SEN 2519 –
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- Category: Archive 2018
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SEN 2519 – Table of Contents
On Time Accumulation, for USA Team Selection
SWR Entry
On Time Accumulation, for USA Team Selection
From: Aram Schlosberg
To qualify for the Finals one has to accumulate 75 minutes in contest flying (excluding flyoffs), beginning the year after the Finals till about a month before the next Finals. This amounts to maxing out four contests.
The rational for time accumulations is to occupy the flying fields between Finals. Contest flying, albeit with few participants, is far better than writing a check every two years. However, there a number of cases where flyers come up short. It could be geography – long distances to contest sites, occupation such as those who work on weekends (in the theater for example), or the need to care for a family member that end up paying a $340 buy-in fee to fly in the Finals.
A better approach is to prorate the missing time, say at $3 a minute or 5 cents a second. So if one is short 5 minutes, the buy-in would be $15. And those who did not post any time, it would be $215.
However, the previous team members (9), the team manager and assistant team manager as well as previous American World Champions in their event are exempt from time accumulation. (About a quarter of the participants in the Finals.) Of course they fly over the two year period between Finals, so why not account for their time just like everyone else. In other words, start each cycle with a blank slate. ///
Southwest Regionals
From Peter Brocks
The first America’s Cup and National Cup contest of 2019 will be the Southwest Regionals on January 19-21.
Please pre-enter for the FAI SWR by filling out the FAI Entry Form below and mailing it with a copy of your AMA card and your check before Jan. 1 to save $5. If you are also entering AMA/NFFS events you can also mail your AMA Entry Form and pay with one check.
For more info on the SWR, all the events flown and how to get to the field please visit
Looking forward to seeing you in Eloy,
2019 FAI Southwest Regionals Model Airplane Championships
The Randy Archer Invitational
January 19, 20, 21, 2019 at Eloy, AZ (Sunland Gin Rd., 7.1 miles S of I-10 - Exit 200)
Proof of 2019 AMA membership is required. Entrants must display a current license, AMA or Contest Director Receipt or cancelled check or pay for a license at the contest. Contest will be flown according to the 2019 FAI Sporting Code. No timers will be provided - please fly one, time one. For fly-offs please provide 2 timers.
Circle your events:
Events for Saturday |
| Events for Sunday | ||||||
F1A | F1B | F1C/F1P* | F1Q | F1G | F1H | F1J | F1S | |
Awards through 3rd place, plus perpetual awards for winners of F1A, F1B, F1C/F1P, F1Q, F1G, F1H, F1J & F1S.
• F1A, F1B, F1C, F* F 1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q, F1P & F1S are America’s Cup events.
- F1A, F1B, F1C/P & F1Q will be flown in 5 one-hour rounds with a 3 min. max time beginning at 8:30AM. Fly-offs in 7 minute
rounds after the 5th round for 6, 8, 10 min max flights. If necessary, a 10 min fly-off will be held Sunday morning. Sunday’s
Mini events will start at 8:30 and have 5 one-hour rounds with 2 min maxes, followed by 3, 4, 5 min max fly-offs.
* F1P will be combined for awards with F1C.
To avoid the early Saturday rush to enter the contest, please pre-enter by mail beforeJanuary 1, 2019. Send check or m.o. payable to 'Southwest Regionals', plus a copy of your 2019 AMA license and this filled-out page so we'll know what you're entering. Late entries after Jan. 1 will be charged an additional $5.00.
Mail entry form to FAI CD: Peter Brocks, 9031 E Paradise Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-6888
Need more information phone: 480-614-6183 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Entry fees:
$2 per event for FAI Juniors (under 19)
$20 for 1sr FAI event for FAI Seniors
$10 for each additional FAI event
$50 Frequent Flyer fee to fly any FAI, AMA, NFFS or FAC event
$5 Late Entry fee
For additional information on the 2019 Southwest Regional FF Championships see
NAME: __________________________________________________________AMA#: ___________________
ADDRESS: ______________________________________ E-MAIL:__________________________________
CITY: _________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: __________ PHONE:______-_______-___________