SEN 2502 - America's Cupadte and more
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 2018
Table of Contents SEN 2502
America's Cupadte and more
- 2018 Am Cup Second to Last Report.
- AMA events for Ike weekend
- Tulsa Glue Dobbers Fall Rally/ Simpson Cup
- Team Finals Management....
- America’s Cup Scores
2018 Am Cup Second to Last Report.
Only 4 more AmCup Contests remain and two of those are coming right up on Oct 6-7. Most of the events are still up for grabs.
I have a shot at first in F1A to knock my USA F1A 2019 F1A team mate Ken Bauer out of first so he should be thinking about seeing his daughter in AZ and making the Dec Eloy contest and then the Patterson at LH.
Blake Jensen and Alex Andriukov are tied in F1B. Alex has the tie breaker at this time. These two along with Greg Simons are on the 2019 USA F1B team.
Yuri Shvedenkov, current F1C World Champion, could steal 1st from Faust Parker, another 2019 USA team member (F1C) with a simple 25 point win.
F1P is a tie between 2018 Jr World Champion Silver medalist, Hayden Ashworth, and Mike Fedor. Randy Secor could sneak first away with a win at Boulder City? Will Mike Fedor take the lead with a win at the Simpson Cup contest?
F1G could be interesting as well. Tiffaney O’Dell is in the lead. Mike Richardson with a 25 point win would tie her and win by the 6th contest placing tie breaker. To add more to this story, John Clap could take the lead straight away with a 25 point win and even with a 22 point second place.
Blake Jensen started flying F1H three years ago and it looks like he has a lock on F1H this year with 8 wins. Grasshopper, as I called him while he was learning F1H, I now recite the words of Verbitsky after Randy Archer beat him for the F1C World Champs (1991?), “It is not necessary for student to beat teacher!”.
Faust is in the lead in F1J but our Finals CD, John Lorbiecki with the only bonus point this year could take the lead but would need to win two of the remaining 4 contests.
Bob Sifleet is in the F1Q AmCup and World Cup lead! Bob has the only bonus point this year from the NATs. Jack Murphy is close, he won 6 contest but the Bob’s bonus point looks to be insurmountable.
F1S is the only growing event and so the points are spread out. Jack Murphy is in the lead with 85 points (one win and three 2nds. This is unusual in that at least 100 points are normally needed to win the Am Cup. Ralph Rey and Stan Buddenbohlm won the 3 contests with bonus points this year but did not fly (or place) in any other contests. Derick McCluckin has 5 wins but at only Tangent and Lost Hills so only three 25 point scores count. So if Derick can get to and win one of the last 4 contests, he would take 1st place. Even a 4th place , 10 point contes would win if Jack does not improve his score.
Guess who is in first in F1E. Peter Brocks is always a good answer. Bob Sifleet 2nd, Mike Richardson 3rd. Last 4 contests do not fly F1E so these results are complete.
The mentioned Dec. Eloy AZ contest is the last AmCup Contest of this year. The Florida flyers moved the King Orange and decided not to be part of the AmCup program this year.
Looking forward to 2019, we will give provisional status (points will count) to a new contest Jack Murphy is starting in Nevada, June 15-16, 2019 in West Wendover approximately 3 miles south of the "Strip" along highway 93A. It is to be called the "Casino Cup". It will have most FAI, AMA and NFFS categories.
It's a good time for Clubs and CDs to have the AmCup involvement discussions. We assume the current 2018 contests will be part of the 2019 program unless otherwise informed.
Below is participation data for the 2018 AmCup season. We know it. We don't like it. It is what it is. The numbers are dropping in all events except F1S. Several of the events have very little competitive flying. SCAT is considering making a changes to some or all the events. For now we stay the course.
Contest- Location total Entrants events flown ave: entrant/event
Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ 44 9 4.9
Winter Classic- Lost Hills, CA 83 10 8.3
NorthAmCup, Lost Hills,CA 47 5 9.4
MaMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA 60 9 6.7
SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA 29 6 4.8
SanVal Spring Annual- Lost Hills, CA 21 5 4.2
NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA 11 4 2.8
Spring Cup- Denton TX no scores, minimum rounds not flown due to weather
SpenceMem, Denton, 4 3 1.3
Hoosier Cup,Muncie, 5 3 1.7
Hatscheck Int'l Challenge, Wawayanda NY 3 2 1.5
Centennial Cup-Denver, CO 24 7 3.4
Columbine, Denver CO 13 5 2.6
Inter-City,Muncie. 17 8 2.1
Skyscrapper Annual,Wawayanda, NY 13 4 3.3
Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada 18 5 3.6
Canadian Cup, Camp Borden 14 3 4.7
FAI FF Fest. Munci, IN cancelled?
NATs USFFC,Muncie,In 73 8 9.1
NW FF Champs, Tangent, OR 15 8 1.9
NW FAI Challenge Tangent, OR 14 7 2.0
Broderson Challenge- Muncie, IN 3 2 1.5
RockyMntChamps-Denver, CO 9 5 1.8
USFFChamps L.H. CA 15 5 3.0
Harvest Classic, ,Wawayanda, NY 15 5 3.0
Texas Cloud Climbers, Denton, T 5 4 1.3
Kotuku- Calif. FAI L.H. CA 41 7 5.9
Sierra Cup- Sacramento, CA 24 7 3.4
S.W. FAI Challenge, LasVegas, NV to be held
Simpson Cup, new field, TX to be held
Patterson FAI Challenge- Lost Hills, CA to be held
Arizona Championships-Eloy, AZ to be held
Tulsa Glue Dobbers Fall Rally/ Simpson Cup
From: Faust Parker
The Tulsa Glue Dobbers Fall Rally/ Simpson Cup will be held October 27-28,
2018 at the Hamilton Municipal Airport in Hamilton, TX. This is a National
Cup, America's Cup and Texas Cup event. The Glue Dobber's recently Lost
their field in Perry, OK. So on short notice, they were lucky that the
Hamilton City folks are allowing the contest to be held at their Facility.
Bob Hanford is the CD (918-500-8383)
Apologies for not getting this out in time – a life just caught up with us
Team Finals Management....
From: Jim Lueken
Look how many volunteer management people it took to pull off a finals....amazing!
Let’s hope this continues for many more years....they all deserve a big thank you.
From some guy that use to fly F1B.
Good luck to the team, Jim
AMA events for Ike weekend
From: Malcolm Campbell
Hi Roger
We're making a second flight box for E36s, CLGs and maybe HLG to bring to
Fab Feb 2019, so it would be great if these events were included in the
first weekend's calendar and did not conflict with F1A on Saturday.
Of course, as a photographer and spectator, I love watching Classic Glider,
Mulvihill and all the big Gas ships.
I hope a good calendar gets assembled for this Top Weekend, and that you
also get some volunteers to replace the one and only irreplaceable Mr Fu.
Malcolm Campbell
Roger’s Reply: Funny you should ask those questions Malcolm. We have a couple more people to help but still need some help on the Saturday. So good people out there ….
The “small glider”, aka HLG and CLG are the most popular AMA events at the Ike and in past have had one of each on each day, this is still the plan.
America’s Cup Scores
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 12 1
Ike 15 2
NAC 15 3
MM 14 4
SCA 7 5
SAN 6 6
NCA 4 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 1 10
Hcu 2 11
HIC 2 12
CEN 4 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 2 15
SKA 7 16
HC 7 17
Can 6 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 2 21
NW 2 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF 5 25
Har 3 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 15 28
Ser 10 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Bauer, Ken 101 SWR-2 Ike-5* NAC-5* NCA-4* SKA-2 NAT-1 Kot-1
2 Parker, Jim 84 SWR-1 MM-1 SCA-4* SAN-2* USF-1 Kot-5* Ser-3*
3 McKeever, Mike 82 MM-3 SCA-2 SAN-4* NCA-2 NAT-2 Kot-4*
4 Rosenzweig, Shlomi 81 SWR-3 SCA-3* HC-2 Can-3 USF-4* Kot-2
5 Thompson, Mike 66 SAN-3 NCA-1 NWF-1
6 Barron, Andrew 61 MM-4 HIC-2 SKA-1 Har-3*
7 Brun, Pierre 58 NWF-2 NW -1 Ser-4
8 Shitrit, Nir 56 Ike-1 NAC-3* SCA-1 SAN-5*
9 Farmer, Jim 54 SWR-4 Ike-3 CEN-2
10 Limberger, Rene 53 NAC-4* MM-2 USF-2* Kot-3* Ser-1
11 Lorbiecki, John E 51 Hcu-1 I-C-2 NAT-5
12 McQuade, Pete 50 CEN-1 COL-1
12 Barron, Peter 50 HIC-1 SKA-3* Har-1
14 VanNest, Brian 49 SWR-5 Ike-2 USF-3
15 Lazarovich, Vlad 47 HC-1 Can-2
16 Sifleet, Bob 45 Hcu-3 I-C-1
17 Goldstein, Guy 35 Ike-4 MM-6 NCA-3 USF-5*
18 Pecenkovic, Jasminka 33 NAC-2 Ser-5
19 Danier, Jama 32 HC-5 Can-1
20 Fradkin. Igor 30 NAC-1
20 Farmer, Sam 30 CEN-4 COL-2
22 Stalick, Alex 26 SAN-1
22 Tzvetkov, Tzvetan 26 SKA-5 Har-2
24 Fedor, Mike 25 Hcu-1
25 Pecenkovic, Enes 23 Ser-2
26 Nikolajeras, Vidas 22 HC-3 Can-5
26 Allnutt, Peter 22 HC-4 Can-4
28 Lane, Robert 20 NW -2
29 Jones, Charlie 16 NAT-3
30 Brocks, Peter 15 CEN-3
31 Fradkin, Igor 11 SKA-4
31 Langelius, Jan 11 NAT-4
33 Zink, Don 10 MM-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 5 1
Ike 15 2
NAC 15 3
MM 22 4
SCA 9 5
SAN 8 6
NCA 3 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu 2 11
HIC 1 12
CEN 2 14
COL 2 13
I-C 7 15
SKA 1 16
HC 6 17
Can 6 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 17 20
NWF 6 21
NW 5 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 5 25
Har 3 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 12 28
Ser 0 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Jensen, Blake 105 SWR-1 Ike-3* NAC-1 MM-6* CEN-1 COL-1 NWF-5* Kot-3* Ser-3*
1 Andriukov, Alex 105 Ike-2* NAC-4* MM-2* HC-1 Can-1 NAT-2 Kot-2* Ser-1
3 Ghio, Walt 101 SWR-3* SAN-1 NCA-2* NWF-1 NW -1 USF-2* Ser-2
4 Schlosberg, Aram 77 HC-2 Can-2 NAT-3 Har-3
5 Mathews, Tony 71 Ike-1 MM-4 HC-4 Can-5* NAT-4
6 Jones, Ryan 62 Ike-4 Hcu-1 I-C-2
7 Ackerley, Cameron 61 MM-3 Can-4 NAT-1
8 Felix, Ron 60 NAC-5 HIC-1 SKA-1 Har-1*
9 Malkhasyan, Sevak 59 MM-1 USF-1* Kot-1
10 Crowley, Paul 52 NAC-3 Hcu-3 I-C-3
11 Norvall, Larry 50 SCA-4 SAN-3 NWF-2 NW -4* Kot-5* Ser-5*
12 Fitch, Jerry 44 NWF-4* NW -3 USF-3 Kot-4 Ser-4*
13 O'Dell, Tiffaney 42 SWR-2 SCA-2
13 Simon, Greg 42 MM-5 Hcu-2 I-C-4
15 Morrell, Roger 39 SCA-1 SAN-4 USF-4*
16 McGluckin, Derek 36 NWF-3 NW -2
17 Richardson, Mike 35 SWR-4 CEN-2 USF-5
18 Simon, Evan 32 Hcu-5 I-C-1
18 Horak, Ladi 32 HC-3 Can-3
20 Jones, Charles 26 SWR-5 Ike-5 Hcu-4
20 Allen, Carrol 26 HC-5 Har-2
22 Booth, Bill 25 NAC-2
22 Fedor, Mike 25 TCC-1
22 Schroedter,Martin 25 NCA-1
25 Tymchek, Bob 24 SCA-3 SAN-5
26 Davis, Mike 22 SAN-2
27 Pivonka, Jace 20 COL-2
28 Davis, Troy 15 NCA-3
29 Joyner, Lois 10 NAT-5
30 MacCleery, Rich 6 Hcu-5
31 Achterberg, Mike 5 NW -5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike 8 2
NAC 7 3
MM 8 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 1 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC 2 17
Can 2 18
FFF 0 19
NAT -x- 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC 1 27
Kot 6 28
Ser 1 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Parker, Faust 101 SWR-1 Ike-4* NAC-1 MM-4* Spe-1 TCC-1 Kot-3*
2 Shvedenkov, Yury 77 MM-1 HC-1 Can-1
3 Mc Burnett, Ron 67 Ike-3 NWF-1 NW -1
4 Malkhasyan, Taron 48 Ike-2 MM-2* Kot-1
5 Roberts, Mike 42 Ike-5* NAC-3* MM-3 Kot-4* Ser-1
6 Perchinsky, Rost 40 HC-2 Can-2
7 Mathis, Dick 38 Ike-1 NAC-4 MM-5* Kot-5*
8 Loriecki, John E 25 I-C-1
9 Menanno, Guy 21 NAC-2
9 Carroll, Ed 21 Kot-2
11 Chesson, Don 6 NAC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 1 1
Ike 1 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 4 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C -x- 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 1 20
NWF -x- 21
NW -x- 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 1 28
Ser -x- 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Hayden Ashworth (jr) 50 Ike-1 MM-1
1 Fedor, Mike 50 SWR-1 NAT-1
3 Secor. Randy 45 MM-2 Kot-1
4 Schneider, Glen 15 MM-3
5 Rounsaville, Dave 10 MM-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 1
Ike 11 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 1 4
SCA 7 5
SAN 1 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 4 14
COL 3 13
I-C 3 15
SKA 2 16
HC 2 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 13 20
NWF 1 21
NW 2 22
Bro 1 23
Rck -x- 24
USF 3 25
Har 5 26
TCC 2 27
Kot -x- 28
Ser -x- 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 O'Dell, Tiffaney 100 SWR-4* MM-1 SCA-3* CEN-1 COL-1* NWF-1 NW -1
2 Richardson, Mike 95 SWR-3* Ike-3* SCA-1 CEN-3* COL-2 NAT-2 Bro-1 USF-3*
3 Clapp, John 79 HC-1 NAT-1 Har-1
4 Jones, Geralyn 54 SWR-2 Ike-5 I-C-1
4 DeLoach, Don 54 CEN-2 COL-3 NAT-3
6 VanNest, Kurt 50 SAN-1 USF-1
7 Jones, Ryan 49 Ike-2 SCA-4 I-C-3
8 Brocks, Peter 44 SWR-5 Ike-1 CEN-4
9 Rousseau, Don 35 SKA-1 Har-4
10 Mathews, Tony 33 Ike-4 HC-2
11 Markos, Chuck 29 I-C-2 NAT-5
12 Ioerger, Tom 26 SWR-1
13 Pelatowski, Larry 25 SKA-2 Har-5
13 Reinhart, Pete 25 TCC-1
15 Jones, Charlie 21 SCA-2
16 Allen, Carrol 20 Har-2
16 Ewing. Rick 20 NW -2
16 Fedor, Mike 20 TCC-2
16 Pykelny, Mike 20 USF-2
20 Acton, Dave 15 Har-3
21 Simon, Greg 14 NAT-4
22 Tymchek, Bob 6 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 3 1
Ike 7 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 2 4
SCA 4 5
SAN 2 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 1 14
COL 1 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 5 20
NWF 1 21
NW 0 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 1 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 1 28
Ser 1 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Jensen, Blake 101 SWR-1 Ike-1 MM-1* SCA-4* CEN-1* COL-1 NWF-1 Kot-1* Ser-1*
2 McKeever, Mike 80 SWR-2 Ike-4* SCA-3 SAN-1 NAT-2
3 Parker, Jim 60 SWR-3 Ike-3* MM-2 SCA-2* SAN-2* USF-1
4 Sifleet, Bob 46 Ike-2 I-C-1
5 VanNest, Brian 25 SCA-1
5 Bauer, Ken 25 NAT-1
5 Powell, Chuck 25 Rck-1
8 Lane, Robert 20 NW -1
9 Fedor, Mike 15 NAT-3
10 Hack, James 10 NAT-4
11 Farmer, Jim 6 Ike-5
12 Reuter. Wes 5 NAT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 3 1
Ike 4 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 2 4
SCA 1 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe 2 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN -x- 14
COL -x- 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 2 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC 1 27
Kot -x- 28
Ser 2 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Parker, Faust 100 SWR-1 Ike-3* MM-1* Spe-1 TCC-1 Ser-1
2 Lorbiecki, John E 71 I-C-1 NAT-1 Ser-2
3 Roberts, Mike 70 Ike-2 NWF-1 NW -1
4 Scheinder, Glenn 61 SWR-3 SCA-1 NAT-2
5 Fedor, Mike 51 SWR-2 Spe-2 NAT-4
6 Ashworth, Hayden (jr) 25 Ike-1
6 Hanford, Bob 25 Rck-1
8 Salburg, Peter 20 MM-2
8 Jim Parker 20 Rck-2
10 Mennano, Guy 16 NAT-3
11 Carroll, Ed 10 Ike-4
12 Morris, Gil 6 NAT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 4 1
Ike 5 2
NAC 4 3
MM 4 4
SCA 1 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA 1 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu 1 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 3 14
COL 2 13
I-C 1 15
SKA -x- 16
HC 1 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 6 20
NWF 1 21
NW 1 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck 1 24
USF 1 25
Har 2 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 4 28
Ser 3 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Sifleet, Bob 101 Ike-2* NAC-3* MM-1 Hcu-1* CEN-1 I-C-1 NAT-1 Kot-1* Ser-1*
2 Murphy, Jack 100 SWR-3* Ike-1 NAC-1 MM-3* CEN-3* COL-1 NAT-3* NWF-1 NW -1* Rck-1* Kot-2* Ser-2*
3 Ioerger, Tom 90 SWR-1 Ike-4* NAC-2 MM-2* SCA-1 CEN-2* COL-2 NAT-4* Kot-4* Ser-3*
4 Ivers, Dick J 81 SWR-2 Ike-3 NAT-2 Har-1
5 Tarcher, Ben 65 NCA-1 USF-1 Kot-3
6 Schlosberg, Aram 61 MM-4 HC-1 NAT-5 Har-2
7 Parker, Julie 25 SWR-4 Ike-5 NAC-4
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR -x- 1
Ike 8 2
Cal 6 3
MM -x- 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN -x- 6
NCA -x- 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 5 14
COL -x- 13
I-C -x- 15
SKA -x- 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT -x- 20
NWF -x- 21
NW -x- 22
Bro -x- 23
Rck -x- 24
USF -x- 25
Har -x- 26
TCC -x- 27
Kot 4 28
Ser 4 29
SWC -x- 30
Sim -x- 31
Pat -x- 32
AZC -x- 33
1 Brocks, Peter 92 Ike-1 Cal-5* CEN-3 Kot-1 Ser-1
2 Sifleet, Bob 71 Cal-1 CEN-1 Kot-2 Ser-3*
3 Richardson, Mike 53 Ike-2 Cal-2 CEN-4 Kot-4* Ser-2*
4 Ioerger, Tom 30 CEN-5 Kot-3 Ser-4
5 Jones, Geralyn 28 Ike-3 Cal-4
6 Pangell, Rick 20 CEN-2
7 Terzian, Fred 16 Cal-3
8 Furutani, Brian 12 Ike-4
9 Parsons, David 7 Ike-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 1
Ike 9 2
NAC -x- 3
MM 3 4
SCA -x- 5
SAN 4 6
NCA 3 7
Srn -x- 8
Spe -x- 10
Hcu -x- 11
HIC -x- 12
CEN 5 14
COL 5 13
I-C 1 15
SKA 3 16
HC -x- 17
Can -x- 18
FFF 0 19
NAT 19 20
NWF 2 21
NW 2 22
Bro 2 23
Rck 4 24
USF 0 25
Har 2 26
TCC 1 27
Kot 2 28
Ser 3 29
SWC 0 30
Sim 0 31
Pat 0 32
AZC 0 33
1 Murphy, Jack 85 SWR-4* MM-2 CEN-2* COL-2 NWF-2 NW -2* Rck-1 Kot-2* Ser-3*
2 McGuckin, Derek 75 Ike-5* MM-1 NWF-1 NW -1 Kot-1* Ser-1*
2 Ivers, Dick J 75 SWR-3 Ike-2 SKA-3 Har-2
4 Parker, Julie 70 SWR-5 Ike-3 MM-3* TCC-1 Ser-2
5 Buddenbohm, Stan 57 SWR-1 NAT-1
6 Hooke, Drake 50 SKA-1 Har-1
7 Sifleet, Bob 45 I-C-1 Bro-2
7 Mecham, Allan 45 CEN-1 COL-4* Rck-2
9 Terzian,Fred 40 SAN-2 NCA-2
9 DeLoach, Don 40 CEN-3 COL-1 Rck-4*
9 Avia, Yuda 40 SKA-2 NAT-3
12 Brooks, Clint 38 Ike-4 SAN-1
13 Murphy, Jerry 35 CEN-4 COL-3 NAT-5
14 Tarcher, Ben 30 SAN-3 NCA-3
15 Ray, Ralph 28 Ike-1
16 Vanderbeek, Bill 25 NCA-1
16 Abernathy, Mike 25 Bro-1
16 Etherington, Chuck 25 NAT-2
19 Hines, Lee 22 SWR-2
20 Berry, Dan 15 NAT-4
20 Powell, Chuck 15 Rck-3
22 Crowe, Bernie 10 SAN-4
23 King, Troy 5 CEN-5
23 Pangell, Rick 5 COL-5