SEN 2452 - All quiet as people travel to fly
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1426
Table of Contents – SEN 2452
All quiet as people travel to fly
- About Fly offs or bust
- C, Q and traveling-by-air
- Flying
About Fly offs or bust
From: Rick Pangell
Fly offs or bust
Jeff Ellington's reply was insightful... "we both decided to quick DT our airplanes, no one was upset and the contest was decided."
This appears to a contestant choice on how to fly, not the CD's. So, if all of the flyers agreed to DT at a certain time and last one down wins, is that a violation of the rules? It might be a wise option based upon conditions, but all flyers would have to agree. The CD then is off the hook not to dictate a DT flyoff with a potential rules violation. The flying rules are pretty straightforward... engine run and max.
When a flyer chooses to DT is a choice, not a rule, the rules say 3 minutes. I have RDT'd early and still made the max, the air was stupendous and the model was still a minute high after DT.
Rick Pangell - NFFS Central VP
Editor of "The Max-Out" Newsletter of
The Magnificent Mountain Men FF Club of Colorado
C, Q and traveling-by-air
From: Aram Schlosberg
Flying Q requires recharging the model’s batteries. When cars are parked near the flying line, one naturally uses the car’s battery as a DC power source. Otherwise, a portable charging battery is required.
But those who travel by air to a World Cup contest face strict limitations on suitable field charging batteries carried on the flight. And transporting fuel for C or P models is prohibited.
World Championships organizers are mandated to supply standard C fuel.
However, almost all international free flight contests are now World Cups. So their organizers should facilitate Q and C & P fliers who communicate that they are planning to participate and it’s evident that they are traveling by air. (Trans Atlantic or trans Mediterranium for example.)
In practice, a few fully charged 12 volt batteries and a suitable amount of standard fuel should be provided for flyers in the travel-by-air category at World Cups.
It looks like everyone is fly not writing ... a good sign. I did hear rumors that some people are working wording and other plans to clarify or rectify the situation around the rules and interpretation thereof.