SCAT Electronic News 13 December 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 13 December 1999
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Builder of the Model Rules, BOM - Bogie
Whining Willies - Simpkins
F1B Rule Changes thoughts - White
F1B rubber - Kaynes
Towline Winder ? - Dukie and Blizzard
Return of BOM? - Pratt [ a rebound ?]
Hermann's F1G observation
Builder of the Model Rules, BOM
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The BOM subject has bugged us for many years. Those who build their models
do so as a matter of pride and using their own ideas of structure and design.
And there are other modelers who, in these modern times, choose to purchase
already built models. From this springs comments on both sides of the
situation about the Builder of the Model rule.
It looks like the Ludditte movement could gain troops from the ones who want
to continue to build their models from 'scratch,' well, maybe mostly scratch
like many balsa and paper kits on the market or from basic materials still
There is a way perhaps for accommodating both. When events are announced for
the BOM group, I suggest a simple addition to the event designation to add
the letter L as in Luldditte. As an example, F1A would be, for them, F1AL.
For the other group who support cottage industries in Ukraine and other
countries, the present F1A designation system could be retained.
Quite likely, both could be flown at the same contest but compete for
different trophies. Other than that, no changes are necessary as defined in
the FAI rules.
And everybody is happy, right?
I would hate to guess how to handle further fractionalization for
dethermalizing by fuse, mechanical timer, or radio signal. ROG anyone?
Bill Bogart
Whining Willies
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I had flown and competed at local, regional, and national meets during
the 40's and early 50's and it was rare to see any contestant over the
age of 35. Today, it is unusual to see many contestants under 35. It was
also during this era when little Willie complained that little Jimmy's
airplane was built by his dad. To resolve the complaint AMA adopted the
BOM rule. Now it seems that many of the roles in free flight have been
reversed. It is more likely that little Jimmy may have helped with his
dad's new model. It is not because dad is a poor modeler, but for
circumstances beyond his control. It could be failing eyesight, health,
the lack of facilities, or even finances. Dad may not be the gifted
craftsman he used to be, but he does love free flight. His skills in
trimming, getting the most out of an engine or motor, and knowing how to
pick air seem unquestionable. He loves to fly. In today's free flight
environment, the BOM role becomes antiquated and obsolete. The emphasis
should be on flying and competing, not building.
I returned to free flight some 8 years ago after retirement and was
overwhelmed with the development ...and the number of events that AMA
has established. I was immediately taken with the FAI events because
they seemed to represent technology and the future of free flight. I am
basically a power flyer. In the meets I have attended, it is usually a
group of the same flyers. No new participants.. Should there be 6
contestants in F1J, in a few years it may be down to 3 due to attrition.
The same is true in the AMA events.
I read this column and come across a clan of whining Willies complaining
about everything that comes up to advance free flight. I read Jim
O'Reilly's editorial of December 10 and it inspired me to write this. He
defines his BOM1 and BOM2 statements. Perhaps what Jim really wanted to
include was BOM3 (Boycott Overseas Models). What we should not forget is
the technology and advancements that have come from Europe and Russia.
What comes to mind, to name a few, has been the VIT , the bunt,
composite structures, articulate hardware, and in most cases great
workmanship and design. In today's competition we all seem to be using a
technology that was developed overseas. For those that dislike it should
be flying SAM, nostalgia events, or start building ship models.
Time to get back to the workbench and give that wing another coat of
Don Simpkins
F1B Rule Changes thoughts
Roger ,
Here are my thoughts on f1B rules changes.
1. Eliminate the elayed prop release. (Throwing is not part
of our flying)
2. Increase the weight to 220 grams without rubber.
3. Flyoff max should be no more than 7 minutes.
4. Stop afternoon flyoffs
5. Measure visibility before flyoff. A slowly acsending balloon
and stop watch will work.
6. Wind velocity should be measured at a standard height above the
ground (at least 15 feet0
Bob White
F1B rubber
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I confirm that the 30g motor weight is introduced from January 2002. Such a
change cannot be made in 2001 since standard CIAM rule on model
specification changes is that they cannot come into effect in the same year
as a World Champs (the Junior World Champs are not counted in this
calculation!). Our next one is of course Australia in 2001and that WILL
have 35g rubber.
Note in case of any confusion on the FAI site, the World Champs on the
calendar for August 2000 is the JUNIOR world champs.
Towline Winder ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I got a call from an old friend, Toby Blizzard, who is looking for a Towline
Reel that was sold I believe by FAI Supply about 25 years ago. Orange, with a
white handle. Made from some sort of flexible plastic. If anyone has one that
needs a loving home, call 1-800-528-0901. Ask for Toby.
Return of BOM?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My wife Diane is an avid gardener. In anticipation of the BOM rule
coming back, she has planted several rubber trees in the backyard. Watch
out TanII.
I am also arranging for visas for several skilled rubber plantation
workers to teach me the fine art of rubber harvesting.
John Pratt
A couple of points - firstly I hope that you are not lookig
at making a GM [Genetically Modified] rubber. Such dastardly
trickery is frowned upon across the Atlantic. I understand
that you probably could get help from ADM - and I'm sure
you have to pass one of their farms on the way to Lost Hills.
And secondly, will your rubber be pink ?
Finally is against the spirit of BOM, if your wife helps you
or if your buddy Chuck goes into the Rubber Growers cooperative
with you !]
Hermann's F1G observation
At the recent SCAT XMAS party America's Cup Commisioner Jim Parker commented
that in F1G it looks like Bob White has scored a record high score.
Hermann Andresen remarked that Bob got his lead in F1G using bought
models. - Other people bought and used the models and he beat them !
Roger Morrell