SEN 2414- riding an electric bike after a moose and a bear away from rule changers while readin about a young man from China
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1620
Table of Contents – SEN 2414
riding an electric bike after a moose and a bear away from rule changers while readin about a young man from China
- Moose and Bear Cups
- Zizhe Yin Article
- Great Story
- Zizhe story
- F1S Dept
- Doubly Blessed
- Rule changers
- Ross it’s - Humour not Humor from this guy
- Ivelo_m1 @ Hobby Club
You can follow Moose Cup And Bear Cup results here
Zizhe Yin Article
From:John Lorbiecki
Zizhe Yin is what Free Flight is all about. I enjoyed his commentary and you could tell that he was thrilled with his efforts. To only fly a couple of F1C flights before three of the biggest competitions in the world is outstanding. I particularly liked when he explained his "mishaps". We have all done it and he just took it in stride, like a seasoned veteran.
Congrats to him and I know we will be seeing his name in the future. Great job and keep flying!
BTW, your English is much better than my Chinese!
John Lorbiecki
National Free Flight Society president
Great Story
From:George Voss
All I can say is WOW! What a great story by Zizhe. It’s the emotions he felt for the events that was his overriding desire to write this wonderful diatribe. His story was easily understandable and described very well the things that can happen during a contest. We look forward to hearing more from you!
If you are not currently a member, you might consider joining NFFS to keep up with current trends in the FF world. You will receive the NFFS Digest six times a year which covers all aspects of flying FF, from sport to the highest levels of competition.
Zizhe story
From:Michael Achterberg
Great story. No instant success, but sounds like Freeflight hooked another.. Very nice young man. Be interesting to follow him in the future. Good luck and happy to see another power flyer. Have fun.
F1S Dept
Doubly Blessed
From: Daniel Berry
Indeed, as Ralph mentioned, God bless Stuart Darmon. Dan Berry
Rule changers
From: Michael Achterberg
Hope the rule change people temper there ideas and get feedback from the people who actually fly the event, and not onlookers. A few years ago a bunch of us ol' power flyers watch in ah an F1q flyer putting flight after flight during the Fab Feb week. We all thought wow, there the future replacement of F1c. His model a smaller version of power model that flew like F1c models. Got high but not outrageous. A group of us thought we will do this. But after talking at length with Dave Lacey, he said better wait. The changes are a coming! And boy did they. With that happening that style of model become obsolete before it even got started.It's too bad cause that one person flying that power model design created lots of interest for a bunch of probable new flyers.
It's still a nice event, but now it's an F1b model style that is most dominate. Or I should say appears to be. All I'm suggesting is let the events grow up and create interest and use suggestions from flyers that fly the event. Or you rule changers who sit on the sidelines can change event rules and buried them like in F1c.
Just a thought.
Aka Michael
Ross it’s - Humour not Humor from this guy
From:Ross Jahnke
E-36 F1S
The true is often most vividly portrayed through humor. Kudos to Stuart
I would like to say something about Aram Schlosberg and his recent
proposals to improve F1S, F1Q, and the team selection process. Aram's
guiding principles are fairness and equity. Every proposal he makes is an
effort to eliminate the advantages of some, in order to give more
contestants a fair shot at the prize. I commend him for his sincere
concern, even though I nearly always disagree with his proposals, including
this recent post about F1S. Adam's heart is always in the right place.
My counter proposal is to simply cut the motor run to 5 seconds or 7
seconds for all rounds. The inequity that exists between models, motors,
and people is not deterring participation, but overly complex rules and
procedures will, as we have seen in F1Q. And Aram rightly acknowledged that
some are close to the point that the airframe will no longer support
increasing power from the motor. There will be a point reached soon where
the airframe, in order to take the power, will need to be too strong and
heavy to sustain an effective glide. In essence we are close to having the
field leveled by our own advances.
Ivelo_m1 @ Hobby Club
From: Hobby Club
Hello Roger Will have few of these folding electric bikes for sale
I think it will make a nice chasing helper
Hobby Club
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