SSEN 2436 - Dealing with Mother Nature, Also known as the weather
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Dealing with Mother Nature, Also known as the weather
Hatcheck International Challenge and FAC Update
From:Andrew Barron
Free Flight Friends,
I consulted with Skyscraper club president Dave Acton (for decisions for
the Hatcheck International Challenge, with CD Alan Abriss) and with Vic
Nippert (who is the FAC meet Contest Director), concerning caution on field
use in possible wet conditions, especially Saturday. The following
decisions were reached.
AMA and FAI event decisions will be based on actual conditions on site on
the respective days Saturday and Sunday, per AMA procedures. It is to be
noted that the weather forecasts are evolving, and may end up being
acceptable both days. F1B, F1C and F1S fliers should be aware that there is
the possibility that the Saturday events will be moved to Sunday, with the
same Sunday schedule as for the other events. That decision will be made on
field, again based on actual conditions. Currently, completion of the AMA
and FAI contest this weekend appears likely. An updated contest flyer is
The FAC meet is postponed to June 2 and 3. This gives a chance of two days
of FAC flying on June 2 and 3.
Comment: Apparently, AMA and FAC procedures for handling weather
conditions are different, and each has its advantages.
Andrew Barron
Field Marshal
Hatcheck International Challenge
May 19-20, 2018
America’s cup,
National cup
F1B, F1C, F1S
10 AM start, 5 rounds.
B and C first and fifth round with a 4 minute max+
7 PM flyoffs.
(Depending on weather and field conditions to be determined on-site Saturday by Dave Acton, there is a possibility that F1B,F1C,F1S will be moved to Sunday).
F1A,F1G, F1H, F1J, F1Q
8 AM start, 5 rounds. For A, first and fifth round with a 4 minute max+
Flyoffs based on conditions, possibly with a 1 minute DT++
P-30, HLG, Catapult glider, E-36, Electric B, Mulvihill, Dawn Unlimited (Sunday 6:45 AM) Classic towline, 1/2 A–AB Gas combined, Pee Wee
30, 1/4A Nostalgia- 020 Replica Combined.
These events can be flown on either day, but must be completed on the same day.
$ 25 Entry fee covers all events. Awards to 3rd
+ Weather permitting
++ DT’s time exceeding 1 minute is deducted from the flight.
Directions to the field are on
Alan Abriss CD.
Dave Acton
contact person
(cell) 914 393 7491
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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