SEN 2421- Ray Monks, the Nats and F1E
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1929
Table of Contents SEN 2421
Ray Monks, the Nats and F1E
- Ray Monks
- NATS Volunteers
- One small detail ……
Ray Monks
From:Stuart Darmon
Sadly I must inform those who have not yet heard that Ray Monks, one of Britain's greatest ever aeromodellers, died on March 25 after a brief illness at the age of 90. Ray made many friends around the world during his international career which spanned more than half a century and during which he represented Great Britain in world championships for F1A, B, C and D, the only individual ever to do so. In the U.S., his Veterano F1C was recognised by the NFFS as one of their 'models of the year'. Ray retained his great intellect and astonishing memory until the end, and although he retired from flying in the early 2000's continued to make composite components for others and to socialise with his clubmates, living independantly and enjoying his lifelong interest in good food and drink until a few weeks before his passing. A proper obituary will appear in the next edition of Free Flight
NATS Volunteers
From:Faust Parker
If you are planning to attend this year's NATS in July, please check your
schedule and see if you will be available to volunteer for one of the many
positions required to make the NATS successful. We need FAI event
directors, FAI Jury members, Hand Launch/Cat Glider directors to run the
four penned events, scorers, aircraft processors and people to fill in
wherever needed. Our plan is to have two directors for the FAI events and
the Glider pen, so there is relief for each person. Don't hesitate to offer
a half day of volunteering, as this works for many people and two halves
will cover the whole day. We also need volunteers to be in the timer pool
for the short engine run flyoff flights that require two engine run timers
and only one for the flight time.
If you are able to help, please send me an e-mail with the day(s), and
period (AM, PM, etc.) and the particular volunteer task. Also give me your
shirt size, as all volunteers will be provided nice shirts with your name
and position and a NATS Cap. Julie will be in charge of central scoring and
I will be the NATS Contest Director.
Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Faust and Julie Parker
Editor’s comment. At this year’s Nats the F1A,B,C and Q are also World Cup Events. Good opportunity to visit the AMA HQ and flying site in Muncie.
One small detail ……
One of the writers for the AMA’s Model Aviation magazine was browsing the RC Groups web site (yes they have sections on Free Flight and Control Line too) and found photos of the Kiwi World Cup F1E event at Ike part of Fab Feb. The writer was not familiar with F1E and contacted Norm Furutani who had posted the photos. Norm explained about F1E and suggested that she look Brian Furutani’s Fab Feb F1E photos on Flickr. She picked out 3 photos, one showing the details of the F1E magnet steering mechanism, one of Geralyn Jones launching her F1E model and one showing a F1E model in the air. Brian called Geralyn to get her permission to use that photos. He got Charlie Jones instead and he knew that Geralyn would be OK and decided that it would be a nice surprise for her. So they went ahead with the article and photos, it appeared in the current Model Aviation. So you can imagine the disappointment for all concerned from the writer to Charlie when the magazine appeared and during production it appears that the caption got messed up and somehow Geralyn’s name got lost and Norm’s appeared. So just to confirm it, it is Geralyn Jones launching her F1E model in the Model Aviation article.