SEN 2930 - LOST HILLS - Update Let Q spread its wings
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1116
SEN 2930
1. LOST HILLS Update
2. Let Q spread its wings
Reminder for LOST HILLS Members
It’s time to renew your membership to the LHFFMAA. Dues will remain the same for 2022. Cost is $20 per year to be paid by January 15 th, 2022. Dues received after that date will be charged $25. The two year discount is still $35. After January 15th dues will be $40. Juniors 19 years old and under will receive free Lost Hills Membership. However all juniors must be a member of AMA.
There is a yearly family discount for two adults living in the same house for $35. Two year discount is $65. Dues paid after January 15th will be $80.
NOTE: Please look on the web site to see if your membership is current. The web site is <>. Go to 2022 Membership Information
Make check payable to LHFFMAA and mail to:
Brian VanNest
2346 Cheyenne Drive
Bishop, CA 93514
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Let Q spread its wings
By Eitan Habba
I'm an Israeli flier who flies both B and Q. Unfortunately, World Cup contests hold the two on the same day. For example, the recent Eurofly in Switzerland. A large portion of Q fliers are active B fliers and combining both events is stifling Q's development.
I will be participating in the Fab-Feb World Cup contest at Lost Hills in 2022, But only the Maxmen holds Q on Saturday February 19th and B on Sunday February 29th and schlepping a Q model for one contest does not make sense.
However, the Kiwi World Cup is held on February 12-13, with ABCQ on Saturday and the minis on Sunday. If Q was shifted to Sunday and combined with the minis I would be glad to bring my Q model along. Other fliers are in the same situation.
Editor’s Comment
From time to time we get emails at SEN where it is not 100% clear if this was intended for publication or an email to me about something else. This is one of those. Partly because it contained text that was somewhat similar to something I got from another source that was directed to the CD of the Kiwi Cup.
So …
Firstly we are very supportive of Q and believe that it is a class for the future.
While I can’t comment on the EuroFly , I can say that for the Kiwi Cup no matter which way we schedule the Events of the weekend it will make some people unhappy. We will look at the request along with other criteria in running the event but are unlikely to change it. A flyer for this event will be coming out shortly.
Probably the biggest item for Q, rests in the hands of those that fly the event to better promote the event, over come some of the historical opposition by selling rather than confronting, making it easier to run and event and focus on making it a World Champs event.
What has become apparent is that electric power is not the same as power with an internal combustion engine or with rubber for that matter. Over the years, more than 100 of them? We have figured out ways that more or less works for both of these ways and we have applied them to the electric classes with some degree of success but we are probably not quite there yet. I like the idea of imposing a limit on energy but it is more complicated, it makes the event harder to run and while a number of ‘easy to use” SETs are appearing some fellow contest directors report that some are not accurate as the Energy Limiters that are supposed to test. On the positive side it does protect us against “special” batteries and other potentially very expensive components and it challenges us to make the best use of energy, surley a wothy objective these days.
Note that this item is about Q and it being possible World Champs class. There are other electric classes that have adopted different ways of managing the power. This is not a comparison between Q and those other classes. But an observation is the ways to manage power in those classes is not perfect either. Taking most simple of class, E-20, which I have been involved with by making special timers there are a number of hidden gotcha’s that make this not as simple as it seems or should be. Originally this class regulated power by having a ‘standard’ power train of battery, motor, prop and timer. But when most parts of the standard power train disappeared from the market big differences appeared that are harder to regulate easily. With E-36 and F1S when people started flying it outside the USA local timing conventions and practices in other countries made it so that some timers that are in use in the USA were considered to accurate enough in those places. For example it is not easy to time the length of the motor run on an electric model in the air, you can’t hear it stop or see the prop stop when the model is at altitude. So should this be timed on the ground, is that in the rules and how do you make sure it is the same in the air.
So back to winding my simple rubber model.