SEN 2800
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- Category: Archive 2020
- Hits: 1270
SEN 2800
1. No Panic
2. Lost Juniors ?
3. USA Finals – when, where, who, how
4. Positive personal progress
5. The Issues
No Panic
From: Sergey Makarov
I absolute agree with Ismet, no panic:
"we need to give a chance for vaccination against Covid-19. We have some more time for final decision. If the organizator accepts, the final decision can be given in April 2021 by CIAM."
Lost Juniors ?
From: Bob Stalick
Lost in the discussion about the World Champs is the situation with the Juniors. They qualified to fly in the JrWCh which was to be held in Romania in 2020.The event was then relocated to France for 2021. The US Junior team is selected, but if postponed another year, many of them will "age out" unless they are granted another extension.I am not suggesting the WCh make a special arrangements or exceptions for Juniors so they can fly in 2021, but I want the discussion of the World Champs to not forget these young fliers either.
Bob Stalick
USA Finals – when, where,who, how
From:Michael Achterberg
Finals. If we end up having split Finals, which would be very strange since something like 90% of the flyers are in the western third of our country. But a bunch will travel away to the low attendance Finals sites.. It seems to me this is somewhat counter productive.. If anyone will just look at the huge clinical trial going on in America where the Doctors and nurses deal with the virus every single day. Yes, some have caught the Virus and some have passed away. Very sad. But it does show that a good mask works.. There are working in the most dangerous of conditions. And they are proving how effective masks are. Most of us are dinosaurs and will even get vaccinated most likely by March.. The airlines with temp checks before boarding and masks required have proven to be quite safe.. Just my opinion. Only have one request. Where is Alex going to attend Finals?? I will pass on that site....hehehehee.
Merry Christmas to everyone..
The Dino is scheming already, before the decision is announced ?
Positive personal progress
From:Murphy, Jack
on a positive note- my wife is a pharmacist at the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute (psyche hospital, I know what you're thinking, as Stan B wondered- "is that where you met?")..... anyway, as she doesn't work at a facility that treats Covid patients, she didn't think she would get her shot until maybe late January or later, but she's getting it tomorrow morning...
Jack Murphy GRI
NOTE for Dino – further input to put in you plotting/planning/scheme … who gets the vaccine first and where does all that fit into the finals schedule? And it does depend on which state the person lives in, their job, age, etc ..
The Issues
The Editor
There are two main issues
1. Will the Champs be held in France 2021 – When will we know ? Unofficially as hinted that date is in April 2021. If that answer is no there are a number question about the next steps such as when would the next Champs be held and the one Bob Stalick raised.
2. The second issue is a national one for each NAC, how do they select their team, if their selection program has already been upset by Covid. For the USA this is a big issue, see Dino, the Team Selection Committee is working on it. The TSC member for AMA district 10 which includes California where the Dino lives and has the most team contenders has been communicating with his fellow sportsmen getting their input.