SEN 2403 - SCAT Ann, Links to fab feb spread sheets
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 2541
Table of Contents – SEN 2403
- Nice Words
- Don’t mess up the minis
- Fab Feb FAI Google Docs Link
- SCAT Annual
Nice Words
From : Mike Roberts
Bill Booth, Tony Mathews and Roger Morrell got this nice note from Mike Roberts which repeats many of the comments that we organizers got at the contest. We would like to share it with SEN readers. We would also like to thank all of those others who helped us in many different capacities and contributed to the success of the Fab Feb week. I can mention that Mike was chosen by all 3 World Cups to be “the F1C guy” on the jury – so Mike thanks and enjoy the skiing and don’t freeze anything important.
Thank you again for your CD efforts on all our behalf's. You make our sport possible and enjoyable for the world free flight participants and given your compensation, I for one really appreciate your service. All my best for the rest of your flying season, where hopefully you will just have to fly and enjoy, rather than listen to the myriad of opinions.
We are off to BC tomorrow where we understand it is about -17 to -20 C. Will need to turn up the battery heaters in our boots and mittens.
Best Regards
Don’t mess up the minis
From: Aram Schlosberg
In the Kiwi Cup the first round max this year was pegged at 5 minutes. The year before the first flight was timed to the ground. As a disappointed Israeli flyer noted - the contest is over after the first flight.
An extended first flight max is a prescription to finish a contest on time. But if time is an issue, rounds can be shortened to 45 or even 30 minutes.
And FAI minis (G/H/J and S) have a nice head-to-head communal flyoff format with a 7 minute window. It works like a chime.
CD’s comment- the first round was set at 5 minutes because the wind had risen by that point and unlimited considered too risky for the small airplanes. This event was the one that ‘invented’ the tie breaker long dawn flight which we normally do, just not such a good idea this time. If you had taken part in the event you would have known that the rounds were 45 minutes and thirty can be tough for people without motorized transport. Also there was a flyoff in 3 of the 4 classes. So while the 5 min early round max made it tough the only event it was a decider was F1S, but even in that event in Free Flight it is not over until the last round.
Fab Feb FAI Google Docs Link
The results of the Fab Feb Events have been published in SEN . They are also available on line in Google Docs spread sheets at the following links. You can download these into an Excel or other spreadsheet of document format
Kiwi Cup Link
Kiwi F1E
North American Link
MaxMen Link
Cal Cup F1E Link
March 17 & 18, Reserve March 19, 2018 at Lost Hills Field, CA
FAI Events:
**Saturday, March 17: F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max times
F1ABCPQ 240 sec.
Remaining round maxes are 180 sec.
Flyoff times will be posted
**Sunday, March 18: F1G, F1H, F1J, F1S
Tie Breaker flight to the ground. F1G 7:45- 7:55; F1H 8:00-8:10; F1J &S 8:15-8:25
Standard Five [5] rounds 45 minute long starting @ 9AM, 120 sec maxes.
2 FO flights starting 45 min after end of last round. Event start times will be posted.
If tied at end of standard and two FO rounds, tie breaker flight will determine the winner
2017 Perpetual Trophy Winners: F1A- Jim Parker, F1B- Martin Schroedter, F1C Ed Carroll, F1G- Geralyn Jones, F1H- Brian Van Nest , F1J-S Stan Buddenbohm (F1S)
Other Events: Sat 8AM - 5PM and Sunday 8AM-4PM
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider, E-36, ½ A Nostalgia, Classic Towline Glider 8AM-5PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider, P30, ABC Nostalgia Gas, 8AM-4PM
Vintage FAI Power,, 5 flts, 180 sec maxes, no rounds (may enter multiple eras and days)
Nostalgia Wakefield, Sat 8AM - 5PM and Sunday 8AM - 4PM (may enter both days)
Entry Fees:
FAI events: FIA,B,C,G,H,J,P,Q ; $25 first event, $10 for second
Other events: $15 for first event, $5/each added non-FAI event
All-In Fee of $45 to fly your little hearts out!
AMA age Juniors: HLG & P-30 free, Other events $5, or All-In Fee of $10
Trophies awarded for 1-2-3 places
Perpetual trophies for F1A,B,C,G,H,J-S combined and Nos-Wake winners receive a perpetual trophy (if it shows up at the field!)
Due to low entry levels; F1J, P, Vintage FAI Power, Classic Towline and Nostalgia events 2nd and 3rd place awards will be sent post-contest.
Junior Hi-Time Glider, Rubber and Power Trophies
$100 to the top 20 Something F1ABC flyer
AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn memberships are required
FAI events run to the 2018 FAI rules except as noted herein
Protest in addition to $30 requires equipment needed for model processing
Q flyers to measure, calculate and monitor one another’s motor runs
No Moto-flapping
Contest Directors
Jim Parker
25018 Wintergreen Ct. Stevenson Ranch, CA 91318 [818]404-3834[c], This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.