SEN 2916 - Kiwi Bs at Dawn Top Dudes
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1172
SEN 2916
1. Kiwi Bs at Dawn
2. Top Dudes
Kiwi F1B Dawn Flyoff – Photos from Tom Faith
Results reminder
1 Sevak Malkhasyan 1867
2 Charlie Jones 1781
3 Tony Mathews 1767
4 Jerry Fitch 1749
5 Ittai Kohavi 1735
6 Alex Andriukov 1380
Who leant back the most ? who jumped the highest ….
.. and junior Ittai in good company
Top Dudes
Traditionally in the February contest at Lost Hills there is a “Top Dude” award for the best cumulative score over the week scored using a modified World Cup scoring system. This year the Feb contests were run in October and over 2 weeks or 3 weekends. This was complicated the scoring as different numbers of people attended different events and we looked at possible ways to adjust for this, but just being a simple sportsman and awarding those that show up this is how it turned out .. with the top 5 in each category. Of course by definition there is only one Top Dude in each class so provided I can still find the Chaos guy, there is a custom T-shirt for the Top Dude in each class and you need to send your t-shirt size and mailing address to SEN by replying to this email
Enes Pecenkovic 185 1
Jim Parker 130 2
Brian VanNest 103 3
Peter Brocks 100 4
Mike McKeever 96 5
Noa GoldStein
Anatt Goldstein
Sevek Malkhasyan 190 1
Blake Jensen 137 2
Alex Andriukov 129 3
Charlie Jones 105 4
Jerry Fitch 95 5
Ittai Kohavi
Skylar Donnelly
Don Chesson 120 1
Ron Mc Burnett 110 2
Faust Parker 80 3
Jeff Ellington 70 4
Guy Mennano 40 5
F1P Terry Kerger 90 1
Randy Secor 50 2
Ben Tarcher 200 1
Bob Sifleet 195 2
Tom Ioeger 160 3
Jack Murphy 90 4
Julie Parker 80 5
Ladi Horak 170 1
Jerry Fitch 160 2
Evgeny Gorban 109 3
Tony Mathews 107 4
Tiffany Odell 99 5
Blake Jensen 180 1
Jim Parker 105 2
Brian Van Nest 80 3
Kyle Jones 40 4
Jim Farmer 30 5
Mike McKeever 170 1
Faust Parker 130 2
Terry Kerger 80 3
Randy Secor 40 4
Glen Schneider 25 5
Jack Murphy 190 1
Bob Sifleet 120 2
Larry Norvall 109 3
Janna Van Nest 90 4
Julie Parker 85 5
Ioerger Tom 150 1
Brocks Peter 114 2
Gorban Evgeny 110 3
Sifleet Bob 109 4
Terzian Fred 108 5
We note that a glider guy is top in a power event, a rubber guy in a glider event, an A and B dude way out in front … etc. We also note that in spite of the fact that no one in North America flies Q, there were many more Q fliers than C.
We also take this opportunity to thank the organizers for sending their scores in and in particular Janna Van Nest for sending in more than anyone else. Note that in the reporting of the scores over Endless October we have Bishop method of designating the power events.