SCAT Electronic News 25 February 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1335
SCAT Electronic News 25 February 1998
Up Coming Events
SCAT Annual March 14 and 15 at Lost Hills
This is an America's Cup Event.
Note that it has come to our attention that some FAI Flyers are not aware
that this year the SCAT Annual is an America's Cup Event. If you get this
make sure that your buddies who are not on-line are aware of this.
Note also that the Labor day Free Flight Champs at Lost Hills is not an
America's Cup Event this year.
New on SCAT Web page
We now have pointers from the SCAT Web page to weather reports at
leading !?! Free Flight Sites in the USA . See the link on the home page.
In The Press
Very strong rumor that Model Airplane News [M.A.N.] will be bringing
back Free Flight. Initally thet will be starting with Flying Scale, both
indoor and outdoor. A number of yesrs ago M.A,N. went to an R/C only
magazine. They still have all that good old stuff in their archives.
Subject :Lousy weather in Bear Cup!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Greetings from the wet and windy world cup competition Bear Cup in
Pori, Finland. The nature showed her nasty side on saturday, with stiff
breeze and rain. The start of the competition was delayed for an hour,
waiting for the forecasted cease of rain. This never happened, and even if
the wind was around 6 m/s, well below the limit, the visibility was not
good enough to see the flights to 3 minutes max. The forecast for sunday
promised less wind and sunshine, so as the Norwegian fliers, who had to
leave on saturday evening to get to work on monday, did not object, the
competition was moved to sunday.
Unfortunately sunday was a carbon copy of saturday. The wind was a bit
less, 3 to 4 m/s, but slight fog harmed the visibility. After half an
hours delay the competition was started, aiming to fly 5 rounds. The
visibility was still marginal, models being barely seen for 3 minutes duo
to the fog and constant rain. The wind kept increasing, and third round
had to be delayed for a while, as the wind was gusting over 10 m/s.
Around noon the wind seemed to calm down, but did not, so the
competition manager decided to stop the event after 3 rounds.
I have not the results at hand, as I was soaking wet and had had enough,
so I decided to drive home and skip the prize-giving. The results will be
at the FFTF web pages within a few days, though.
Subject : Re: Cracking El Ninjo Grommet !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ta for the results. I did notice an error in my A/1, er, F1H score. My
3rd round flight was a max not 10 seconds which gives me a total of 566
and 7th place. OK, so I still ****** up ..............
Since getting back the tumble drier has been going full pelt and the
sun has been shining at least 24 hours a day. It's about time you guys
came over for the Gamage Cup day to see what real flying is all about !
Sorry about that Chris .. I fixed the results.
Roger Morrell
This is the SCAT Electronic News. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on and irregular basis whenever
'enough' news is collected. It is published in conjunction with the SCAT
Online web site at
Contributions are invited. Mail them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Any information of interest to FAI Free Flighters is welome, contest
announcements, contest results, product information, technology
information, comments on rules etc.
The reason why you receive it is because you are a SCAT member, you
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SCAT is the Southern California Aero Team, a model airplane club
specializing in FAI Free Flight.