SCAT Electronic News 10 March 1998
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- Hits: 1318
SCAT Electronic News 10 March 1998
SCAT Annual
An inspection of the site last week showed quite a lots of standing water in
the ruts coming in from the highway 46. The Holloway Gypsum people
have promised to scrape the regular Holloway Road entrance on Thursday
for us. So exersize some judgement before charging on to the field for this
Saturday's SCAT Annual.
In the press
The Aeromodeller that just arrived reports that 'our' Bob Norton has won
the international postal Lulu contest for the 3 straight year. For those not
into that stuff, the Lulu is a vintage towline glider.
3Com, the maker of the PalmPilot hand held computers used with the
BlackMagic Electronic Timer have changed their prices. They introduced
a new model, the PalmPilot 3, this is now the top of the line. They have
lowered the prices of the older models to $199 and $299 for the Personal
and Professional respectively. These new prices were immediately
reflected on the shelves of Frys, Office Max, Staples etc .I would expect
the price to drop even a little further as the 199 and 299 do not include the
discount one normally finds in these stores. The top end model goes goes
for $399. Any of the 3 is suitable for use with BlackMagic timers..
From John Clapp at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I suspect that Valley Fever might be strengthened and nourished by those
who leave broken Model Airplane parts(including rubber) scattered about
the landscape when they leave the field. So,lets all help stamp out
bugs! If you break it, pickit up! Seriously I'm concerned ,world
wide, about the rubber motors motors left lying about! If the
environmemntalists see this I fear it could cause the loss of a flying
John Clapp
Roger Morrell