SEN 2181
- Details
- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1384
- Walston Update
- Let it move? but chop off it's wing tips
- F1P for Sale
- Q it's the flexability
Walston Retriever Update
Hi Roger,
There's a lot of Walston Retriever systems out in FF land and they may
want this info.
Jim Walston, due to health reasons, is no longer providing support for
his retriever system. His wife is trying to sort current orders. The
good news is that , the original source,
is providing products and support. Ask for Mike C.
Thanks to David Mills for the info and assistance!
Norm F
Let it move? but chop off it's wing tips
From: Steve Helmick
Regarding Martin Dilly's the 1980's I suggested wingspan limits as being a practical way of limiting performance while also allowing and encouraging the use of traditional model building materials. Got zero response, but I still bring it up on SEN once in awhile, just to see if anybody has paid attention. Lots of evils can be cured with shorter wings, including the need for bunting and multiple incidence changes.
F1P for Sale
2 Ukrainian F1P’s by Sergei Vorvihvost, trimmed, and ready to fly
· black magic electronic timer’s, RDT capability
· separate tracker battery installed
· cyclone engines
· Props
· newly recovered surfaces.
· Spare stab
Also included:
· Metal model box, insulated with ½ inch foam
· Push start, portable Starter
· Charger for both models
Jr. World Champion Models, best F1P’s in the world, and potential for future world champions.
Asking $2,000
For pictures email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (323)-394-3424
Sevak Malkhasyan
Q: its flexibility, not the level
In 2016, there were two Q flyoffs in Rinkaby. In one a model did over 10 minutes. So they wised up and decided the second flyoff by DTing the models to the ground at the end of their motor runs. A perfect example of “the nail hitting the hammer on the head”.
So Q’s energy multiplier of 4Joule/gram (translated into individual motor run lengths) is too high! Performance has to be cut across the board! Europeans are clamoring for a 3J/gr for the next rule change. But Americans don’t have a flyoff problem. We had a 3 person flyoffs at the Maxmen decided in a single flyoff and Dick Ivers was the only clean Q flier at the Nats in a field of 14.
Now to a well-kept secret: Q’s motor run is completely flexible. One can reduce the energy budget or the motor run as easily as adjusting the DT time. So, in the Rinkaby case, all they had to do is cut the energy multiplier by say 25% - corresponding to a shortening of the motor run by the same percentage; problem solved.
More generally, we should retain the current 4J/gr energy multiplier, but allow the CD or jury to reduce it by 12.5% steps as needed during regular rounds or flyoffs. Max motor runs will be similarly reduced by 5 seconds each step. So, reducing the multiplier to 3.5J/gr corresponds to a 35 sec motor run. (3J/gr to 30 Sec etc.)
In fact I have submitted exactly such a proposal, currently being evaluated by the FF Team selection committee. In regular rounds the energy multiplier can be dropped to 3J/gr (25% reduction) and 2.5J/gr in flyoffs (37.5% reduction). This proposal is currently being opposed to at the FFTSC on the grounds that rule changes hinder the event. But if the flexible energy multiplier alternative is not on the table at CIAM’s next meeting in April, it’s almost certain that we, the Q fliers, will be flying to the tune of 3J/gr across the board.
Roger Morrell