SCAT Electronic News March, 18 1998
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SCAT Electronic News March, 18 1998
Scat Annual Update
F1H was won by Martyn Cowley who was still taking advantage of the
excellent conditions to go for the AMA record when my correspondent left
the field.
Comment on Valley Fever
At the request of some of the locals I need to point out that Valley Fever is
caused by a very particular spore that is not really related to what we do
on the field. The spore is particularily active in the fall. It can be
propagated by our activities that raise dust such as driving cars and motor
bikes or prop wash from gas powered airplanes. In response to Tom's
original question as to whether the increased vegetation, etc caused by the
rain will make it worse, I suspect not, it will probably make it better
because it will keep the dust down. [Although if someone really knows
they are welcome to comment].
Independent of this we still need to keep the field tidy and clear up after
Old Rubber Motors
Old rubber motors can be 'recycled' to some extent as I gave a couple of
zip lock bags full to Ken Bauer to use for the model airplane sessions with
his local boy scout troop.
El Nino Holes
One consequence of the El Nino rain at Lost Hills is the increased number
of soft spots and sink holes. There are some sink holes where the water
has washed away the ground under the surface creating a hole big enough
to put a bike wheel into. This hole can be hidden by vegetation. Be careful
before charging thru an extra green patch of grass as there might just be a
hole in the middle. The field is drying out quite well with the sun and
wind but there are still places, off the regular roads with substantial water
lying around and your car easily sink up to the chassis.
Roger Morrell