SCAT Electronic News 18 DEcember 1999
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- Hits: 1854
SCAT Electronic News 18 DEcember 1999
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
Kudos to Jim Buxton - Markos
BOM Forum - F1Tom
Hardy's Alphabet Additions - Bogie
BOM -Wegner
AFFS Champs _ Montes <<<<----------------- not BOM stuff ! here
Great SCAT News - desmacd
Basic BONM - Skyking
Bom Clarification - Mikey
Impossible task - Dukie
Kudos to Jim Buxton
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Jim's Dec 16 BOM perspective is a pearl of wisdom.
It seems out of place with the biased hogwash we have recently seen.
The BOM Forum
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As a result of several responses to the BOM issue, I'd like to add to my
previous opinion. First of all, I don't know why Bruce Augustus BOM inquiry
got elevated to include the World Champ events, (F1A,B,C) as I recall Bruce
was proposing a BOM rule for the Mini events only.
This past year I started flying F1J along with my primary event F1B and
realized you can be competitive with a kit built model with enough power up
front. Add auto surfaces, composites, and some of the neat hardware
available and you've got a very competitive F1J. I just think it would add
to the challenge of the mini events as well as competing with a variety of
designs and innovations. I also don't believe the BOM rule restricts the
builder from sourcing engines, rubber, timers, hardware, etc. I like to
compare FAI competition to another World class event; Formula One auto racing
under the control of the FAI which requires teams to design and fabricate
their own chassis/body and permits purchase of engines and tires.
So, if we had a BOM rule I think the mini events would be the ideal category,
though I'm not sure how it could be enforced since I haven't seen any
scrutinizing of existing rules at most FAI contests.
As I've said F1B is my primary event, competing with a factory build model
and one that I built from factory components, both giving me the pleasure and
thrill to fly with the best.
Tom Laird
Hardy's Alphabet Additions
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W White
T Taibi
B Bilgri
Bill Bogart
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I had thought that the SCAT editorial page was for, among other things,
a free exchange of ideas about FAI Free Flight flying. I am very
disturbed by the last few postings that are bordering on the bashing of
those of use who are BOM proponents. I believe that most of us know that
the BOM is a dead issue, and the probability that it will ever return is
nill. However, I did think that we could at least voice our opinion.
This whole stream of thought about "well, if you really want the BOM,
you should have to build EVERYTHING" is a ludicrus statement.
This statement is analagous to me saying, "well, under the present set
of rules, if I had enough money, and wanted to win, the best thing I
could do would be to hire the Andruikovs (both father and son), I would
sit in my air-conditioned RV with a beeper, and when the airplane was
prepared and wound, and the time was right, I would be beeped, walk out
of the RV, launch the airplane (under the direction of my "Manager")and
then go back into the RV and watch golf on TV until the next round."
Let's just drop the whole argument, OK? You guys won, we lost. For those
of us who don't want to play, then we don't, simple as that. We won't be
AFFS Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Australian Free Flight Society ( AFFS) Champs at Lockhart, Easter 2000.
Next year the AFFS Champs will be held during the Easter holidays at
Lockhart, near Wagga, NSW, the same site for the coming World
Championship in April, 2001. These Championships, which will also
coincide with the Trans Tasman Trials, were moved to this location to
allow international flyers to sample the flying conditions of the next
WC, as recommended by CIAM. A complete program of this event will be
published soon, and it includes, apart from all FAI classes, the more
traditional Open and Vintage events, in glider, rubber and power
categories. Two days after these Champs, the Australian National Champs
will take place at Nowra, NSW, affording an extended and quite
competitive venue in all categories for those wishing to come. Nowra is
about 500K (300 miles) from Wagga. The organizers for the AFFS
competition are Dave and Jan Thomas and they can be reached at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., before Jan 1st, 2000. Else, you can reach me at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to see you at
Lockhart/Wagga next year.
Sergio Montes
Great SCAT News
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Hi Roger,
As an ex-flier of FAI classes (over many years!!), I really enjoy
receiving and reading
the SCAT News but feel it must be very discouraging and frustrating to
all F1 fliers
at the amount of so-called help and advice towards rulechanges of these
Over all my years of flying there has always been a number of
individuals who do not fly these classes but would always try and
push their point of view as to the way the classes should go.
Is it something we have to put up with or do we tell them to pull their
woolly head in!!!!
Watching from the sideline over the last ten or so years the advances in
performance, technology and even rubber has been amazing, but the
flier still has to put it all together and perform on the
day, but the better they do that the more they try and load the dice
against them!!.
I'm not going to make any suggestions but will watch with interest from
the sideline and continue to enjoy reading SCAT News.
Keep up the good work Roger,
and have a Great Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.
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Des McAnelly
New Zealand
Basic BOM
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The BOM is as basic as going to the bathroom. If you build the model out of
scratch,pieces, kits,parts,and gadgets or whatever your legetimate, however if
just by the completed flying configuration whole or by part or piece that you
didn't build and just assemble said completed purchased items, legally in ama o
fai competion you should not be aloowed to compete. There is nothing wrong in
buying a copleted flying configuration to find out about technologhy and enhanc
flying performance, knock yourselfs out and spend those American bucks over the
to those starving fellow modlers, be generous.
But when it comes to the entended spirit of this hobby, you must suffer and
experience the joy of your own craftsmanship that you built with yoiu God given
talents. The more you do it the better you become.....short cuts are taking the
easy way out to the dark side of the force......Oh you young
skywalkes! Let your spirits be caught up in your innocences of competion for G
sake men this is just a hobby... not and advocation of a sick addiction...... o
the old saying
goes get a life for all of your mental healths.
Mike ATT...berg has a very good solution....a compromise of seperation.
This hobby
has become sort of a tri-athelon....that is who builds, who flies and who
and yes who times honestly.
"May my wind....... be your dust"
BOM Clarification
From: machterberg
I believe that the questions that Mike Roberts asked a few days ago need
clarifying. A.M.A. history buffs will probably know the correct answers,
but as I recall it goes something like this.
1) Production items such as engines, timers, mounts and props were
excluded due to a certain production number and the availability to all
modelers. Cannot remember the number but as I recall someone told me
500. Seems reasonable!
2) So we can now go through each part of the model! Fuselages first!!!!
Front-end( motor tube) 100s' if not 1000s' produced and available!
Tailbooms( carbon-alum.-carbon) Same as above!!
Rudders( balsa, carbon, alum., D-box) Easily 1000s' produced!!!!
Bunt-mech, wigglers, stab mounts, V.I.T. stuff. 1000s' and then some
Well, that pretty much covers the fuselage Mike!!
3) Now, lets do parts for the wing.
D-boxs- Carbon and Kevlar; Both been available for years and produced
by the
1000s'. So you can obviously buy these Mike!!
Spar caps, rib caps, and T.E. stock. Same as above! No problem here!!
Built wings-- Many 1000s' sold in glider, power and rubber. So by the
rules that exempt motors, timers, props, ect. I must say wings
easily fall into that category. So Mr. Roberts I guess you can buy
wings and be okay also, that is unless we are algoing to have to
start making our own motors, timers, F1B front-ends, ect. I do not
believe the BOM advocates want to go that far, because most do not
want to start growing balsa trees!!
4) Stabs- Lets not get redundant; same as the wings!!
Well, guess we covered everything in the model. If anyone knows the
exact terminology the excluded motors, timers,ect. from the BOM rule
please let me know!! Other wise I guess it is wide open to go buy or
build! In other words whatever floats your boat!! Have fun!!!
There is too much B.S. wasted on this stupid subject! With BOM full
enforced there would be "NO" free-flight or at least not for long! All 3
or 4 of us would find something else more entertaining!! The supplying
of models and model parts is the only reason for increased participation
and with a little foresight and national exposure free-flight could see
unbelievable growth!!! If people spent the energy promoting or coming up
with ideas to promote free-flight instead of bickering and whining about
BOM there is know telling how much free-flight would grow! In short,
write something positive and enlightening instead of negative deterrents
to the sport of AERO MODELING!! Just another opinion!!
Michael Achterberg
Impossible task
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I can't win. I want to compete in Hunter Class Bench Rest shooting, and I'll
be dammned, they won't let me build my own rifle. I can't even put a new
barrel in it.
Jimmy Buxton is right on with his comments. So is Mikey. Now if we could just
get M.A. to answer his phone.
Roger Morrell