Scat Electronic News 4 March 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1361
Scat Electronic News 4 March
Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the SCAT Annual is not this weekend .. it is next. Inspite of trying to tell
every one I am still getting calls at home.
Upcoming Events
14 and 15 Scat Annual at Lost Hills. Big events Sat, mini events Sun,
America's Cup Contest.
14 March at Wasco valley Rose Country a banquet.. all are invited - rsvp
to Pierre Brun at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
28/28 March Scat Banco Conest at Lost Hills - your chance to enter the
arena of the Professional FAI flyer, big bucks. Details real soon now.
Engine news for the AMA Gas flyer
From the internet ..
This item included to show that we don't believe that Tan 2 is the only
method of powering models .. and to help a well known F1A flyer who
wants to fly all the models he never got around to in his youth !
I asked the K&B folks at the WRAM show last Saturday about the
possibility of their making another production run of 3.25 engines. It is
nice to be able to fly the same model in A and B Gas by simply exchanging
the 3.5 and 2.25 engines. However, the 3.25 never seemed to be as
available as the 3.5 engine. The good news we don't need a production
run, K&B will build you a 3.25 engine upon request (and money). If you
would like one, send $105 plus $6 for postage and ask for part number
8550. You probably should specify whether you want a FF engine with a
straight venturi or the rc version.
The address on their card was
K&B Manufacturing, 2100 College
Drive, Lake Havasu City AZ 86403.
Their e-mail address is:
k&This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information provided by
Jerry Barnette
Fredericksburg VA
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From Bill Gieskieng
Hi, Roger.
At a Sam club meeting last night the question was raised about a low,
muddy spot we have had on-going problems with on the approach road to
our flying site. Rick Pangel, dashing editor of MMM's newsletter, made an
interesting suggestion that he believes might also be applicable to the
gypsum clay problem at Lost Hills. The "fix" suggested would be to
rototill Portland cement into the clay/dirt. Takes about one bag per two
hundred cubic feet of soil needing treatment. Evidently it works up into a
decent roadway that can be further improved by the addition of with
gravel on top. (sticking gravel on an untreated surface results in seeing it
disapear forever into the Inza Hartil's car) Rick warned that
once wetted it must set-up before being subjected to additional water.
We are facing an unusual problem at our superb flying field. We can't get
to it . It is snowed in. A heavy storm,months ago, selectively dropped a
load right on our site. A half a mile in any direction the conditions become
bare-bones-dry ! Weird.
Sincerely, Bill Gieskieng
Junior Team Fund and Electronic Timer Tape
---------------- --------------------------
Don't forget we are sell the tape of the Electronic timer seminar for $10.
[speakers .. Gewain, Bauer, Stiles, Koster, Nyghen, Hernandez, Stamov,
Morrell and Edge.] This includes a 6 page handout with all addresses,
telephone numbers, e-mail , web sites setc and more information supplied
by some of the speakers. Send your $10 to
Roger Morrell
1916 B Gates Ave
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Roger Morrell