SEN 2461- ++Pieter de Boer++ USA E flyoff does not need fixing but others do
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+Pieter de Boer+ USA E flyoff does not need fixing but others do
- Pieter de Boer
- USA F1E Team for next year
- Step and do something
- DT flyoffs one more time
Pieter de Boer
Dutch sportsmen report the death of popular and well known Dutch F1C Sportsman,
Pieter de Boer.
Contact Address for de Boer family
Brefelds Goren 56
48599 Gronau-Epe
USA F1E Team for next year
Peter Brocks, Bob Sifleet and Tom Ioerger.
Step and do something
Dear Free Flyers,
About DT fly-off, I already said what I think about it: it has nothing to see with the sporting code and if used to give trophies to potential winners, they must not be used at all for awarding World cup points!
Who is going to make an official protest to the World Cup Board to put an end to that?
About Martin Dilly's ideas, of course they are all good.
One more idea would be to add ballasts to the models: the organiser would give a 30 or 40g ballast to every fly-off participants. These ballasts should have a conventional shape and should be firmly attached under the fuselage at the CG position. This is very easy to do as it is already done on F1E models in case of wind over 5 m/s.
I don't think an F1B model would climb as high as it usually does, with a 30 or 40g ballast! Martin's solution is probably much better, as when used in F1D, it gives abouth half the usual flying time.
In F1A, even if the glider is catapulted as high as with its normal 410 g, adding a ballast would increase the flying speed, (as in full size soaring), but sure the flying time should be shorter.
F1C flyers have probably some ideas to reduce their performance for Fly-Off...
Some tests need to be done, quickly, before stupid solutions as DT Fly-Off become "official"!!
Some official proposals, from National bodies, or from the CIAM FF S/C need to be sent to FAI before the 15th of November of this year to be discussed and voted at the 2019 CIAM Plenary meeting to be applied on 1st of january 2020 and 2021 World Champs.
DT flyoffs one more time
Aram Schlosberg
Allard points to a number of DT flyoffs weaknesses.
First, I was a bit surprised that the DT flyoff’s max was set at 3- minutes. In windy conditions models can be far away and timing is no longer accurate. 1 or 2-minute maxes make more sense.
Second, we are all using electronic timers that DT the model accurately. For those who attempt to sneak in a few more seconds the penalty could be ten times the excess time, rounding down to a full second. So if the max is 2:00 and the model DTs at 2:035 then 30 seconds are deducted. But if it DTs at 2:009 (an excess of 0.9 second) there is no penalty.
Third, I’m aware that some flyers reduce their stab’s DT angle to gain DT time. We could prescribe a minimal DT angle for each event, checked for models that are readied for a DT flyoff. It could be say 40 degrees which is easy to verify using a simple triangle just before the flight. The minimum DT angle could differ across events.
DT flyoffs should be limited to the last contest day when participants have to return home. By definition, they are held in thermal and sometimes windy conditions and evidently are here to stay.
CIAM could prescribe general guidelines that would address these weaknesses as just noted.