SEN 2864 Questions, sign ups and more
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- Category: Archive 2021
- Hits: 1409
SEN 2864
Questions, sign ups and more
1. A case/example ?
2. Question for Allard
3. 51st Eifelpokal 2021 – preregistration heads up
4. Feb and more 2022
A case/example ?
From: Mike Schwartz
In the interest to be 100% accurate, at the 2019 World Championships held in October at Lost Hills, the final flyoff flight for F1B was held at sunrise. There were 3 possible flyoff sites available, the one selected was to the west the closest to the tree line. Most of the time the early morning drift is towards the rising sun to the east. There were 3 competitors for the flyoff. The 3 were Mickael Rigault from France, Andreas Gey from Germany and Marian Popescu from Romania. All 3 were in a line fairly close to each other. When the horn sounded all 3 started to wind their motors. Marian Popescu motor broke while winding. He went to get his backup model. Mickael and Andreas who were standing close to each other, both launched immediately within a few seconds of each other, with Mickael getting off first. Mickael had a tremendous launch and his model got higher under power then Andreas. To the surprise of everyone as the 2 models started to glide, they drifted straight to the west tree line. There was high altitude inversion layer. The close tree line was the deciding factor for the timing of the flights. Mickael with his higher launch was visible for a little longer before going out of sight because of the tree's. His flight time was 341 seconds and Andreas flight time was 313 seconds. Marian waited until almost the end of the flyoff to fly. His time was 240 seconds. It was a very exciting flyoff and was determined by the competitors doing their best and the human timers doing their best. The results were not determined by some electronic means which did not care if there was a tree line or a building in the way.
Mike Schwartz
Question for Allard
From: Giorgio Venuti
About altimeters, can you tell Allard the following question?
what would happen with the use of the altimeter, on an airfield with a height difference of more than 50 m over a distance of one km and the models fly in different directions?
Giorgio Venuti (F1C)
51st Eifelpokal 2021 – preregistration heads up
From: Bernd Hoenig
Hallo Freunde, nach aktuellem Stand findet der Eifelpokal statt. Wir sind in der Vorbereitung des 51. EP
Hello friends, according to the current status, the Eifel Cup is taking place. We are in the process of preparing the 51st E
PBonjour les amis, selon l'état actuel, la Coupe Eifel a lieu. On se prépare pour le 51e EP
New European rules for model athletes!
Important information for pilots from non-EU countries. As of March this year, every pilot in the EU must be registered by the aviation authority. If you do not have a registration yet, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your complete contact details. Name, Address Telephone number Email address.
We will make a registration in Germany which is valid for all of Europe in future time.
This is only intended for pilots who have not fly or registrated in an EU country before the Eifel Cup
Bernd Hönig
Feb and more 2022
From An Israeli Sportsman
Hi roger
October looks nice.
What is the plan for February?
Same events?
Answer, we probably need to make more progress with 2021 before starting 2022. Hopefully in 2022 we can run all World Cup events back on the normal schedule.