SEN 2114
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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1184
- Fab Feb
- MM Flash
Fab Feb Factoids?
Number one - greatest weather ever at Lost Hills.
Hardest luck story was Reinhard Truppe, F1C flyer from Austria who had an excessive baggage handling problem. His Box that was packed in foam what another outside box had it’s end broken off, clearly some model parts fell out and were just stuffed back in. All of his models were severely damaged. Much more than the ‘usual ‘ dents and scratches. It must have fallen from a great height or been run over. He missed the Kiwi Cup but the help of his entourage and Artem Babenko he was able to fly in the other events, collecting one podium place.
I saw amongst the frequent flyers Igor Vivchar who was out a dawn and back after sunset every day. Igor reported that he got more test flights during the 2 weeks he was at Lost Hill than he does in the whole year. The perfect weather every day made it ideal for checking out some VP hub cam work he has been doing.
Iron man award goes Christian Andrist from Switzerland who towed his F1A up a steep 40 M hill during the MaxMen 6 minute fly off. High risk- high reward activity because he could have easily lost control of the F1A during the climb or got caught in funny wind conditions. But it paid off and be made the 6 minutes and came out on the podium in the 10 minute morning FO in front of a number of “Name” sportsmen.
Very nice touch on the last day when Janna Van Nest performed a flight line wedding ceremony on the field for long time F1B man Dick Meyers and Betty Davis. Yes, Janna is registered to perform weddings in California.
While talking of Janna she was the main organizer for the Ladies Tea party, which judging by the ‘gentle murmur’ I could hear over 100 meters away was a great success. She also coordinated with Gabby’s restaurant to make sure the food truck got the best place on the field and avoided a couple of soft spots on one of the roads. A cultural experience for some of the visitors to try Mexican food for the first time. The food truck was most appreciated and will be back next time.
Good to see that Peter Allnutt is not losing his gallantry by proving Valentine’s day roses for all the ladies.
No question who was top dog or should I say Top Dude with Roy Summersby winning F1C in all 3 events.
Those who attended the America’s Cup / MaxMen prize giving Banquet at the new Lost Hills community center saw what a nice facility it is. This is where we did the building session for the local kids. It was noticed that the adjacent sports field with the 400 meter track and grand stand would be just the right place for the opening ceremony at World Champs.
Maxmen Flash
1. Roland Koglot, SLO
2. Sergei Makarov, RUS
3. Christian Andrist , SUI
1. Walt Ghio, USA
2. Hong Lu, CHN
3. Russell Peers, GBR
1 Roy Summersby, AUS
2 Artem Babenko, UKR
1. Shmulik Sitton
2. Ian Kaynes
3. Jack Murphy
Full results will follow
Roger Morrell