SEN 2909 -Sierra Cup F1E- Oh my goodness the rules have changed
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1136
SEN 2909
1. Sierra Cup F1E
2. Oh my goodness the rules have changed
Sierra Cup F1E
Name Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total %Place
Gorban Evgeny 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 500.00 1
Ioerger Tom 84 56.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 456.00 2
Brocks Peter 130 86.67 118 78.67 150 100.00 134 89.33 150 100.00 454.67 3
Sifleet Bob 100 66.67 144 96.00 150 100.00 104 69.33 150 100.00 432.00 4
McKeeverMike 24 16.00 133 88.67 150 100.00 150 100.00 150 100.00 404.67 5
Parsons David 87 58.00 55 36.67 58 38.67 150 100.00 134 89.33 322.67 6
Terzian Fred 150 100.00 44 29.33 32 21.33 95 63.33 150 100.00 313.99 7
Fitch Jerry 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
PS Our sources from Lost Hills report improving flying conditions, the hot fast moving air has gone other places.
Oh my goodness the rules have changed
The CIAM Sporting was changed to permit “Altimeter Flyoffs” using an EDIC certified altimeter. The CIAM leadership, president, I understand required that the altimeter be certified by the EDIC group that already certifies electronic devices, including altimeters for other non-Free Flight classes. So far one person has stepped up and produced such a device and had it certified. The device was advertised and/or talked about in the specialist media, including SEN and on Free Flight groups on social media, including Facebook. There has been some discussion on how to use it and suggestions on how improve the associated smart phone App that can be used to configure it. Note that EDIC process certifies both the hardware and firmware (embedded software). It does not need to certify the associated smart phone App.
This information was known at the start of this flying season. Some people bought this device and used it in test and local flying conditions and went back to the manufacturer with questions. He answered those questions and there did not appear to be any outstanding issues.
There have been events where this has been used with out issue. Recently there was one where people did not have the devices, could not fit it in the model or had some form of malfunction. There are always 2 sides to a story so we won’t go into details. People complained that there was only one device, well perhaps their CIAM representative should have suggested at the time the sporting code changed was mooted that at least 2 should be available before the change came into effect? When the device came on the market the maker warned us that there might be a supply issue for a second production run. Not sure but I think that first run was for 200 devices and not sure if there is a supply chain problem for the next run?
So now some people want the altimeters that are in their favorite electronic timers to be permitted for this purpose , for a transition period ? or forever? My favorite electronic timer is the one I make myself, and while I don’t sell one with an altimeter, there is one in some of the aircraft I use myself and that altimeter takes frequent readings and I have access to both the firmware and hardware. Is that OK? If not why not? If one can use an un certified device.
So what now ? I know we can make emergency changes to the sporting code for safety reasons, but not really for lack of adequate preparation by the sportsman. Maybe we can call the Covid related supply chain issue a force majeure? Or some other entrepreneur already has another device in the EDIC pipeline….