece of software and
is not offered as such. It does, however work surprisingly well and may form
the basis for a much more powerful package in time, especially with some help
from all you experts out there !!
Peter King
F1C speed record
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Some editions ago FAI's F1C Speed record was mentioned...I remember 132
Kilometersn/Hr ( ? ). Heck, I know I have exceeded that velocity many times
What gives ?
[Hardy , I believe it is necessary to do that in a horizontal direction,
not vertical. Gravity assistance is considered cheating]
Roger Morrell