SCAT Electronic News Aug 31 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 2073
SCAT Electronic News Aug 31 1998
Tables of contents
In the [Snail] Mail Box
Comments on the rules changes - Cowley and Mc Burnett
Local Flying
Limitations of performance - Ed Turner
Temporary Editorial E-mail
In the [Snail] Mail Box
The flyers for the two top contests of the early Fall Season just arrived -
24th California Invitational
at Lost Hills
America's Cup
..everyone is invited by Juan Livotto 310 391 5968
Sat Oct 10 F1A, F1C and F1G - starts at 8am [F1G at 10]
Sun Oct 11 F1B, F1H and F1J - starts at 8am with mini events at 10
22and Sierra Cup
at Waegell Field
World Cup, America's cup
CD Roger Simpson 916 682 6010
Friday Oct 16 F1G, H and J starts at 11 am
Saturday Oct 17 F1A, B and C starts at 8 am
Saturday night - banquet at Sheraton, Rancho Cordova
Sun Oct 18 - reserve day
Comments on the Rules changes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Re F1A Rules:
My wing wires are zero diameter I don't use any ! Does that
mean I win ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am at a loss here. Maybe its just that I don't know any better. Why
the need to fool with the rules all the time. Being new to the game
(only four cycles) maybe there's something I just don't see. Oh
well...Ron McBurnett This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Edior's comment - Ron , they just changed the rules in your class
by reducing the engine run to 5 seconds. While people are mumbling
about F1A, there is not need to change those rules. It's F1B they're
worried about - they don't like them staying up longer than F1Cs :-).]
Local Flying
It must be getting close to the finals because Biggles [aka
Martyn Cowley] was seen out practising under the watchful
eye of The Coach and factory representative.
Next weekend is the FF champs. FAI participation is expected
to be a bit down because of the proximity to the finals,
the fact it is not an America's Cup Contest and the temperature
this weekend of 100+.
Limitations of performance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just read Jim Thornbery's proposals, to make his Item # 1 easier, just
use the 5 minute window as a time the flyer has to fly, if he does not fly ,
there is no attempt given, AND he goes to the end of his poles line (last)
and the next person then will fly. The next F1B flyer on the pole is allowed
to wind before his 5 minute window begins. this was used for a number of
Czech contests prior to 1990 that I have attended.
For FIB we can keep asking for better rubber, then add weight, and then do
something else just as 'DUM". The rubber weight has been proposed to be
reduced, I feel a better way would be to limit the rubber output. A number
of flyers I know use a small pull scale and a length of cord (very little
stretch). The motor is made up to the flyers desires, then is hooked to
stationery hook with the end of the cord. The cord is to (xx) length and is
attached to part of the scale that the person will be pulling. The motor
then is pulled out to the length of the cord and the scale is read, if the
reading is to high or to low the motor is re-stranded and pulled again. Some
place I have read that the best Pirelli was about 3500 ft. lb., now the
rubber is at 4000 ft. lb. For 40 gram motors (28 to 32 strands x 3mm ) I
used 9 to 10 kilograms at 1.3 meter, this was for the 3800 / 4000
rubber. I'm sure a number of "known sportsmen" could do some testing for the
length of the cord and the lb. / kilograms that would equal the desired
value wanted exp. ( 3500 to 3800 ft. lb. ).
The contest management to furnish a scale / cord for sportsmen to check
their motors, the management could "spot check" during the contest, and the
top place sportsmen,( using their spare motors and used unbroken motors ).
This also would help " the supplier of rubber " in that he will not always
have to have rubber equal to the best ever, or better than the best. This
would mean that some motors may be 20 grams while others may be at 35
grams. This will require testing of the rubber to determine it's energy,
(this could create a commercial enterprise for rubber testers). Every time
I have seen an event ( FAI or AMA ) that has been "down graded " by
increasing the wt., the event has lost sportsmen, the same sportsmen who won
before, still wins, more models get broken up after reaching the ground ,
the cost and the having the best power required has increased.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Temporary Editorial E-mail
During the period while and are unavailable
I can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell