SCAT Electronic News 23 April 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 23 April 1998
Alex makes the WSJ
Today's [April 23] Wall Street Journal has a front page article about F1B.
The article written by WSJ staff writer Neal Templin featured a contest
day with Alexander Andriukov at Taft. It talks about Alex's career and
developments in Wakefield. A very accurate and well written article.
Kudos to Bob Piserchio who was responsible for motivating the
For those unfamilar with the Wall Street Journal, it is the largest and most
respected daily business newspaper in the United States.
More Comments on the Geared F1C
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For the interest of those SCAT newsletter recipients and others,
Verbitsky flew his geared F1C model at Dubbo a week or so ago. He
made several flights and to me the model accelerated very fast indeed for
the first 50 feet or so (faster than his normal model) and after that the
rate of acceleration seemed less than his normal model so that at prop
stop I would say there was not much difference in overall height.
However, the propeller he used was a first estimate (plus some area
modifications to get the rpm right) and I'd expect him to be able to
improve things somewhat.
Re Mark Wood's remarks about possible gains. I asked Evgueny 'what
about the 5-10% loss through the gears?' and his reply was that the larger
prop should be up to 40% more efficient than the small props so the gains
would far outweigh the losses. I think he mentioned a figure of 45%
efficiency for the small props.
In actual practise I didn't see this obvious a gain, as I mentioned
Roger Morrell
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