SCAT Electronic News 16 June 1998
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SCAT Electronic News 16 June 1998
Table of Contents
America's Cup Results- Parker and Coussens
Pensacola America's Cup - Batiuk
In the Press
Construction Classes - SCAT
Correction, maybe
America's Cup Results
Weiler, Randy,SWR = 29,MM14 = 25,SCAT Ann = 5,59
Coussens, Tom,MM14 = 20,N Cal = 13,SCAT Ann = 15,48
Puhakka, Risto,SWR = 14,SCAT Ann = 30,44
Diez, Hector,SWR = 19,N Cal = 23,42
VanNest, Brian ,SWR = 9,N Cal = 28,37
Barron, Andrew,MM14 = 10,East FF = 21,31
Gewain, Matt,MM14 = 30,30
Schlosberg, Aram,East FF = 26,26
Coussens, Steven (Jr),SCAT Ann = 25,25
Parker, Jim,SWR = 24,24
Allnutt, Peter,SCAT Ann = 20,20
Cowley, Martyn,N Cal = 18,18
Tzvetkov,Tzvetan,East FF = 16,16
Bradley, Jim,MM14 = 15,15
Fedor, Mike,SegSp = 15,15
Erguner, Omer,East FF = 11,11
Hines, Lee,N Cal = 8,8
Fags, K,East FF = 6,6
Spence, Steve,SegSp = 5,5
,Sportsmen,SWR = 22,MM14 = 46,SegSp = 2,N Cal = 15,East FF = 2,SCAT Ann = 24
Andriukov, Vladi,SWR = 25,MM14 = 30,N Cal = 29,84
Ghio, Walt,N Cal = 14,SCAT Ann = 25,39
Brush, Al ,SWR = 10,MM14 = 25,35
Norvall, Larry ,MM14 = 20,SCAT Ann = 15,35
Fitch, Jerry,SWR = 30,30
Sessums, Herb ,MM14 = 10,SCAT Ann = 20,30
Sessums, John,SCAT Ann = 30,30
Andriukov, Alex,N Cal = 24,24
Achterberg, M ,SWR = 20,20
Morrell, Roger,N Cal = 19,19
Batiuk, George,SWR = 15,15
Brooks, Jim,East FF = 15,15
McGlashan, Jerry,MM14 = 15,15
Luken, Jim ,SCAT Ann = 10,10
Bennett, Mark*,N Cal = 9,9
Blom, Fred,East FF = 5,5
I note that Vladi has more points that the second and third
place combined. However there is some relief in sight for us more mature
sportsmen [and this includes Alex!]. At a recent SCAT expedition to Bishop
Tanya Andriukov has some family photos, including some of Vladi at his
high school prom. For those not familar with American Traditions,
one goes to the prom with a girl. Maybe this distraction will help
the rest of us.
Send Corrections to:
Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave., North Hills, CA. 91343 or
ee:mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
,Sportsmen,SWR = 13,MM14 = 23,SegSp = 5,N Cal = 3,East FF = 1,SCAT Ann = 10,55
Keck, Ed,SWR = 23,MM14 = 30,SCAT Ann = 27,80
Simpson, Roger,SWR = 18,MM14 = 25,N Cal = 20,63
Archer,Randy,SWR = 28,SCAT Ann = 17,45
Kerger, Terry,SWR = 8,MM14 = 15,SCAT Ann = 12,35
Spence, Henry,SegSp = 25,25
Joyce, Doug,N Cal = 15,SCAT Ann = 7,22
Warren, John ,SCAT Ann = 22,22
Halliday, Dave ,MM14 = 20,20
Parker, Faust ,SegSp = 20,20
Troutman, Mark,SegSp = 15,15
Perkins, Daryl,SWR = 13,13
Carroll, Ed,N Cal = 10,10
Gutai, Bob,MM14 = 10,10
Reid Simpson,SegSp = 10,10
Fedor, Mike*,SegSp = 5,5
Kirilenko, Andrei,East FF = 5,5
Sportsmen,SWR = 5,MM14 = 9,SegSp = 3,N Cal = 9,East FF = 7,SCAT Ann = 4
Cowley,Martyn,MM14 = 27,N Cal = 27,SCAT Ann = 25,79
VanNest, Brian ,SWR = 25,MM14 = 22,N Cal = 7,SCAT Ann = 20,74
Ghio, Walt,SWR = 20,MM14 = 17,SCAT Ann = 10,47
Smith, Norm,SWR = 10,N Cal = 17,SCAT Ann = 5,32
Ellis, Dave (jr),East FF = 26,26
Halsey, Clayton,N Cal = 22,22
Pelatowski, Ed,East FF = 21,21
Nippert, Vic,East FF = 16,16
Smitz, Willard,SWR = 15,15
Troutman, Mark,SegSp = 15,15
Buddenbohm, Stan,MM14 = 12,12
Halsey, Anne*,N Cal = 12,12
Pailet, Jean,East FF = 11,11
Fedor, Mike,SegSp = 10,10
Lane, Robert*,MM14 = 7,7
Ioerger, Tom,East FF = 6,6
Parker, Faust*,SegSp = 5,5
Puhakka, Pisto*,SWR = 5,5
Sportsmen,SWR = 13,MM14 = 9,SegSp = 1,N Cal = 8,East FF = 6,SCAT Ann = 12,49
White, Bob,SWR = 28,MM14 = 27,N Cal = 21,SCAT Ann = 23,99
Clapp, John,MM14 = 22,East FF = 21,43
Williams, Joseph ,MM14 = 17,East FF = 16,33
Fitch, Jerry,SWR = 18,MM14 = 12,30
Emery, Jack,SCAT Ann = 28,28
Creshenbury, Bill *,SWR = 8,SCAT Ann = 18,26
Hatschek, Bob,East FF = 26,26
Kamla, John ,N Cal = 26,26
Pratt, John ,N Cal = 11,SCAT Ann = 13,24
O'Reilly, Jim,SWR = 23,23
Davis, Mike ,N Cal = 16,16
Stiles, Charlie*,SWR = 13,13
Mathison, Bob,East FF = 11,11
Critchlow, Bob ,SCAT Ann = 8,8
O'Dwyer, John,MM14 = 7,7
Blom, Fred,East FF = 6,6
Norvall, Larry,N Cal = 6,6
Gunn, Wade ,SegSp = 5,5
Sportsmen,SWR = 5,MM14 = 5,SegSp = 5,N Cal = 4,East FF = 5,SCAT Ann = 3,27
Happersett, Ken,SWR = 25,MM14 = 10,SCAT Ann = 20,55
Parker, Faust,SWR = 20,MM14 = 15,SegSp = 20,55
Spence, Steve ,MM14 = 25,SegSp = 25,50
Higgs, Adam*,East FF = 25,25
Vanderbeek, Bill,N Cal = 25,25
Pailet, Jean,East FF = 20,20
Perkins, Robert,MM14 = 20,20
Bartick, Don ,SWR = 15,15
Beluff, Daniel*,East FF = 15,15
Carroll, Ed,SCAT Ann = 15,15
Lynch, Bill,N Cal = 15,15
Mace, Marvin,SegSp = 15,15
Archer, Randy,SWR = 10,10
Haught, Jim,N Cal = 10,10
Hockaday, Donald,SWR = 5,MM14 = 5,10
Ludwigsen, Rob*,East FF = 10,10
Synder, Russ ,SegSp = 10,10
Augustus, Bruce,SCAT Ann = 5,5
Parsons, Dave ,N Cal = 5,5
Troutman, Mark,SegSp = 5,5
Wike, Frank*,East FF = 5,5
Pensacola America's Cup
Hot report from George..
Roger, Man, you thought N Z was windy! 2 minute maxes barely stayed on
the field. Great time though.
F1A 1, Bradley, 2, Leath, 3, Fedor (4 flyers);
F1B, 1, Batiuk, 2, Joyner, 3, Hinson (3 flyers);
F1C, tie Spence and Parker (will flyoff in Texas, wherever that is).
The big event was coupe, with 9 entries, but I did not get the results. More
later. George B.
In the Press
Aviation Week & Space Technology ran
another story on micro air vehicles (MAVs). Again Aerovironment and
their Black Widow got good press. You can check it
out on-line at:
Construction Classes
Contrary to popularily held belief there are some American Modellers ..
or even sportsmen who want to build their own models. When composite
construction first became popular people took time to experiment and explain
to each other. Time has now passed, we know more, new materials and
techniques have become available .. and beleive it or not new modellers have
come along wanting to build models using these techniques.
We are looking at organizing some classes in the Southern California area
and have got commitments from a number of experienced
modellers, including World Champions Matt Gewain and Alexander Andriukov
to teach these classes. E-mail us here if you want more details.
Correction - maybe
Someone told me that their SCAT Electronic News appeared to come
from Blake Jensen .. This is an illusion and a consequence
of the problems we have been having on this server. Blake's
a print media person , none of this new fangled electronic stuff,
why it's almost as bad as electronic timers.
Roger Morrell