SEN 2425 - Russia Reports, Oz Results Lost at Lost Hills - 24 April
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Russia Reports, Oz Results Lost at Lost Hills
- Russia Report
- OZ Results
- Tui Cup
- AFFS Champs
- Found at Lost Hills
Russia Report
My personal opinion about 2018 Elbrus Cup and Naloev Cup
From: Ismet Yurtseven
Free Flight World Cup Contests on the Kabardino-Balkaria Land
Starting from April-9 2018 to April-17 2018, there were two FAI Free Flight World Cup Contest on the Nartkala field near the Nalchik city which is the capital of the Kabardino-Balkaria region. First contest was Elbrus Cup; second contest was Naloev Cup.
There is only one word to define the whole free flight week in Nalchik: Excellent
I want to tell my last words in advance: Many thanks to Naloev family, many thanks to all participants.
Mainly, Naloev family was organizing both of the contests. However, all participants were helping to organization. You could see the world champions while keeping time for the contestants.
The schedule was as follows:
April-9 2018: Opening, registration, training
April-10 2018: Elbrus Cup - F1A day
April-11 2018: Elbrus Cup - F1B day
April-12 2018: Elbrus Cup - F1P and F1C day
April-14 2018: Naloev Cup - F1A day
April-15 0218: Naloev Cup - F1B day
April-16 2018 Naloev Cup - F1P and F1C day
Winners of the F1A and F1B categories:
Elbrus Cup, F1A winner: Anton Gorsky
Elbrus Cup, F1B winner: Albert Bulatov
Naloev Cup, F1A winner: Mikhail Kochkarev
Naloev Cup, F1B winner: Andrey Burdov
How to reach Nalchik:
There are many international airports around Nalchik (Stavropol, Mineralnye-Vody, Nalchik, Grozny, others). I went to Mineralnye-Vody and rented a car. Reaching to Nalchik is not easy, but not very difficult.
In Nalchik and around Nalchik there are very good hotel opportunities. Mainly, competitors were staying in Nalchik; Hotel Russia and Hotel Alpinist. I stayed in Hotel Grand Kavkaz. Hotel Grand Kavkaz is a very nice place. The field is almost 40 minutes from Nalchik by car. There are other good hotels near to the field. It is also possible to stay in thermal hotels which are almost 30 minutes far from the field.
Very good. Meat is fresh and excellent. Vegetables are fresh. Very good breakfast at the hotel.
Shuttles to the field:
Organizer was providing transportation support from Hotel Russia to the field for contest and training days. Two busses were carrying the people between the hotel and field.
Excellent. The field is near Nartkala. It is on the foothills of the mountains. The open area of the field is at least 4 km X 4km. Although there are some small obstacles, the field is very good. Ground was green grass.
Varying but generally very good. In early morning, evening and night, the weather is generally cold (about 4-5 Celsius degrees). During the day it is varying from day to day. In Elbrus Cup - F1A day, in the morning there was fog in the morning. First round was opened at 11:00 am. Other days, there was no fog. First rounds were opened at 9:15 am. Naloev Cup - F1A day, the weather was totally cloudy and cold (about 8 - 10 degrees). In Elbrus Cup - F1B day, the temperature reached to 30 degrees. In both F1C days, weather was excellent. In summary, wind was generally low, weather was generally clear and sunny. During the day, temperature was between 8 and 25 degrees. Weather conditions were excellent for training and competitions. Organizer said the weather is generally good.
Amazing, excellent. The quality standards were very high. There was a very high level of discipline. The jury was actively involved in the decisions. Everything was on time. Organizer was trying to open the first round at 9:15 am. Rounds were 55 minutes and there was a 5 minutes' break. Competitions were five rounds. First and fifth rounds were four minutes while the others were three minutes. Announcements were timely and very informative. First fly off rounds were around 5:00 pm. Second fly off rounds were around 6:00 pm. Sun set was about 7:00 pm. There was an ambulance waiting all the day in the field. There was a buffet for eating and drinking. The meat and the soup was very delicious. For each contest, organizer gave a present to each participant (a very nice sticker and t-shirt).
Time keeping:
Excellent. Experienced competitors or trainers were helping for time keeping. F1A competitors were helping on F1B and F1C days. Similarly, F1B competitors were helping on F1A and F1C days. Time keepers were always waiting in the starting poles. There were three competitors at each pole. Time keeping was very correct.
There were many young and experienced competitors. There were about 70 F1A competitors, 60 F1B competitors. In F1P and F1C days, there were about 50 competitors. Almost all the competitors were very strong. I can easily say that about 80% of the flies were very good. It is possible to select a national team from at least half of the contestants. Russian team selection should be very difficult. There is a special attention to the young competitors and to the trainers of them. Young F1A flier Mikhail Lomov was the third in Elbrus Cup and Naloev Cup. This was a very big success. Elbrus and Naloev Cups are the contests with highest number of local competitors. As I see, the only foreigners were myself, Mr. Ron Felix from USA and Mr. Artem Babenko from Ukraine.
Touristic visits:
Kabardino-Balkaria region is a very beautiful part of Russia and there are many different places to visit. Nalchik is a very nice city with parks, buildings, restaurants, museums, monuments. It is possible to go to Aushiger for thermal swimming. You can follow this road to reach to Babugent for excellent panorama and meat restaurants. If you wish, you can go to Elbrus mountains and see the snow. If you like, you can ski. The nature is wonderful at this region.
I am very happy for participating those two world cups, for meeting with Russian friends, for meeting with my old friend Ron Felix, for visiting this region. It was totally perfect experience. Once again thanks to all people participating in these contests. I missed the opening ceremony. Mr. Ron Felix said, the opening ceremony should not be missed. I have following conclusions:
1-) There is the spirit and future of free flight in Russia.
2-) The time keeping methodology can be applied to World and European Championships. For example, an experienced F1B fliers can keep time on F1A day and can be paid for this (For example entry fee can be reduced by 25%). Today, the teams may declare time keepers but it is not working efficiently.
3-) Nalchik is a perfect location for a World and/or European Championships. Very good hotels, restaurants, places for perfect opening and closing ceremonies, very good field, very good organization, touristic attractions. In short, everything is there for an unforgettable championship.
Oz Results
Results from 3 of the 4 World Cup Events held in Australia
Tui Cup 2018 - Narrandera
A New Zealand World Cup event
Flyoffs 0700 the next day
F1A 1 2 3 4 5 Flyof Total
1 Mitchell, Phil AUS 240 180 180 155 180 935
2 Sanjaa, Tumur MGL 161 180 180 179 180 880
3 Campbell, Malcolm AUS 172 121 180 141 180 794
4 Van Nest, Brian USA 240 180 180 135 0 735
5 Fathers, Albert AUS 0 180 100 134 180 594
F1B 1 2 3 4 5 Flyof Total
1 Hemsworth, Craig AUS 240 180 180 180 180 310 1270
2 Sheng Xin Pu CHN 240 180 180 180 180 308 1268
3 Blackam, Richard AUS 234 180 169 166 180 929
3 Ackery, David NZ 240 180 149 180 180 929
5 Morgan, Vin AUS 240 180 180 141 180 921
6 Goodwin, Gary AUS 240 130 180 180 180 910
7 Hao, Bruce AUS 240 180 122 180 180 902
8 Rossiter, Paul AUS 240 180 180 69 27 696
9 Maynard, Graham AUS 240 180 15 143 86 664
10 Jones, Charlie USA 234 180 0 0 180 594
11 Liu, Jia Hing CHN 240 64 0 0 0 304
F1C 1 2 3 4 5 Flyof Total
1 Gao, Yuan CHN 240 180 180 180 180 405 1365
2 Summersby, Roy AUS 240 180 180 180 180 360 1320
3 Pope, Gary AUS 240 180 180 180 180 352 1312
4 Ji, Wei CHN 240 180 180 180 180 341 1301
5 MC Donald, Shayne AUS 240 180 180 180 180 310 1270
6 Mijiddorj, Gongor MGL 230 180 180 180 180 950
7 Tolmie, Shannon AUS 177 180 117 122 111 707
8 Pollock, Neil AUS 132 0 0 0 0 132
All results unofficial, apologies for any errors.
Australian World Cup
Brian VAN NEST USA23122 240 180 180 180 180 960 389 1
Phil MITCHELL AUS12594 240 180 180 180 180 960 346 2
Tumur SANJAA 111695 240 180 164 180 133 897 3
Malcolm CAMPBELL AUS52060 176 180 180 180 180 896 4
Albert FATHERS AUS65586 114 155 156 180 158 763 5
Rob WALLACE NZL2550 234 0 0 0 0 234 6
Gongor MIJIDDORJ 111688 240 180 180 180 180 960 411 1
Charlie JONES USA45287 240 180 180 180 180 960 371 2
Xinpu SHENG 105481 240 180 180 180 180 960 360 3
Craig HEMSWORTH AUS8828 240 180 180 180 180 960 349 4
Bruce HAO AUS77201 240 180 180 180 180 960 307 5
Gary GOODWIN AUS12808 240 180 180 180 180 960 289 6
JiaHong LIU 111706 240 180 180 180 180 960 250 7
Richard BLACKAM AUS8740 240 180 180 177 180 957 8
David ACKERY NZL76 235 180 180 180 180 955 9
Paul ROSSITER AUS2057 240 180 180 128 180 908 10
Vin MORGAN AUS19046 240 180 180 125 180 905 11
Roy SUMMERSBY AUS2153 240 180 180 180 180 960 456 1
Yuan GAO 90603 240 180 180 180 180 960 378 2
Wei JI 90610 240 180 180 180 180 960 246 3
Gary POPE AUS38115 240 180 171 180 143 914 4
Shane McDONALD AUS82086 240 180 180 180 117 897 5
Shannon TOLMIE AUS56015 240 180 180 102 131 833 6
Neil POLLOCK AUS22264 240 180 96 107 136 759 7
Gongor MIJIDDORJ 111688 240 109 349 8
Australian World Cup and Local events
20 APRIL 2018
Tumur SANJAA 111695 240 180 180 168 180 948 1
Malcolm CAMPBELL AUS52060 240 180 180 90 180 870 2
Rob WALLACE NZL2550 175 180 180 107 180 822 3
Phil MITCHELL AUS12594 230 180 180 98 122 810 4
Albert FATHERS AUS65586 181 22 180 145 0 528 5
Gongor MIJIDDORJ 111688 240 180 180 180 180 960 358 1
Charlie JONES USA45287 240 180 180 180 180 960 347 2
Richard BLACKAM AUS8740 240 180 180 180 180 960 207 3
Yun Sheng WU 90599 240 180 180 180 180 960 16 4
Craig HEMSWORTH AUS8828 240 180 180 180 180 960 DNF 5
Graham MAYNARD AUS9879 240 180 180 172 180 952 6
Vin MORGAN AUS19046 240 151 180 180 180 931 7
Rob WALLACE 2550 204 180 180 159 180 903 8
Xinpu SHENG 105481 240 180 155 180 124 879 9
Bruce HAO AUS77201 210 180 165 144 180 879 10
David ACKERY NZL76 204 180 180 132 180 876 11
Paul ROSSITER AUS2057 240 180 180 76 180 856 12
Gary GOODWIN AUS12808 26 180 180 180 176 742 13
J H LIU 111706 155 5 180 146 111 597 14
Roy SUMMERSBY AUS2153 240 180 180 180 180 960 445 1
Yuan GAO 90603 240 180 180 180 180 960 364 2
Gongor MIJIDDORJ 111688 240 180 180 180 180 960 325 3
Shannon TOLMIE AUS56015 240 180 180 173 180 953 4
Shane McDONALD AUS82086 240 180 180 180 162 942 5
Wei JI 90610 240 180 180 142 180 922 6
Neil POLLOCK AUS22264 240 122 180 180 127 849 7
Gary POPE AUS38115 13 180 38 149 0 380 8
17 APRIL 2018
Chris BIRCH Vintage Pow 100 100 100 100 146% 1
Malcolm CAMPBELL F1H 100 100 100 100 73% 2
Phil MITCHELL F1H 100 75 100 91.6 3
Kathy BURFORD F1H 3 100 54 52 4
21 APRIL 2018
Phil MITCHELL 120 120 120 120 120 600 360 1
Dave ACKERY 120 120 120 120 120 600 190 2
Brian VAN NEST 118 120 72 120 120 550 3
Rob WALLACE 97 103 82 120 48 450 4
Malcolm CAMPBELL 120 120 120 40 24 424 5
Kathy BURFORD 62 120 120 120 0 422 6
21 APRIL 2018
Xiangxue JI 120 114 120 120 120 594 147 1
Gary GOODWIN 120 88 120 120 120 568 360 2
J H LIU 120 120 120 120 480 0 3
21 APRIL 2018
Chris BIRCH 120 120 120 120 120 600 263 1
Shannon TOLMIE 120 120 105 120 60 525 147 2
21 APRIL 2018
HLG/DLG/CLG 09/05/2017 Best 3 Total
Mal CAMPBELL 38 34 60 132 1
Kathy BURFORD 60 23 47 130 2
Phil MITCHELL 30 36 31 97 3
Dave ACKERY 26 14 20 60 4
Chris BIRCH 5 5 4 14 5
Chris BIRCH Event Postphoned
Phil MITCHELL Event Postphoned
21 APRIL 2018
Mal CAMPBELL Nebula 1954 180 118 180 478 321 1
Phil MITCHELL Nebula 1954 143 178 149 470 143 2
Chris BIRCH Eliminator 47 180 106 333 47 3
Kathy BURFORD Nebula 1954 68 0 0 68 68 4
Found at Lost Hills
Small multitool, similar to Leatherman in a pouch. With name of well known outdoor store
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