SEN 2316 10 July 2017 # WC Comment and Concern $$ not so bad
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- Category: Free Flight Suppliers
- Hits: 2645
SEN 2316 Table of Contnets
- Comment and concern on WC 2017
- Putting our Dollars in perspective
Comment and concern on WC 2017
From: Frédéric ABERLENC
Dear friends and dear Mr Kaynes
I think that you have seen the following information from the WC organiser:
[Editor’s Note – the information that Frederic is referring below to has appeared on the World Champs web site There has been much discussion about this this on social media. There is some confusion how one gets the registration cards and how it relates to the Budapest Cup that precedes the World champs]
“Please note that because of security reasons the whole territory (not only the field of the competition, but all the related roads and surroundings) will be closed. That means that those who do not have a registration card, will not be allowed to approach the field and to enter the road that leads to the site. Registration card can be given only those wo will be registered and will be present personally at the modell processing (registration) itself. The last deadline for requiring registration cards is the time of the modell processing (personal registration). Each cards can only be taken over to the related persons personally.Everyone is oblidged to wear the registration card during the whole competition, it is especially important in case of those who collect the models. WE NEED TO CALL EVERYONE’S ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING:The location of the event is a landscape protection area (since it is a part of the National Park). The conservation of the whole territory and its surroundings is OBLIGATORY and EXPECTED from everyone. PLEASE NOTE that the breaking of such rule leads to serious consequences during the Budapest World Cup, the World Championships, trainings, etc.The above mentioned notice is extremely important in order we can avoid any kind of bad incidents.I.e.: During the Budapest World Cup in 2016, a really serious and severe incident happened: Someone has shoved a stack of straw off the tunel, as a result of which later a crane was needed for hoisting it from the water. After one year, from the day of today the owners of the field decided to debar the usage of the territory, therefore we have DELETED the „A” flying site.It means that ONLY „B” flying site is available, which is under the same regulation that „A” flying site was, as it is also a landscape protection area!It is important to emphasize that all the above mentioned rules are OBLIGATORY and KEEPABLE by everyone during the whole time of the Budapest Cup and the World Championships. Breaking of the rules leads to serious consequences and immediate disqualification. Taken into account the above mentioned facts and experiences, ALL THE CARS (one by one) and EVERYONE (individually and numerically) will be registered. It is necessary in order we could validate the punishment on the responsible ones, personally. We would like to call everyone’s attention once again, that all the ones who are attending to the event are responsible for the damages caused on the field, during the Budapest Cup, the World Championships and the trainings as well. We would like to ask everyone to be out to use the territory and its surroundings as intended and try to avoid and prevent any kind of damages. In case of any incident happens, please inform the organizers immediatly, without any delay”
Is it possible to make a WC in such conditions? Dear Mr Kaynes, I hope that you will seriously ask to the organisers to consider free flyer as responsible person. Some competitor will come with helpers, children and for sure, some will forget registration card. What will happen?
Dear organiser, if you are not able to find a field where we can compete friendly, STOP to organise such event.
Best regards
Putting our Dollars in perspective
From: Adrian Bryant
Good morning Roger.
We were discussing the increasing costs of our sport when we were passed by a four wheeler pulling a boat. It was packed with fishing gear and maybe a carton or two. It had 2 Merc’s hanging off the back.
Suddenly we realized our sport wasn’t all THAT expensive.
Most of us spend on our sport what we can afford and sometimes more.