SEN 2419 - Certified Social Media flys with the MMM
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Certified Social Media flys with the MMM
- MMM 14R Free Flight Contest, June 22-24 in Denver
Do your homework before you speak. With the best of intentions some folk propose a rule change for FF – on social internet media. What seems to happen then is a lot of people get excited, either for or against, and a lot of rules talk ensues. This spreads around the globe. People that do not fly the events in question, but have some power, then think that something needs to be done. A new rule is passed, perhaps not properly considered, and FF participation, and/or enjoyment, is diminished.
I suggest we do the following instead: If you think a new rule needs to be – DON'T speak on social media. Instead talk it over with 2 free flighters that you respect. If all three of you are in agreement go ahead and put your well considered opinion on social media.
Stan Buddenbohm
( Stan’s posting was “certified”)
MMM 14R Free Flight Contest, June 22-24 in Denver
From: Pete McQuade
Fellow FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM Fliers,
Come join us for the MMM’s 39th Annual 14-Rounder, Fri-Sat, June 22-24, 2018 in Denver, CO. It’s a great time of the year to get away from the summer heat and enjoy flying on a 27,000-acre field with a fabulous view of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Warm days, cool nights, and friendly competition. We’ll have a large slate of FAI, AMA, NFFS, and SAM events. It’s a 3-day Free Flight festival! For more details and to register, please see the announcement attached to this e-mail. For those who’ve flown with us before, please note that this year’s contest is about two weeks earlier than in the past.
For F1A, B, C fliers, it’s a great warm-up for the Team Selection Finals this October. (Our format is similar to the Finals—two separate 7-round America’s Cup contests, one on Saturday and one on Sunday, plus perpetual trophies for the overall 14-round winners.) F1P, and Q will also be flown in the same format. For F1G, H, J, S, we’ll have 4 rounds each day, plus overall winners. And if you have some older FAI models you don’t fly anymore, bring them out for our Legacy FAI events!
The F1E Team Selection Finals (also a World Cup contest) will be Friday, June 22 on our majestic Indian Point hill.
We hope to see you in June. Free Flight Forever!
Pete McQuade and Jerry Murphy
CDs, MMM 14-Rounder Contest
John McGrath
CD, F1E Team Selection Finals & World Cup Contest
The MMM web site is at