SEN 3059 Fab Feb Update -Alternative for Dymond D47
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- Category: Archive 2023
- Hits: 872
SEN 3059
1 .Fab Feb Update
2. Alternative for Dymond D47
3. Another Small Servo
4. Choice and survey
Fab Feb Update
We have over 65 entries so far, with about 2/3 from outside the USA. There are in 20s in both A and B. The country with next most after the USA is Israel.
It is important to pre-entry as we make sure that your entry and paperwork, including FAI ID is correct. You do not have to pay until you arrive at Lost Hills. The main sign up or rather pay up in on Friday 10 Feb. The Kiwi Cup starts the next morning. The pre-entry process takes the entries for all the FAI Events, including World Cup, F1E and the FAI Mini events. AMA events are flown at the Ike and for those you enter on the field.
The online entry is at
For those flying in the World Cup you will be asked for you FAI ID. This is the number that you have on your aircraft and the number used to accumulate score for the World Cup. This is NOT your FAI license number. There is always confusion about this and some NACs for issue the FAI licenses confuse matters buy not always putting the FAI ID in the license they print out. When you enter online your FAI ID will be checked. This checking is done against the FAI data base.
Additional Information including all the event flyers and information on some of the vendor who will be there is at
The Lost Hills Free Flight web site is at and this has additional information about the flying site and how to get there.
Alternative for Dymond D47
From:Bernd Hönig A new servo series that would fit into the portfolio would be Cha Servos.
The Low Volt has been specially designed for 1S Lipo. Some F3K competition pilots report that it is very fast and accurate.
Bernd Hönig
Another Good Small Servo
From: Murphy, Jack Roger,
I have used these servos and have been happy with them-
Best, -j
Jack’s choice is smaller and might not be robust enough for an internal combustion engine powered aircraft. Jack is an electric flyer .
Choice and survey
From:Can Tezcan
I was also searching an alternative to Dymond D47 servo, because of all my F1B timers. I end up on a servo called Chaservo LV06, on my opinion much better than D47.
Here in this webpage there are a lot of D47 alternatives with data, comparison and YouTube videos. Maybe it helps one or other.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
H. Can Tezcan