SCAT Electronic News 14 July 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 1782
SCAT Electronic News 14 July 1998
Table of Contents
Ian Kaynes on the Euro Champs
'American' wins f1B at Euro Champs ?
Inter-Cities Meet - America's Cup - Bill Shailor
Lost Hill Latest
Another Geared F1C ?
Euro Champs results from Ian Kaynes/FAI web site
Ian Kaynes report from Portugal -Euro Champs
I have just got back from Portugal and have put the full results on the
FAI server that is at
A good champs, pleasant people handicapped by lack of local FF flyers.
Had to concentrate on picking the air compared to usual sites, the
Brits were most surprised to find how few other people had joined
Ken and Phil in the F1C flyoff. Phil had a zero when he failed to
launch within the 10 min period - reserve model not ready. Fuzeyev's
folder stalled down, Ken and Eugeny both made good flights without
any obvious lift.
We will include Ian's results at the end of the message
bceaue we have a number of subscribers who do
not have web acess ! .. how could that be in this day and age !
Alexander Andruikov wins F1B in Portugal encore !
Roger, I got word from Tanya that Alex won Euro champs, just as you
reported.Apparently our friend Zeri was 2nd, with Gorban 3rd and Zilberg
5th. No word on 4th. Weather was hot and windy, chasing by car only.
This should make for an interesting confrontation next time around, as I
mentioned to Alex before he left. It has to really grate on certain
Europeans to let Alex defend his title as an American flying in the Euro
Champs. Maybe we can start e-mail on the subject right away, and get off
the electronic stuff. George
George ,
Did not suprise me that Anslermo did well because it seems that the more
the better he does. We all speculated on what Alex would coming to
to the US .. would he wait the delay so he could be eligible
for the US Team etc .. I guess his plan is now apparant , he will just
stay as World and Euro champ and keep on defending his title as
an individual !
Inter-Cities Meet - America's Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Detroit Balsa Bugs held the 49th Annual Inter-Cities Meet in Muncie,
Indiana on June 27 and 28. Participation was good in all events, with many
East Coast fliers attending. Unfortunately, the wind came up Friday night
before the contest and continued to blow through the majority of the meet.
Ground windmeters were registering gusts up to 20 mph on Saturday. Due to the
wind, 2 minute maxes were flown in all FAI events. F1C had 3 fliers max out,
with the winners being picked out of a hat. The winning F1B team of Fred Blom
and Joe Williams, by tradition, will run the 50th next year. The results in
the FAI events are as follows:
1. Bob Sifleet 728
2. Andrew Barron 720
3. John Barron 501
4. Chuck Markos 498
5. Bob Klipp 213
1. Fred Blom 840
2. Jerry McGlashan 834
3. Paul Crowley 824
4. Joe Friebis 807
5. Chris Matsuno 765
6. Joe Williams 748
7. Bill Shailor 708
8. Joe Watters 707
9. Tom Ioerger 606
1. Bob Gutai 840
2. Joe Mekini 840
3. Don Chesson 840
4. Hardy Brodersen 803
5. Ed Keck 720
6. Gil Morris 573
7. Mark Wood 541
8. Bob Sifleet 56
1. Keith Fulmer 600
2. Jack Marsh 560
3. Lee Campbell 508
4. Jean Pailet 493
5. Jim Haught 448
6. Bob Perkins 360
7. Joe Mekina 36
8. John Carbone 34
1. Joe Williams 585
2. Dale Wilson 487
3. Chris Parkyn 483
4. Chuck Markos 460
5. Chris Matsuno 450
6. Fred Blom 70
1. Tom Ioerger 527
2. Jean Pailet 479
3. Chuck Markos 460
4. Lee Campbell 314
5. Joe Mekina 3
We had a number of Junior entrants in 1/2 A Gas, P30, Hand Launch Glider and
Catapult. It was good to see.
Bill Shailor
Lost Hills Latest
Big news on the accomodation front is that the Economy Inn
is now almost a fully fledged Day's Inn. This means a 'marble floor'
in the 'entrance', and continental breakfast. SCAT SCribe
Tom Laird is pressing hotel management for a full comfort upgrade
to have TV remotes.
On the field we have a plague of locusts .. at one point they were making
so much noise I thought it was a rattle snake. I guess we need
a flock of seagulls to eat them.
The vegetation is by no means dead and there is increasing risk
of fire. We need to be careful.
SCAT Ex-pres Pierre Brun reported that at a recent contest
they spent a lot of time picking all kinds
of trash from the field. Rememebr that this is 'our' flying
site and we must cleanup after ourselves. Even though Lost Hills
seems like a harsh environment at times, the desert is really a very fragile
and me must look after it
Another Geared F1C ?
Rumour has it that Doug Joyce has a geared F1C in the works.
Dougs unit is much simpler than Evenyg's. It does 2:1 gearing
with the prop shaft above the motor. This provided the additional clearance
for the 8" prop. Remember that Doug's F1Cs are canards with the motor mounted
amid ships on a pylon above the fuselage. This setup lets Doug
have a much simpler [and cheaper] set up than Verbitski. ..
So Skyking there is hope yet. Of course you will have to build a canard -
but Doug says that's the only way to go anyway.
Doug's calaulation indicate a significant increase in prop effiency.
Eurochamps results
FAI European Championship 1998 in class F1A
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds. Competitors in the flyoff have total time shown and each flyoff round time preceded by + .
Individual results
1 Dusan Fric CZE 1290 + 381
2 Alexei Ruazantsev RUS 1290 + 296
3 Maarten Van Dijk NED 1290 + 290
4 Eran Wish ISR 1290 + 267
5 Serguei Makarov RUS 1290 + 265
5 Ivan Treger SVK 1290 + 265
7 Cenny Breeman BEL 1290 + 250
7 László Mészáros HUN 1290 + 250
9 Frank Adametz GER 1290 + 246
10 Thomas Weimer GER 1290 + 237
11 Ivan Bezac SVK 1290 + 226
12 Peter Nosko SVK 1290 + 220
13 Stefano Pagnini ITA 1290 + 203
14 Markus Höpfler AUT 1290 + 180
15 Paolo Soave ITA 1290 + 174
16 Stefan Rumpp GER 1290 + 89
17 Horia Selegean ROM 1290 + 79
18 Viktor Besarab UKR 210 176 180 180 180 180 180 1286
19 Heinz Bleuer SUI 210 173 180 180 180 180 180 1283
20 Sahinovic Edin BIH 210 180 172 180 180 180 180 1282
21 Bernard Trachez FRA 196 180 180 180 180 180 180 1276
22 Czeslaw Ziober POL 210 180 180 180 163 180 180 1273
23 Viktor Stamov UKR 210 180 180 180 152 180 180 1262
24 Peter Williams GBR 210 180 180 180 151 180 180 1261
25 François Moreau FRA 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
26 Massimiliano Gobbo ITA 210 180 180 180 180 144 180 1254
27 Jes Nyhegn DEN 170 180 180 180 180 180 180 1250
28 Santiago Rodriguez ESP 210 180 154 180 180 180 159 1243
29 Igor Fradkin ISR 172 180 180 180 180 180 170 1242
30 Paul Chamberlain GBR 210 180 180 120 180 180 180 1230
31 Siegfried Limberger LUX 210 180 180 112 180 180 180 1222
32 Dmitry Grigoriev UKR 210 180 110 180 180 180 180 1220
33 Rudolf Holzleitner AUT 190 180 180 180 180 128 180 1218
33 Mikail Kochkarev RUS 210 108 180 180 180 180 180 1218
35 Hans Schoder SUI 210 180 180 102 180 180 180 1212
36 Baptista Pereira POR 117 180 180 180 180 180 180 1197
36 Per Findahl SWE 210 180 180 180 87 180 180 1197
38 Florian Draghici ROM 210 83 180 180 180 180 180 1193
39 Bohumil Klima CZE 134 180 180 180 180 150 180 1184
39 Pieter De Boer NED 210 180 180 180 180 74 180 1184
41 Henning Nyhegn DEN 210 180 180 180 73 180 180 1183
42 Jos Melis BEL 158 180 180 180 180 135 167 1180
43 Dag Eduard Larsen NOR 189 151 180 180 116 180 180 1176
44 Dariusz Stezalski POL 210 165 180 180 180 180 73 1168
45 Allard Van Wallene NED 210 180 180 180 180 57 180 1167
46 Mikael Holmbom E/C 210 180 180 180 180 54 180 1164
47 Václav Jirinec CZE 210 180 180 180 180 43 180 1153
48 Jonh Williams GBR 206 180 45 180 180 180 180 1151
49 Ferenc Kerner HUN 210 180 180 180 180 115 103 1148
50 Radoje Blagojevic YUG 210 180 180 180 180 35 180 1145
51 Gerhard Aringer AUT 210 180 180 85 180 180 109 1124
52 Abraham Baruch ISR 152 180 180 180 180 66 180 1118
53 Herbert Hartmann SWE 194 180 180 142 180 165 70 1111
54 Anders Persson SWE 119 180 180 124 180 147 180 1110
55 Matti Lihtamo FIN 210 180 180 180 118 180 55 1103
56 Juha Heikkinen FIN 210 180 180 180 109 180 58 1097
57 Jean Loïc Harscouet FRA 151 180 180 180 180 34 180 1085
58 Bo Nyhegn DEN 61 180 180 180 180 180 117 1078
59 Jari Valo FIN 210 180 162 135 180 180 14 1061
60 Limo Sabrija BIH 210 180 98 180 180 97 99 1044
60 Ricardo Rodriguez ESP 210 180 180 53 180 61 180 1044
62 Dariusz Dradra POL 210 180 180 180 0 100 180 1030
63 Jenö Vörös HUN 184 180 62 162 180 69 180 1017
64 Sinisa Zunic CRO 166 180 180 177 180 0 114 997
65 Ants Selgoja EST 210 180 180 180 180 54 0 984
66 Joaquim Guindaça POR 210 180 22 180 180 180 0 952
67 Irhad Hadzimehmedagic BIH 198 180 52 180 107 40 180 937
68 Kurt Bleuer SUI 109 150 180 180 180 34 79 912
69 Carlos Ferreira ESP 103 58 180 140 180 180 0 841
70 Ingolf Steffensen NOR 210 100 180 125 180 0 0 795
71 Vegar Nereng NOR 210 180 66 180 23 0 0 659
72 Milos Raletic YUG 210 180 85 96 66 0 0 637
73 António Mónica POR 91 180 180 180 0 0 0 631
74 Marian Popescu ROM 175 180 180 11 0 0 0 546
75 Ivan Kolic YUG 210 21 180 0 0 0 0 411
Number of maximums 53 65 64 60 60 47 52
Number of full scores 53 46 38 33 25 17 17
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Slovakia SVK 3870 5 11 12
2 Germany GER 3870 9 10 16
3 Italy ITA 3834 13 15 26
4 Russia RUS 3798 2 5 33
5 Ukraine UKR 3768 18 23 32
6 Israel ISR 3650 4 29 52
7 Great Britain GBR 3642 24 30 48
8 Netherlands NED 3641 3 39 45
9 Austria AUT 3632 14 33 51
10 Czech Republic CZE 3627 1 39 47
11 France FRA 3621 21 25 57
12 Denmark DEN 3511 27 41 58
13 Poland POL 3471 22 44 62
14 Hungary HUN 3455 7 49 63
15 Sweden SWE 3418 36 53 54
16 Switzerland SUI 3407 19 35 68
17 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3263 20 60 67
18 Finland FIN 3261 55 56 59
19 Spain ESP 3128 28 60 69
20 Romania ROM 3029 17 38 74
21 Portugal POR 2780 36 66 73
22 Norway NOR 2630 43 70 71
23 Belgium BEL 2470 7 42
24 Yugoslavia YUG 2193 50 72 75
25 Luxembourg LUX 1222 31
26 Croatia CRO 997 64
27 Estonia EST 984 65
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
FAI European Championship 1998 in class F1B
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds. Competitors in the flyoff have total time shown and each flyoff round time preceded by + .
Individual results
1 Alexandr Andriukov UKR 1290 + 472
2 Anselmo Zeri NED 1290 + 461
3 Evgueny Gorban UKR 1290 + 447
4 Václav Fejt CZE 1290 + 402
5 Igor Zilberg GER 1290 + 372
6 Mihály Váradi HUN 1290 + 366
7 Pim Ruyter NED 1290 + 358
8 Malik Cabaravdic BIH 1290 + 350
9 Russell Peers GBR 1290 + 348
10 Serguei Iline RUS 1290 + 329
11 Jens Kristensen DEN 1290 + 319
12 Stanislaw Skibicki POL 1290 + 305
13 Gunars Purins LAT 1290 + 297
14 Michael Woodhouse GBR 1290 + 286
15 Peter Moenninghoff GER 1290 + 277
16 Wiktor Kochanczyk POL 1290 + 168
17 Horst Wagner AUT 206 180 180 180 180 180 180 1286
18 Alain Landeau FRA 198 180 180 180 180 180 180 1278
19 Abraham Baruch ISR 210 180 180 180 180 180 157 1267
20 Frank Dahlin DEN 210 180 180 180 146 180 180 1256
21 Pavel Fejt CZE 210 180 180 143 180 180 180 1253
21 Dieter Siebenmann SUI 210 180 180 180 180 180 143 1253
23 Ole Torgersen NOR 210 139 180 180 180 180 180 1249
24 Andrei Bourdov RUS 210 180 180 180 138 180 180 1248
25 Bror Eimar SWE 210 180 137 180 180 180 180 1247
26 Rainer Lotz GER 210 132 180 180 180 180 180 1242
26 Giora Herzberg ISR 210 132 180 180 180 180 180 1242
28 Jósef Kosciarz POL 210 180 180 180 128 180 180 1238
29 Kenah Jusufbasic BIH 210 127 180 180 180 180 180 1237
30 Mirsad Kapetahnovic BIH 210 180 180 180 180 122 180 1232
31 Piero Pecchioli ITA 210 120 180 180 180 180 180 1230
32 Hakan Broberg SWE 210 142 180 180 180 157 180 1229
33 István Kocsis HUN 210 118 180 180 180 180 180 1228
34 Andrei Khrebtov RUS 210 180 143 150 180 180 180 1223
34 Nilserik Hollander SWE 210 113 180 180 180 180 180 1223
36 René Allais FRA 203 180 180 180 180 180 114 1217
37 Mario Sanavio ITA 210 160 180 180 125 180 180 1215
38 Ilan Melamed ISR 210 180 180 180 103 180 180 1213
39 Harald Meusburger AUT 210 180 180 180 180 101 180 1211
40 Vladimir Kubes CZE 210 180 180 180 180 180 96 1206
41 Michael Woolner GBR 210 90 180 180 180 180 180 1200
42 Josef Petras SVK 196 133 155 180 180 172 180 1196
43 Ivan Kolic YUG 210 77 180 180 180 180 180 1187
44 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 210 180 180 149 180 180 107 1186
45 Antti Mantere FIN 210 180 180 180 180 59 180 1169
46 Jean Claude Cheneau FRA 210 180 180 180 76 180 146 1152
47 Riku Posa FIN 210 180 180 180 122 89 180 1141
48 Mario Kusterle E/C 210 180 180 180 180 180 27 1137
49 Jan Somers NED 210 180 180 180 66 139 180 1135
50 Peter Magdolen SVK 156 148 180 180 105 180 180 1129
51 Fero Rado SVK 210 180 80 136 141 180 180 1107
52 Indrek Harjo EST 210 180 99 160 147 180 128 1104
53 Rudolf Trumpf SUI 142 180 180 180 114 114 180 1090
54 Jorge Gustavo POR 184 100 123 180 180 109 180 1056
55 Janne Isotalo FIN 210 180 118 180 45 180 135 1048
56 Klaus Salzer AUT 210 148 180 151 96 62 180 1027
57 Carlos Costa POR 90 77 180 180 180 180 122 1009
58 Mario Lovato ITA 210 49 144 100 113 180 179 975
59 Ramon Durendez ESP 210 166 35 180 180 10 0 781
60 Dag Eduard Larsen NOR 200 180 180 180 10 0 0 750
61 József Krasznai HUN 202 180 180 117 0 0 0 679
62 Fernando Cañas ESP 119 18 17 180 108 116 0 558
63 Sandis Roshonoks LAT 210 101 180 0 0 0 0 491
64 Vicktor Roshonoks LAT 210 160 4 0 0 0 0 374
Number of maximums 53 43 53 54 44 48 47
Number of full scores 53 37 32 30 23 20 16
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Germany GER 3822 5 15 26
2 Poland POL 3818 12 16 28
3 Great Britain GBR 3780 9 14 41
4 Ukraine UKR 3766 1 3 44
5 Russia RUS 3761 10 24 34
6 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3759 8 29 30
7 Czech Republic CZE 3749 4 21 40
8 Israel ISR 3722 19 26 38
9 Netherlands NED 3715 2 7 49
10 Sweden SWE 3699 25 32 34
11 France FRA 3647 18 36 46
12 Austria AUT 3524 17 39 56
13 Slovakia SVK 3432 42 50 51
14 Italy ITA 3420 31 37 58
15 Finland FIN 3358 45 47 55
16 Hungary HUN 3197 6 33 61
17 Denmark DEN 2546 11 20
18 Switzerland SUI 2343 21 53
19 Latvia LAT 2155 13 63 64
20 Portugal POR 2065 54 57
21 Norway NOR 1999 23 60
22 Spain ESP 1339 59 62
23 Yugoslavia YUG 1187 43
24 Estonia EST 1104 52
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
FAI European Championship 1998 in class F1C
Held at Beja, Portugal from July 4 to 10
Flight times are given in each of the 7 rounds in seconds. Competitors in the flyoff have total time shown and each flyoff round time preceded by + .
Individual results
1 Evgueny Verbitsky UKR 1320 + 300
2 Ken Faux GBR 1320 + 285
3 Leonid Fouzeev RUS 1320 + 126
4 Phil Ball GBR 1320
5 Alexandre Mikhailenko RUS 240 180 180 180 180 180 167 1307
6 Ralf Unbehann GER 240 180 172 180 170 180 180 1302
7 Marek Roman POL 240 180 175 180 180 180 157 1292
8 Stafford Screen GBR 240 180 130 180 180 180 180 1270
9 Jüri Roots EST 187 180 180 180 180 180 180 1267
10 Thomas Koster DEN 234 180 180 180 180 180 132 1266
11 Gauthier Briere FRA 240 180 180 135 161 180 180 1256
12 Artem Babenko UKR 240 180 180 180 173 122 180 1255
13 Claus-peter Waechtler GER 240 175 180 180 180 180 110 1245
14 Kaarle Kuukka FIN 196 180 180 147 180 180 180 1243
15 Oszkár Maczkó HUN 240 180 96 180 180 180 180 1236
16 Kenan Jusufbasic BIH 240 104 175 180 180 180 171 1230
17 Roman Czerwinski POL 232 180 180 156 180 180 108 1216
18 Mario Roca ITA 240 180 102 133 180 180 180 1195
19 Valery Strukov UKR 238 180 180 180 53 180 180 1191
20 Reinhard Truppe AUT 240 180 161 180 100 180 128 1169
21 Tadeusz Piatek POL 240 180 180 180 137 180 71 1168
22 Vaclav Patek CZE 160 180 180 132 180 152 180 1164
22 Raimond Naaber EST 240 180 180 105 180 180 99 1164
22 Bruno Fiegl ITA 220 44 180 180 180 180 180 1164
25 Sigurd Seydel GER 150 180 155 180 180 180 138 1163
26 Gerhard Aringer AUT 240 180 180 108 85 180 180 1153
27 Danas Babenskas LTU 240 180 180 180 109 180 76 1145
28 Alain Roux FRA 240 180 180 172 88 104 180 1144
29 János Szécsényi HUN 156 180 176 180 135 180 129 1136
30 Mustafa Sahinovic BIH 219 180 173 180 180 95 100 1127
31 Anatoli Kislovski RUS 227 180 180 137 29 180 180 1113
32 Franco Gradi ITA 176 155 127 180 55 180 180 1053
33 Michel Reverault FRA 240 86 78 180 174 129 154 1041
34 Andres Baertschi SUI 187 180 30 180 180 180 94 1031
35 Peter Maurer SUI 240 180 165 180 180 0 82 1027
36 Karoly Fischer HUN 240 180 133 121 96 0 135 905
37 Nedzad Pinjo BIH 0 180 180 120 0 180 180 840
38 Alberto Reis POR 82 85 65 36 41 39 85 433
Number of maximums 23 32 22 26 22 30 20
Number of full scores 23 20 12 8 5 5 4
Team Results
Country Abbreviation Total Team member places
1 Great Britain GBR 3910 2 4 8
2 Ukraine UKR 3766 1 12 19
3 Russia RUS 3740 3 5 31
4 Germany GER 3710 6 13 25
5 Poland POL 3676 7 17 21
6 France FRA 3441 11 28 33
7 Italy ITA 3412 18 22 32
8 Hungary HUN 3277 15 29 36
9 Bosnia Herzigovina BIH 3197 16 30 37
10 Estonia EST 2431 9 22
11 Austria AUT 2322 20 26
12 Switzerland SUI 2058 34 35
13 Denmark DEN 1266 10
14 Finland FIN 1243 14
15 Czech Republic CZE 1164 22
16 Lithuania LTU 1145 27
17 Portugal POR 433 38
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
Roger Morrell